ᐅ Case Search – Wyoming (WY)

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Participant Index
A -> Adams...(click to open)   Adams, Patricia
  Aguirre-Cordero, Pablo
  Alderson, Administrator
  Alderson, Personal
  Allen, Clinton
  Anderson, Paula
  Anthony, Kelly
  Anthony, Philip
  Associates, Snake
  Auguste, Aser
  Azhagappan, Rajasekar
B -> Balland...(click to open)   Balland, Phillip
  Barber, Patricia
  Bard, Betti
  Barham, Phillip
  Basile, Peter
  Benton, Mark
  Bindra, Rana
  Brandon, Phyllis
  Brenner, Bill
  Brown, Anthony
  Brown, Patricia
  Buck, Jason
C -> Chow...(click to open)   Chow, Jenny
  Chow, Peter
  Cleven, Christopher
  Co, Golden
  Colson, Jerry
  Combs, Patricia
  Companies, Kilgore
  Council, Powder
  Coziah, Patrick
  Cromartie, Paul
D -> Dahl...(click to open)   Dahl, Dennis
  Daigle, Sherry
  Dalke, Patricia
  Daly, Patrick
  Davis, Tyler
  DeLancey, Cindy
  Delaney, Phillip
  Depa, Wyoming
  Doerr, Gerald
  Dykeman, Paul
E -> Eastburn...(click to open)   Eastburn, Paula
  Edens, James
  Edens, Lisa
  Edens, Paige
F -> Feyhl...(click to open)   Feyhl, Donna
  Feyhl, Paul
  Fisk, Paula
  Franck, Pamela
  Fridley, Colleen
  Fridley, Perry
  Fries, Julianne
  Frink, Warden
  Fund, International
  Fund, Pipefitters
G -> Garcia...(click to open)   Garcia, Paul
  Gatewood, Robert
  Gavin, Christopher
  Gavin, Katharine
  Goertz, Pamela
  Goldman, Leland
  Gray, Pamela
  Green, Harold
  Guajardo, Daniel
H -> Hardin...(click to open)   Hardin, Pierre
  Henry, Dinah
  Henry, Patrick
  Higgins, Mary
  Holmes, Paul
  Holtzclaw, Eric
  Hudson, Chad
  Humphries, Peter
I -> Ieperen...(click to open)   Ieperen, Steve
J -> Jackson...(click to open)   Jackson, Robert
  Johnson, William
  Jones, Paul
  Jordin, Phillip
K -> Kavenius...(click to open)   Kavenius, Tiffany
  Keller, Patricia
  King, Bret
  Knopf, Paul
L -> Langille...(click to open)   Langille, Connie
  Langille, Paul
  Larson, Randall
  Lawrence, Dennis
  Lee, Colleen
  Lee, William
  Lentini, Vincent
  Lewallen, Patrick
  Life, Hartford
  Lindstrom, Linda
M -> Mann...(click to open)   Mann, Paul
  Marshall, Peggy
  Maxwell, Paul
  Maxwell, Tatiana
  Mayland, Ben
  McColloch, Administrator
  McWilliams, Daryl
  Medlock, April
  Medlock, Henry
  Medlock, Justin
  Medlock, Patricia
  Miller, Matthew
  Miller, Paul
  Misak, Tyson
  Moore, Suzanne
  Mountain-Pra, Wildlife
  Mumby, Paul
N -> Nazareta...(click to open)   Nazareta, Philip
  Neihart, Brenda
O -> Ochoa...(click to open)   Ochoa, David
P -> Parkinson...(click to open)   Parkinson, Philip
  Parks, Xanterra
  Paschal, Pamela
  Pazej, John
  Peavler, Ritta
  Peter, Keith
  President, Senior
  Printing, Pioneer
R -> Rauch...(click to open)   Rauch, James
  Rauch, Jerome
  Record, Paul
  Reddin, David
  Reed, Patrick
  Rerucha, Cal
  Riley, Patricia
  Robinson, Michaela
  Romney, Josh
  Russell, Penny
  Russell, Robert
S -> Sanchez-Chaparro...(click to open)   Sanchez-Chaparro, Paulino
  Schneider, Daniel
  Shanahan, Debra
  Shanahan, Mark
  Shermenti, Patrick
  Shostak, Lyudmyla
  Shostak, Pavlo
  Smith, Paula
  Staidl, Phyllis
  Stec, Stephen
  Stewart, Chad
  Stoufer, Anthon
  Sullivan, Brett
  Swanner, Steven
T -> Taylor...(click to open)   Taylor, Bradley
  Thomas, Patricia
  Torian, Patrick
  Towers-Dykeman, Pauline
V -> Vigil...(click to open)   Vigil, Nicole
  Vigil, Theodore
  Vine, Donna
  Vine, Edward
W -> Walters...(click to open)   Walters, Lee
  Walters, Paul
  Watkins, Alyssa
  Watson, Jennifer
  Watson, Paul
  Webb, Peter
  Weber, Karl
  Weber, Tina
  Williams, Kent
  Williams, Patricia
  Williams, Robert
  Wolf, Philip
  Wood, Marty
  Woodward, Randy
  Workman, Charles
Y -> Yerbich...(click to open)   Yerbich, Thomas

Wyoming,   April 03, 2007
Case 2:2007mc00014/16181
Here's the deal—Placer County Land Investors LLC, SVRB Investments LLC and Robert A Russell is going against USA Investment Partners LLC. Case number case 2:2007mc00014/16181, started on April 03, 2007. It's about Other before Judge William F Downes.
More Information about >>> ✅ Robert A Russell 
Petitioner   versus   Respondent
Park County Board of County Commissioners Hall French Park County Board of County Commissioners Park County Board of County Commissioners Siggins Park County Board of County Commissioners Brewer and Fontaine
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Park County Board of County Commissione
United States Department of Interior, United States Department of Interior Secretary, National Park Service Director and National Park Service Regional Director Intermountain Region
[Case # 2008cv00004/17255], [Filed: January 03, 2008]
[ Other Statutory Actions§05 U.S.C. § 706 (1) 10th Amendment Commerce Clause ⚖ ]
[Judge: William C Beaman, Clarence A Brimmer]
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Wyoming,   December 13, 2007
Case 2:2007cv00320/17221
In the US District Court for the District of Wyoming, Peter Webb and Guardian Products are involved in case 2:2007cv00320/17221. Filed on December 13, 2007, this legal matter focuses on Prisoner: Civil Rights under 42 U.S.C. § 1983 Prisoner Civil Rights. Judge William C Beaman, Alan B Johnson is presiding, and no jury trial is requested.
More Information about >>> ✅ Peter Webb 
Wyoming,   January 03, 2008
Case 1:2008cv00009/17256
The legal proceedings in case 1:2008cv00009/17256 at US District Court for the District of Wyoming involve Paul Mann and Dahlonega Transport, Inc. Filed on January 03, 2008, this case focuses on Motor Vehicle based on 28 U.S.C. § 1332 Diversity-Tort/Motor Vehicle (P.I.). Judge William C Beaman, Alan B Johnson is presiding, and it's notable that the Plaintiff has requested a jury trial.
More Information about >>> ✅ Paul Mann 
Wyoming,   March 04, 2008
Case 2:2008cv00063/17508
At the US District Court for the District of Wyoming, the legal case 2:2008cv00063/17508 involves Phillip Balland and Sutherland's Friendly Home Improvement Centers Inc and DD&B Investment Group LLC. Filed on March 04, 2008, this case deals with Personal Injury: Other based on 28 U.S.C. § 1332 Diversity-Personal Injury. Judge William C Beaman, Alan B Johnson is overseeing the proceedings, and it's worth noting that the Plaintiff has requested a jury trial.
More Information about >>> ✅ Phillip Balland 
Wyoming,   May 09, 2008
Case 2:2008cv00122/17772
In case 2:2008cv00122/17772 within US District Court for the District of Wyoming, Paul Dykeman, Pauline Towers-Dykeman, Suzanne Moore, Dave Leinonen Custom Homes Inc, King Shadows Inc, Mountain Light Investments LLC, Stephen Stec, Chad Hudson, MKGS Investments LLC and Snake River Associates brings a case against David P Ochoa, SMS Construction LLC, McCall of the Wild Inc and Sawtooth Custom Homes Inc. Filed on May 09, 2008, this legal matter relates to Racketeer/Corrupt Organization as per 28 U.S.C. § 1331 Fed. Question: Breach of Contract. The presiding judge is William C Beaman, Clarence A Brimmer, and the Plaintiff has made a request for a jury trial.
More Information about >>> ✅ Paul Dykeman, ✅ Pauline Towers-Dykeman, ✅ Suzanne Moore, ✅ Stephen Stec, ✅ Chad Hudson, ✅ Snake River Associates, ✅ David P Ochoa 
Plaintiff   versus   Defendant
Patrick A Daly
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Social Security Administration Regional Commissioner
[Case # 2008cv00130/17869], [Filed: May 19, 2008]
[ §U.S. Government Defendant ⚖ ]
[Judge: Clarence A Brimmer, Stephen E Cole] [jury demanded by 42:405 Review of HHS Decision (DIWW)]
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Plaintiff   versus   Defendant
Patrick Henry
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Dinah Henry
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United Israel Church and UIC
Pro 10 Originals LLC and Gerald Doerr
[Case # 2008cv00138/17879], [Filed: May 28, 2008]
[ §Federal Question ⚖ ]
[Judge: William C Beaman, Alan B Johnson] [jury demanded by 15:1121 Trademark Infringement]
✅ Gerald Doerr >>> More Information
Petitioner   versus   Respondent
Pablo Aguirre-Cordero
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United States of America
[Case # 2008cv00195/18218], [Filed: September 02, 2008]
[ §Federal Question ⚖ ]
[Judge: William C Beaman, William F Downes] [jury demanded by 28:2241 Petition for Writ of Habeas Corpus (federa]
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Plaintiff   versus   Defendant
Pennsylvania Higher Education Assistance Agency
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Rana S Bindra
[Case # 2008mc00055/18442], [Filed: November 05, 2008]
[ Other§ ⚖ ]

✅ Rana S Bindra >>> More Information
Plaintiff   versus   Defendant
Pain Enterprises and Roush Transport Daniel Schneider CO2 Control Systems, Bevtech Beverage System Compressed Gas Technology and Daniel Schneider
[Case # 2008cv00240/18463], [Filed: November 12, 2008]
[ §Diversity ⚖ ]
[Judge: William C Beaman, Alan B Johnson] [jury demanded by 28:1332 Diversity-Other Contract]
✅ Daniel Schneider >>> More Information
Wyoming,   October 31, 2008
Case 1:2008cv00234/18431
The legal proceedings in case 1:2008cv00234/18431 at US District Court for the District of Wyoming involve Phyllis Staidl and Leland Goldman and Daryl McWilliams. Filed on October 31, 2008, this case focuses on Defendant based on Diversity. Judge William C Beaman, William F Downes is presiding, and it's notable that the 28:1332 Diversity-Auto Negligence has requested a jury trial.
More Information about >>> ✅ Phyllis Staidl, ✅ Leland Goldman, ✅ Daryl McWilliams 
Plaintiff   versus   Defendant
Plumbers and Pipefitters Health and Security Fund Pipe Trades Pension of Montana Plumbers and Pipefitters Local Union 192 and Plumbers and Pipefitters Local 192 JATC Gregory Piping Systems Inc
[Case # 2008cv00259/18593], [Filed: November 26, 2008]
[ §Federal Question ⚖ ]
[Judge: William C Beaman, Alan B Johnson] [jury demanded by 29:1132 E.R.I.S.A.-Employee Benefits]
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Wyoming,   February 03, 2009
Case 2:2009cv00025/18823
In case 2:2009cv00025/18823 within US District Court for the District of Wyoming, Paul C. Record brings a case against BNSF Railway Company. Filed on February 03, 2009, this legal matter relates to Defendant as per Diversity. The presiding judge is William C Beaman, William F Downes, and the 28:1441 Petition for Removal- Wrongful Death has made a request for a jury trial.
More Information about >>> ✅ Paul C. Record 
Plaintiff   versus   Defendant
Paul A Mumby
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Eric Holtzclaw
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William G Johnson
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John Pazej
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Jr Ritta Peavler
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James G Rauch
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Jerome G Rauch and David Reddin
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Pure Energy Services USA Inc
[Case # 2009cv00077/19120], [Filed: April 07, 2009]
[ §Federal Question ⚖ ]
[Judge: William C Beaman, Alan B Johnson] [jury demanded by 29:201 Fair Labor Standards Act]
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Petitioner   versus   Respondent
Paul D Holmes
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Wyoming Department of Corrections State Penitentiary Warden and Wyoming Attorney General
[Case # 2007cv00126/16461], [Filed: June 11, 2007]
[ Habeas Corpus (General)§28 U.S.C. § 2254 Petition for Writ of Habeas Corpus (State) ⚖ ]
[Judge: William C Beaman, Alan B Johnson]
>>> More Information
Plaintiff   versus   Defendant
Pine Glades Development
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LLC and Grand Homes of Wyoming Inc.
Sullivan Construction, LLC and Brett Sullivan
[Case # 2009cv00129/19413], [Filed: June 10, 2009]
[ §28 U.S.C. § 1332 Diversity-Breach of Contract ⚖ ]
[Judge: William C Beaman, Clarence A Brimmer]
✅ Brett Sullivan >>> More Information
Petitioner   versus   Respondent
Park County Board of County Commissioners United States Department of the Interior, United States Fish & Wildlife Service, United States Department of Interior Secretary, United States Fish and Wildlife Service Acting Director and United States Fish and Wildlife Regional Director Mountain-Pra
[Case # 2009cv00138/19440], [Filed: June 19, 2009]
[ §28 U.S.C. § 1331 Fed. Question: Review Agency Decision ⚖ ]
[Judge: William C Beaman, Alan B Johnson]
✅ Wildlife Regional Director Mountain-Pra >>> More Information
Wyoming,   June 22, 2009
Case 1:2009cv00142/19446
In case 1:2009cv00142/19446 within US District Court for the District of Wyoming, Paula B Anderson brings a case against Ford Motor Company. Filed on June 22, 2009, this legal matter relates to Plaintiff as per 28 U.S.C. § 1332 Diversity-Motor Vehicle Product Liability. The presiding judge is William C Beaman, Clarence A Brimmer, and the Plaintiff has made a request for a jury trial.
More Information about >>> ✅ Paula B Anderson 
Plaintiff   versus   Defendant
Philip Andrew Wolf
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Anthon Stoufer, Josh Romney and Bret F King
[Case # 2009cv00170/19689], [Filed: July 30, 2009]
[ §28 U.S.C. § 1332 Diversity-Fraud ⚖ ]
[Judge: William C Beaman, William F Downes]
✅ Anthon Stoufer, ✅ Josh Romney, ✅ Bret F King >>> More Information
Plaintiff   versus   Defendant
Powder River Coal LLC Interstate Power Systems Inc and Interstate Detroit Diesel Inc
[Case # 2009cv00179/19693], [Filed: July 30, 2009]
[ §28 U.S.C. § 2201 Declaratory Judgement (Insurance) ⚖ ]
[Judge: William C Beaman, William F Downes]
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Plaintiff   versus   Defendant
Paula L Smith
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Social Security Administration Commissioner
[Case # 2009cv00185/19708], [Filed: August 06, 2009]
[ §42 U.S.C. § 405 Review of HHS Decision (DIWW) ⚖ ]
[Judge: Stephen E Cole, William F Downes]
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Plaintiff   versus   Defendant
Pamela R Goertz
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The Prudential Insurance Company of America
[Case # 2009cv00236/20047], [Filed: October 16, 2009]
[ §29 U.S.C. § 1132 E.R.I.S.A.-Employee Benefits ⚖ ]
[Judge: William C Beaman, Alan B Johnson]
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Petitioner   versus   Respondent
Park County Board of County Commissioners United States Department of Interior, United States Department of Interior Secretary, National Park Service Director and National Park Service Intermountain Region Director
[Case # 2009cv00272/20254], [Filed: December 02, 2009]
[ Environmental Matters§05 U.S.C. § 551 Administrative Procedure Act ⚖ ]
[Judge: William C Beaman, Alan B Johnson]
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Wyoming,   January 20, 2010
Case 1:2010cv00012/20466
In the US District Court for the District of Wyoming, the case 1:2010cv00012/20466 involves Philip E Parkinson and Social Security Administration Commissioner. Filed on January 20, 2010, this case pertains to Social Security: DIWC/DIWW under 42 U.S.C. § 405 Review of HHS Decision (DIWW). Presiding over this matter is Judge Stephen E Cole, William F Downes. There is no demand for a jury trial.
More Information about >>> ✅ Philip E Parkinson 
Wyoming,   January 27, 2010
Case 2:2010cv00019/20492
In the US District Court for the District of Wyoming case 2:2010cv00019/20492, Patrick R Reed files a suit against BNSF Railway Company. The filing date was January 27, 2010, and this case concerns Federal Employer's Liability under 45 U.S.C. § 51 Railways: Fed. Employer's Liability Act. Presiding over the case is Judge William C Beaman, William F Downes. The Plaintiff has requested a jury trial.
More Information about >>> ✅ Patrick R Reed 
Wyoming,   July 15, 2010
Case 2:2010cv00141/21266
At the US District Court for the District of Wyoming, the legal case 2:2010cv00141/21266 entails PLC Partners LLC and Bank of America NA. The filing date is July 15, 2010, and this case deals with Other Contract as per 28 U.S.C. § 1441. Judge William C Beaman, William F Downes is presiding over this matter, and no jury trial is demanded.
Wyoming,   July 07, 2010
Case 2:2010cv00136/21229
In the US District Court for the District of Wyoming, the case 2:2010cv00136/21229 involves Paul J. Garcia and Carbon County Attorney, Cindy L. DeLancey, Cal Rerucha, Carbon County Chief Deputy Attorney, Carbon County Board of County Commissioners, Carbon County Sheriff's Department, Carbon County Sheriff, Jerry Colson, Carbon County Sheriff's Department. Filed on July 07, 2010, this case pertains to Civil Rights under 42 U.S.C. § 1983. Presiding over this matter is Judge William C Beaman, Nancy D Freudenthal. There is no demand for a jury trial.
More Information about >>> ✅ Paul J. Garcia, ✅ Cindy L. DeLancey, ✅ Cal Rerucha, ✅ Jerry Colson 
Petitioner   versus   Respondent
Paul Sheldon Cromartie
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United States of America
[Case # 2010cv00187/21539], [Filed: September 08, 2010]
[ General§28 U.S.C. § 2241 ⚖ ]
[Judge: William C Beaman, Clarence A Brimmer]
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Wyoming,   November 02, 2010
Case 2:2010cv00246/21774
At the US District Court for the District of Wyoming, the legal case 2:2010cv00246/21774 involves Patricia A Keller and Crown Cork & Seal USA Inc. Filed on November 02, 2010, this case deals with Employment based on 29 U.S.C. § 206. Judge William C Beaman, Alan B Johnson is overseeing the proceedings, and it's worth noting that the Plaintiff has requested a jury trial.
More Information about >>> ✅ Patricia A Keller 
Wyoming,   October 26, 2010
Case 1:2010cv00239/21754
In the US District Court for the District of Wyoming case 1:2010cv00239/21754, Paula M Eastburn files a suit against Tiffany Kavenius. The filing date was October 26, 2010, and this case concerns Other Civil Rights under 42 U.S.C. § 1983. Presiding over the case is Judge William C Beaman, Alan B Johnson. The Plaintiff has requested a jury trial.
More Information about >>> ✅ Paula M Eastburn, ✅ Tiffany Kavenius 
Wyoming,   December 02, 2010
Case 1:2010cv00261/21964
In the US District Court for the District of Wyoming case 1:2010cv00261/21964, Phillip Charles Barham files a suit against Greybull WY, Greybull Police Department, Bill Brenner, Matthew Miller and Ben Mayland. The filing date was December 02, 2010, and this case concerns Other Civil Rights under 42 U.S.C. § 1983. Presiding over the case is Judge William C Beaman, William F Downes. The Plaintiff has requested a jury trial.
More Information about >>> ✅ Phillip Charles Barham, ✅ Bill Brenner, ✅ Matthew Miller, ✅ Ben Mayland 
Wyoming,   May 24, 2010
Case 1:2010cv00099/21066
The legal proceedings in case 1:2010cv00099/21066 at US District Court for the District of Wyoming involve Pamela Ann Gray and Natrona County School District No 1, Marty Wood and Randall Larson. Filed on May 24, 2010, this case focuses on Other Civil Rights based on 42 U.S.C. § 1983. Judge William F Downes is presiding, and it's notable that the Plaintiff has requested a jury trial.
More Information about >>> ✅ Pamela Ann Gray, ✅ Marty Wood, ✅ Randall Larson 
Wyoming,   January 21, 2011
Case 2:2011cv00024/22165
US District Court for the District of Wyoming case 2:2011cv00024/22165 comprises Plumbers and Pipefitters Local Union 192, Plumbers and Pipefitters Local 192 JATC and Plumbers and Pipefitters Health and Security Fund and Western Mechanical Service Inc. Filed on January 21, 2011, this case concerns Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974 based on 29 U.S.C. § 1132. Judge Nancy D Freudenthal, Scott W Skavdahl is overseeing the case, and there is no demand for a jury trial.
Wyoming,   March 07, 2011
Case 1:2011cv00080/22341
In the US District Court for the District of Wyoming, the case 1:2011cv00080/22341 involves Phyllis A Brandon and Social Security Administration Commissioner. Filed on March 07, 2011, this case pertains to Disability Insurance under 42 U.S.C. § 405. Presiding over this matter is Judge Clarence A Brimmer, Stephen E Cole. There is no demand for a jury trial.
More Information about >>> ✅ Phyllis A Brandon 
Wyoming,   March 24, 2011
Case 2:2011cv00106/22491
The legal proceedings in case 2:2011cv00106/22491 at US District Court for the District of Wyoming involve Patricia Dalke and Collection Professionals Inc, Bradley G Taylor, Dennis R Lawrence, Brenda K Neihart and Powell Valley Healthcare. Filed on March 24, 2011, this case focuses on Consumer Credit based on 15 U.S.C. § 1692. Judge Alan B Johnson, Scott W Skavdahl is presiding, and it's notable that the Defendant has requested a jury trial.
More Information about >>> ✅ Patricia Dalke, ✅ Bradley G Taylor, ✅ Dennis R Lawrence, ✅ Brenda K Neihart 
Wyoming,   April 18, 2011
Case 2:2011cv00149/22584
In the US District Court for the District of Wyoming, the case 2:2011cv00149/22584 involves Penny Russell and Collection Professionals Inc, Bradley G Taylor, Dennis R Lawrence, Linda Lindstrom, Campbell County Memorial Hospital and Dental Care Center. Filed on April 18, 2011, this case pertains to Consumer Credit under 15 U.S.C. § 1692. Presiding over this matter is Judge Alan B Johnson, Scott W Skavdahl. There is no demand for a jury trial.
More Information about >>> ✅ Penny Russell, ✅ Bradley G Taylor, ✅ Dennis R Lawrence, ✅ Linda Lindstrom 
Wyoming,   April 26, 2011
Case 1:2011cv00155/22619
In the US District Court for the District of Wyoming case 1:2011cv00155/22619, Patrick Lewallen files a suit against Christopher Cleven. The filing date was April 26, 2011, and this case concerns Other Civil Rights under 42 U.S.C. § 1983. Presiding over the case is Judge Nancy D Freudenthal, Scott W Skavdahl. The Plaintiff has requested a jury trial.
More Information about >>> ✅ Patrick Lewallen, ✅ Christopher Cleven 
Wyoming,   May 12, 2011
Case 1:2011cv00188/22715
At the US District Court for the District of Wyoming, the legal case 1:2011cv00188/22715 involves Pamela Franck and Tap Worldwide LLC and Mountain Wireless Construction Inc. Filed on May 12, 2011, this case deals with Motor Vehicle based on 28 U.S.C. § 1332. Judge Nancy D Freudenthal, Scott W Skavdahl is overseeing the proceedings, and it's worth noting that the Plaintiff has requested a jury trial.
More Information about >>> ✅ Pamela Franck 
Petitioner   versus   Respondent
Peter Jason Humphries
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United States of America
[Case # 2011cv00249/22950], [Filed: July 18, 2011]
[ Motions to Vacate Sentence§28 U.S.C. § 2255 ⚖ ]
[Judge: Nancy D Freudenthal]
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Wyoming,   September 21, 2011
Case 1:2011cv00317/23240
The legal proceedings in case 1:2011cv00317/23240 at US District Court for the District of Wyoming involve Phoenix Production Company and Capstar Drilling Inc. Filed on September 21, 2011, this case focuses on Other Statutory Actions based on 28 U.S.C. § 2201. Judge Nancy D Freudenthal, Scott W Skavdahl is presiding, and it's notable that the Defendant has requested a jury trial.
Wyoming,   January 27, 2012
Case 2:2012cv00025/23686
At the US District Court for the District of Wyoming, the legal case 2:2012cv00025/23686 entails Patrick Shermenti and Mark Benton and Natrona County Sheriff. The filing date is January 27, 2012, and this case deals with Civil Rights as per 42 U.S.C. § 1983. Judge Clarence A Brimmer is presiding over this matter, and no jury trial is demanded.
More Information about >>> ✅ Patrick Shermenti, ✅ Mark Benton 
Petitioner   versus   Respondent
Paulino Sanchez-Chaparro
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United States of America
[Case # 2012cv00005/23582], [Filed: January 06, 2012]
[ Motions to Vacate Sentence§28 U.S.C. § 2255 ⚖ ]
[Judge: Alan B Johnson]
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Wyoming,   May 30, 2012
Case 1:2012cv00109/24105
At the US District Court for the District of Wyoming, the legal case 1:2012cv00109/24105 entails Patrick W Coziah and Social Security Administration Commissioner. The filing date is May 30, 2012, and this case deals with Disability Insurance as per 42 U.S.C. § 405. Judge Clarence A Brimmer is presiding over this matter, and no jury trial is demanded.
More Information about >>> ✅ Patrick W Coziah 
Wyoming,   August 27, 2012
Case 2:2012cv00189/24405
The legal proceedings in case 2:2012cv00189/24405 at US District Court for the District of Wyoming involve Paul E Langille and Connie Langille and Transco Inc and Keith Peter. Filed on August 27, 2012, this case focuses on Motor Vehicle based on 28 U.S.C. § 1332. Judge Alan B Johnson, Kelly H Rankin is presiding, and it's notable that the Plaintiff has requested a jury trial.
More Information about >>> ✅ Paul E Langille, ✅ Connie Langille, ✅ Keith Peter 
Wyoming,   October 19, 2012
Case 1:2012cv00234/24569
At the US District Court for the District of Wyoming, the legal case 1:2012cv00234/24569 involves Park Cities Bank and Colleen B Lee and William Parker Lee. Filed on October 19, 2012, this case deals with Contract: Recovery/Enforcement based on 28 U.S.C. § 1332 Diversity-Breach of Contract. Judge Nancy D Freudenthal, Kelly H Rankin is overseeing the proceedings, and it's worth noting that Both have requested a jury trial.
More Information about >>> ✅ Colleen B Lee, ✅ William Parker Lee 
Wyoming,   November 14, 2012
Case 2:2012cv00257/24636
At the US District Court for the District of Wyoming, the legal case 2:2012cv00257/24636 involves Philadelphia Indemnity Insurance Company and Frontier Log Homes Inc and Lords Construction Inc. Filed on November 14, 2012, this case deals with Personal Property: Other based on 28 U.S.C. § 1332 Diversity-Property Damage. Judge Nancy D Freudenthal, Kelly H Rankin is overseeing the proceedings, and it's worth noting that the Plaintiff has requested a jury trial.
Wyoming,   January 14, 2013
Case 1:2013cv00011/24855
In case 1:2013cv00011/24855 within US District Court for the District of Wyoming, Paul Javier Watson and Jennifer Renee Watson brings a case against Steve M Van Ieperen. Filed on January 14, 2013, this legal matter relates to Motor Vehicle as per 28 U.S.C. § 1332 Diversity-Auto Negligence. The presiding judge is Clarence A Brimmer, Kelly H Rankin, and the Plaintiff has made a request for a jury trial.
More Information about >>> ✅ Paul Javier Watson, ✅ Jennifer Renee Watson, ✅ Steve M Van Ieperen 
Wyoming,   February 08, 2013
Case 1:2013cv00024/24949
At the US District Court for the District of Wyoming, the legal case 1:2013cv00024/24949 involves Paul Feyhl and Golden Corral Co and Golden DBL Inc. Filed on February 08, 2013, this case deals with Personal Injury Product Liability based on 28 U.S.C. § 1332 Diversity-Personal Injury. Judge Alan B Johnson, Kelly H Rankin is overseeing the proceedings, and it's worth noting that Both have requested a jury trial.
More Information about >>> ✅ Paul Feyhl, ✅ Golden Corral Co 
Wyoming,   March 04, 2013
Case 2:2013cv00053/25008
US District Court for the District of Wyoming case 2:2013cv00053/25008 comprises Paige Edens, Lisa Edens and James Edens and Snow King Resort Inc and Snow King Resort Management LLC. Filed on March 04, 2013, this case concerns Personal Injury: Other based on 28 U.S.C. § 1332 Diversity-Personal Injury. Judge Clarence A Brimmer, Kelly H Rankin is overseeing the case, and there is no demand for a jury trial.
More Information about >>> ✅ Paige Edens, ✅ Lisa Edens, ✅ James Edens 
Wyoming,   February 11, 2013
Case 1:2013cv00026/24953
At the US District Court for the District of Wyoming, the legal case 1:2013cv00026/24953 involves Patricia Barber, Betti J Bard, Donna Feyhl and Robert W Gatewood and Golden Corral Co and Golden DBL Inc. Filed on February 11, 2013, this case deals with Personal Injury: Other based on 28 U.S.C. § 1332 Diversity-Personal Injury. Judge Alan B Johnson, Kelly H Rankin is overseeing the proceedings, and it's worth noting that Both have requested a jury trial.
More Information about >>> ✅ Patricia Barber, ✅ Betti J Bard, ✅ Donna Feyhl, ✅ Robert W Gatewood, ✅ Golden Corral Co 
Wyoming,   March 26, 2013
Case 1:2013cv00071/25161
In case 1:2013cv00071/25161 within US District Court for the District of Wyoming, Patricia T Brown and Anthony Brown brings a case against Darden Restaurants Inc. Filed on March 26, 2013, this legal matter relates to Personal Injury: Other as per 28 U.S.C. § 1332 Diversity-Personal Injury. The presiding judge is Alan B Johnson, Kelly H Rankin, and the Plaintiff has made a request for a jury trial.
More Information about >>> ✅ Patricia T Brown, ✅ Anthony Brown 
Wyoming,   April 26, 2013
Case 2:2013cv00090/25248
The legal proceedings in case 2:2013cv00090/25248 at US District Court for the District of Wyoming involve Powder River Basin Resource Council and U. S. Bureau of Land Management and U. S. Department of Interior Secretary. Filed on April 26, 2013, this case focuses on Review or Appeal of Agency Decision based on 42 U.S.C. § 4321 Review of Agency Action-Environment. Judge Alan B Johnson, Kelly H Rankin is presiding, and it's notable that the Plaintiff has requested a jury trial.
More Information about >>> ✅ Powder River Basin Resource Council 
Wyoming,   June 06, 2013
Case 2:2013cv00119/25425
US District Court for the District of Wyoming case 2:2013cv00119/25425 comprises Progressive Northern Insurance Co and Administrator M Scott McColloch, Administrator Eric Collin P Alderson, Estate of Thomas Raymond Alderson, Personal Rep Erik Collin P Alderson and Estate of Muriel Chapin Alderson. Filed on June 06, 2013, this case concerns Insurance based on 28 U.S.C. § 2201 Constitutionality of State Statute(s). Judge Nancy D Freudenthal, Kelly H Rankin is overseeing the case, and there is no demand for a jury trial.
More Information about >>> ✅ Administrator M Scott McColloch, ✅ Administrator Eric Collin P Alderson, ✅ Personal Rep Erik Collin P Alderson 
Wyoming,   August 16, 2013
Case 2:2013cv00173/25692
At the US District Court for the District of Wyoming, the legal case 2:2013cv00173/25692 involves Patricia Riley and Unified Caring Association, United States Fire Insurance Company and USA Select Choice. Filed on August 16, 2013, this case deals with Insurance based on 28 U.S.C. § 1332 Diversity-Breach of Contract. Judge Alan B Johnson, Kelly H Rankin is overseeing the proceedings, and it's worth noting that Both have requested a jury trial.
More Information about >>> ✅ Patricia Riley 
Wyoming,   November 27, 2013
Case 2:2013cv00263/26279
US District Court for the District of Wyoming case 2:2013cv00263/26279 comprises Pronghorn Rail Services LLC, Genesis Crude Oil LP and Genesis Energy LLC and JHL Industrial Services LLC. Filed on November 27, 2013, this case concerns Other Contract based on 28 U.S.C. § 1332. Judge Nancy D Freudenthal, Kelly H Rankin is overseeing the case, and there is no demand for a jury trial.
Wyoming,   January 03, 2014
Case 2:2014cv00003/26582
In the US District Court for the District of Wyoming, Peter Basile and Group Supplemental Life Plan for Employees of Great Lakes Aviation Ltd, Great Lakes Aviation Ltd and Hartford Life and Accident Insurance Company are involved in case 2:2014cv00003/26582. Filed on January 03, 2014, this legal matter focuses on Review or Appeal of Agency Decision under 29 U.S.C. § 1132. Judge Alan B Johnson, Kelly H Rankin is presiding, and no jury trial is requested.
More Information about >>> ✅ Peter Basile, ✅ Hartford Life 
Wyoming,   January 22, 2014
Case 2:2014cv00014/26722
In the US District Court for the District of Wyoming case 2:2014cv00014/26722, Philip Anthony and Kelly Anthony files a suit against Xanterra Parks and Resorts Inc. The filing date was January 22, 2014, and this case concerns Personal Injury- Product Liability under 28 U.S.C. § 1332. Presiding over the case is Judge Kelly H Rankin, Scott W Skavdahl. The Plaintiff has requested a jury trial.
More Information about >>> ✅ Philip Anthony, ✅ Kelly Anthony, ✅ Xanterra Parks 
Wyoming,   May 14, 2014
Case 2:2014cv00099/27556
In the US District Court for the District of Wyoming, Peerless Indemnity Insurance Company and Steven N. Swanner, Cloud Peak Hospitality LLC, Aser L Auguste and Rajasekar Azhagappan are involved in case 2:2014cv00099/27556. Filed on May 14, 2014, this legal matter focuses on Insurance under 28 U.S.C. § 1332. Judge Alan B Johnson, Kelly H Rankin is presiding, and no jury trial is requested.
More Information about >>> ✅ Steven N. Swanner, ✅ Aser L Auguste, ✅ Rajasekar Azhagappan 
Wyoming,   May 13, 2014
Case 2:2014cv00097/27539
In the US District Court for the District of Wyoming, the case 2:2014cv00097/27539 involves Powder River Basin Resource Council and Western Organization of Resource Councils and U.S. Department of Interior Secretary, U.S. Office of Surface Mining Reclamation and Enforcement and Land and Minerals Management Deputy Assistant Secretary. Filed on May 13, 2014, this case pertains to Review or Appeal of Agency Decision under 30 U.S.C. § 1276. Presiding over this matter is Judge Alan B Johnson, Kelly H Rankin. There is no demand for a jury trial.
More Information about >>> ✅ Powder River Basin Resource Council 
Wyoming,   February 28, 2014
Case 1:2014cv00046/26992
The legal proceedings in case 1:2014cv00046/26992 at US District Court for the District of Wyoming involve Patricia Combs and Robert Williams and Progressive Transportation Inc. Filed on February 28, 2014, this case focuses on Motor Vehicle based on 28 U.S.C. § 1332. Judge Kelly H Rankin, Scott W Skavdahl is presiding, and it's notable that the Plaintiff has requested a jury trial.
More Information about >>> ✅ Patricia Combs, ✅ Robert Williams 
Wyoming,   June 18, 2014
Case 2:2014cv00120/27958
At the US District Court for the District of Wyoming, the legal case 2:2014cv00120/27958 involves Perry Fridley and Colleen Fridley and Tina Weber, Karl Weber and Gros Ventre River Ranch LLC. Filed on June 18, 2014, this case deals with Other Personal Injury based on 28 U.S.C. § 1332. Judge Alan B Johnson, Kelly H Rankin is overseeing the proceedings, and it's worth noting that the Plaintiff has requested a jury trial.
More Information about >>> ✅ Perry Fridley, ✅ Colleen Fridley, ✅ Tina Weber, ✅ Karl Weber 
Wyoming,   July 15, 2014
Case 2:2014cv00143/28345
The legal proceedings in case 2:2014cv00143/28345 at US District Court for the District of Wyoming involve Patricia Medlock, Henry Medlock, April Medlock and Justin Medlock and State Farm Mutual Automobile Insurance Company. Filed on July 15, 2014, this case focuses on Insurance based on 28 U.S.C. § 1332. Judge Kelly H Rankin, Scott W Skavdahl is presiding, and it's notable that Both have requested a jury trial.
More Information about >>> ✅ Patricia Medlock, ✅ Henry Medlock, ✅ April Medlock, ✅ Justin Medlock 
Wyoming,   October 23, 2014
Case 2:2014cv00213/30523
In the US District Court for the District of Wyoming case 2:2014cv00213/30523, Patricia K Thomas files a suit against Rock Springs Police Department Chief of Police and Rock Springs Young at Heart. The filing date was October 23, 2014, and this case concerns Other Civil Rights under 42 U.S.C. § 1983. Presiding over the case is Judge Nancy D Freudenthal, Kelly H Rankin. The Plaintiff has requested a jury trial.
More Information about >>> ✅ Patricia K Thomas 
Wyoming,   January 30, 2015
Case 2:2015cv00017/31395
At the US District Court for the District of Wyoming, the legal case 2:2015cv00017/31395 involves Purgatoire Valley Construction Inc and Fidelity & Deposit Company of Maryland and Zurich American Insurance Company. Filed on January 30, 2015, this case deals with Miller Act based on 40 U.S.C. § 270. Judge Kelly H Rankin is overseeing the proceedings, and it's worth noting that the Plaintiff has requested a jury trial.
Wyoming,   October 13, 2015
Case 2:2015cv00180/34717
At the US District Court for the District of Wyoming, the legal case 2:2015cv00180/34717 entails Pierre Hardin and Wyoming Department of Corrections and Wyoming Department of Corrections State Penitentiary. The filing date is October 13, 2015, and this case deals with Employment as per 42 U.S.C. § 2000. Judge Mark L Carman is presiding over this matter, and no jury trial is demanded.
More Information about >>> ✅ Pierre Hardin 
Wyoming,   November 27, 2015
Case 2:2015mc00146/35573
So, we got a legal thing—People of the United States versus Charles R Workman. Case number case 2:2015mc00146/35573, started on November 27, 2015. It's about Other, and it's in front of Judge Nancy D Freudenthal.
More Information about >>> ✅ Charles R Workman 
Wyoming,   March 10, 2016
Case 1:2016cv00049/36370
The legal proceedings in case 1:2016cv00049/36370 at US District Court for the District of Wyoming involve Patricia A Adams and National Idemnity Company. Filed on March 10, 2016, this case focuses on Other Personal Injury based on 28 U.S.C. § 1332. Judge Kelly H Rankin, Scott W Skavdahl is presiding, and it's notable that Both have requested a jury trial.
More Information about >>> ✅ Patricia A Adams 
Petitioner   versus   Respondent
Philip Andre Nazareta
More Information
United States of America
[Case # 2016cv00038/36219], [Filed: February 25, 2016]
[ Motions to Vacate Sentence§28 U.S.C. § 2255 ⚖ ]
[Judge: Nancy D Freudenthal]
>>> More Information
Wyoming,   March 11, 2016
Case 2:2016cv00050/36373
The legal proceedings in case 2:2016cv00050/36373 at US District Court for the District of Wyoming involve Paul E Knopf and Kent Williams and Evanston WY. Filed on March 11, 2016, this case focuses on Other Civil Rights based on 28 U.S.C. § 1441. Judge Mark L Carman is presiding, and it's notable that the Defendant has requested a jury trial.
More Information about >>> ✅ Paul E Knopf, ✅ Kent Williams 
Wyoming,   March 08, 2016
Case 2:2016cv00047/36327
In the US District Court for the District of Wyoming case 2:2016cv00047/36327, Phillip Delaney files a suit against Teton County Board of County Commissioners, Alyssa Watkins, Julianne Fries, Sherry L Daigle and Sean E O'Malley. The filing date was March 08, 2016, and this case concerns Employment under 42 U.S.C. § 1983. Presiding over the case is Judge Kelly H Rankin, Scott W Skavdahl. The Plaintiff has requested a jury trial.
More Information about >>> ✅ Phillip Delaney, ✅ Alyssa Watkins, ✅ Julianne Fries, ✅ Sherry L Daigle 
Wyoming,   June 24, 2016
Case 2:2016cv00176/37290
In the US District Court for the District of Wyoming, Prudential Insurance Company of America and Daniel Guajardo and Daniel Guajardo (guardian) are involved in case 2:2016cv00176/37290. Filed on June 24, 2016, this legal matter focuses on Insurance under 28 U.S.C. § 1331. Judge Alan B Johnson, Kelly H Rankin is presiding, and no jury trial is requested.
More Information about >>> ✅ Daniel Guajardo, ✅ Daniel Guajardo (guardian) 
Wyoming,   August 04, 2016
Case 2:2016cv00216/38024
US District Court for the District of Wyoming case 2:2016cv00216/38024 comprises Producers Livestock Credit Corporation and TD Farms Inc, Theodore Daniel Vigil and Nicole D Vigil. Filed on August 04, 2016, this case concerns Other Contract based on 28 U.S.C. § 1332. Judge Nancy D Freudenthal, Kelly H Rankin is overseeing the case, and there is no demand for a jury trial.
More Information about >>> ✅ Theodore Daniel Vigil, ✅ Nicole D Vigil 
Wyoming,   October 14, 2016
Case 1:2016cv00259/39285
The legal proceedings in case 1:2016cv00259/39285 at US District Court for the District of Wyoming involve Parimax Holdings LLC and Exacta Systems LLC. Filed on October 14, 2016, this case focuses on Other Statutory Actions based on 15 U.S.C. § 1125. Judge Alan B Johnson, Kelly H Rankin is presiding, and it's notable that the Plaintiff has requested a jury trial.
Wyoming,   December 06, 2016
Case 2:2016cv00299/40023
In the US District Court for the District of Wyoming, Prudential Insurance Company of America and Katharine Gavin, MG, Christopher Gavin and Tyler Davis are involved in case 2:2016cv00299/40023. Filed on December 06, 2016, this legal matter focuses on Insurance under 28 U.S.C. § 1331. Judge Kelly H Rankin is presiding, and no jury trial is requested.
More Information about >>> ✅ Katharine Gavin, ✅ Christopher Gavin, ✅ Tyler Davis 
Wyoming,   June 27, 2016
Case 1:2016cv00181/37342
In the US District Court for the District of Wyoming case 1:2016cv00181/37342, Paul Walters and Lee Ann Walters files a suit against Jacobs Engineering Group Inc, Ovivo USA LLC and MD Nursery & Landscaping Inc. The filing date was June 27, 2016, and this case concerns Personal Injury- Product Liability under 28 U.S.C. § 1332. Presiding over the case is Judge Nancy D Freudenthal, Kelly H Rankin. The Plaintiff has requested a jury trial.
More Information about >>> ✅ Paul Walters, ✅ Lee Ann Walters 
Petitioner   versus   Respondent
Paul Miller
More Information
United States of America
[Case # 2016cv00137/36960], [Filed: May 26, 2016]
[ Motions to Vacate Sentence§28 U.S.C. § 2255 ⚖ ]
[Judge: Scott W Skavdahl]
>>> More Information
Wyoming,   September 22, 2017
Case 1:2017cv00162/43293
At the US District Court for the District of Wyoming, the legal case 1:2017cv00162/43293 involves Peggy A Marshall and Welcov Healthcare LLC and Casper Healthcare LLC. Filed on September 22, 2017, this case deals with Employment based on 29 U.S.C. § 621. Judge Alan B Johnson, Kelly H Rankin is overseeing the proceedings, and it's worth noting that the Plaintiff has requested a jury trial.
More Information about >>> ✅ Peggy A Marshall 
Wyoming,   July 24, 2015
Case 2:2015cv00120/33101
US District Court for the District of Wyoming case 2:2015cv00120/33101 comprises Plumbers and Pipefitters Health and Security Fund, Plumbers and Pipefitters Local Union 192 and Plumbers and Pipefitters Local 192 JATC and Bridger Mechanical Inc. Filed on July 24, 2015, this case concerns Other Contract based on 29 U.S.C. § 1132. Judge Alan B Johnson, Kelly H Rankin is overseeing the case, and there is no demand for a jury trial.
Wyoming,   July 24, 2015
Case 2:2015cv00119/33100
US District Court for the District of Wyoming case 2:2015cv00119/33100 comprises Plumbers and Pipefitters Health and Security Fund, Plumbers and Pipefitters Local Union 192 and Plumbers and Pipefitters Local 192 JATC and Rawhide Mechanical Inc. Filed on July 24, 2015, this case concerns Other Contract based on 29 U.S.C. § 1132. Judge Alan B Johnson, Kelly H Rankin is overseeing the case, and there is no demand for a jury trial.
Wyoming,   July 24, 2015
Case 2:2015cv00118/33093
At the US District Court for the District of Wyoming, the legal case 2:2015cv00118/33093 involves Patricia Williams and Old West Oil Field Services Inc, Hanson Equipment Inc and Robert Jackson. Filed on July 24, 2015, this case deals with Motor Vehicle based on 28 U.S.C. § 1332. Judge Kelly H Rankin is overseeing the proceedings, and it's worth noting that the Plaintiff has requested a jury trial.
More Information about >>> ✅ Patricia Williams, ✅ Robert Jackson 
Wyoming,   December 28, 2017
Case 1:2017cv00212/44362
US District Court for the District of Wyoming case 1:2017cv00212/44362 comprises Peter D Holdings LLC and Wold Oil Properties LLC, Wold Energy Partners LLC and Chipcore LLC. Filed on December 28, 2017, this case concerns Other Contract based on 28 U.S.C. § 1332. Judge Alan B Johnson, Kelly H Rankin is overseeing the case, and there is no demand for a jury trial.
Wyoming,   February 26, 2018
Case 2:2018cv00035/44689
In the US District Court for the District of Wyoming case 2:2018cv00035/44689, Pinnacle Construction files a suit against Pinnacle Roofing LLC and Chad Stewart. The filing date was February 26, 2018, and this case concerns Trademark under 15 U.S.C. § 1121. Presiding over the case is Judge Kelly H Rankin, Scott W Skavdahl. The Plaintiff has requested a jury trial.
More Information about >>> ✅ Chad Stewart 
Plaintiff   versus   Defendant
Pamela Paschal
More Information
Randy Woodward and Parco LLC
Tyson Misak and Chesapeak Operating LLC
[Case # 2018cv00131/46302], [Filed: August 10, 2018]
[ Contract: Other§28 U.S.C. § 1332 ⚖ ]
[Judge: Alan B Johnson] , [Kelly H Rankin] [jury demanded by Both]
✅ Tyson Misak >>> More Information
Wyoming,   March 20, 2017
Case 2:2017cv00051/40596
In the US District Court for the District of Wyoming case 2:2017cv00051/40596, Phoenix Vintners LLC and Michaela Robinson files a suit against Wyoming Department of Revenue Director, Wyoming Department of Revenue Liquor Division Administrator, Wyoming Department of Revenue Liquor Division Chief of Enforcement, Wyoming Department of Revenue Liquor Division Senior Compliance Agent and Wyoming Depa. The filing date was March 20, 2017, and this case concerns Constitutionality of State Statutes under 28 U.S.C. § 2201. Presiding over the case is Judge Kelly H Rankin, Scott W Skavdahl. The Plaintiff has requested a jury trial.
More Information about >>> ✅ Michaela Robinson, ✅ Wyoming Depa 
Wyoming,   October 25, 2018
Case 2:2018cv00175/47476
In the US District Court for the District of Wyoming, Paul M Maxwell and Tatiana L Maxwell and Dennis S Dahl are involved in case 2:2018cv00175/47476. Filed on October 25, 2018, this legal matter focuses on Personal Property: Other under 28 U.S.C. § 1332. Judge Mark L Carman is presiding, and no jury trial is requested.
More Information about >>> ✅ Paul M Maxwell, ✅ Tatiana L Maxwell, ✅ Dennis S Dahl 
Wyoming,   December 06, 2018
Case 1:2018cv00206/47940
At the US District Court for the District of Wyoming, case 1:2018cv00206/47940 involves Pioneer Printing and Stationary Company suing Horizons Business Solutions Inc. Filed on December 06, 2018, this case addresses issues related to Contract: Other based on 28 U.S.C. § 1332. The case is presided over by Judge Nancy D Freudenthal, with Referring Judge Kelly H Rankin also involved. No jury trial has been requested.
More Information about >>> ✅ Pioneer Printing 
Wyoming,   December 17, 2018
Case 2:2018cv00215/48015
In case 2:2018cv00215/48015, Pipe Industry Health and Welfare Fund of Colorado, Pipe Trades Pension of Montana, International Training Fund, Plumbers and Pipefitters National Pension Fund and Plumbers and Pipefitters UA Local 192 initiates legal action against Don Haught Inc at the US District Court for the District of Wyoming. The case was filed on December 17, 2018 and involves matters related to Labor: E.R.I.S.A. under 29 U.S.C. § 1132. Nancy D Freudenthal presides over the case, and Referring Judge Kelly H Rankin is also involved. There has been no request for a jury trial.
More Information about >>> ✅ International Training Fund, ✅ Pipefitters National Pension Fund 
Wyoming,   January 11, 2019
Case 2:2019cv00006/48122
At the US District Court for the District of Wyoming, case 2:2019cv00006/48122 involves Phillips & Jordan suing Erosion Control Applications Inc. Filed on January 11, 2019, this case addresses issues related to Contract: Other based on 28 U.S.C. § 1332. The case is presided over by Judge Nancy D Freudenthal, with Referring Judge Kelly H Rankin also involved. No jury trial has been requested.
Petitioner   versus   Respondent
Paul Dwayne Jones
More Information
United States of America
[Case # 2019cv00018/48240], [Filed: January 28, 2019]
[ Prisoner: Vacate Sentence§28 U.S.C. § 2255 ⚖ ]
[Judge: Scott W Skavdahl]
>>> More Information
Wyoming,   January 16, 2019
Case 2:2019cv00010/48140
At the US District Court for the District of Wyoming, case 2:2019cv00010/48140 involves PH.D. Yiyan Wang suing Laramie Physicians for Women and Children PC and MD John D Bragg. Filed on January 16, 2019, this case addresses issues related to Personal Injury Medical Malpractice based on 28 U.S.C. § 1332. The case is presided over by Judge Alan B Johnson, with Referring Judge Kelly H Rankin also involved. No jury trial has been requested.
Plaintiff   versus   Defendant
Pavlo Shostak and Lyudmyla Shostak
More Information
Jason R Buck, Wallers Trucking Company Inc, Kilgore Companies and Waller's Trucking Company Inc
[Case # 2019cv00029/48273], [Filed: February 06, 2019]
[ Motor Vehicle§28 U.S.C. § 1332 ⚖ ]
[Judge: Mark L Carman] , [Scott W Skavdahl] [jury demanded by Both]
✅ Jason R Buck, ✅ Kilgore Companies >>> More Information
Wyoming,   March 21, 2019
Case 1:2019cv00057/48460
At the US District Court for the District of Wyoming, case 1:2019cv00057/48460 features Peter S Chow and Jenny Y Chow suing Pomona CA, Thomas J Yerbich, Hollins & Associates, State of California, State of Alaska, United States of America and Harold W Green, Jr. Filed on March 21, 2019, this case revolves around Federal Employer's Liability based on 28 U.S.C. § 1346. Judge Kelly H Rankin presides over the case, with Referring Judge Scott W Skavdahl involved. Notably, Plaintiff has demanded a jury for this case.
More Information about >>> ✅ Peter S Chow, ✅ Jenny Y Chow, ✅ Thomas J Yerbich, ✅ Harold W Green 
Wyoming,   March 22, 2019
Case 2:2019cv00058/48497
At the US District Court for the District of Wyoming, case 2:2019cv00058/48497 features Patrick R Torian suing Mark Shanahan and Debra Shanahan. Filed on March 22, 2019, this case revolves around Personal Injury: Other based on 28 U.S.C. § 1332. Judge Nancy D Freudenthal presides over the case, with Referring Judge Kelly H Rankin involved. Notably, Plaintiff has demanded a jury for this case.
More Information about >>> ✅ Patrick R Torian, ✅ Mark Shanahan, ✅ Debra Shanahan 
Wyoming,   May 10, 2019
Case 1:2019cv00090/48880
In case 1:2019cv00090/48880, Paula Kay Fisk initiates legal proceedings against Affinity Gaming LLC Chairman of Board of Directors, Affinity Gaming LLC Chief Marketing Officer and Senior Vice President, Affinity Gaming LLC Chief Executive Officer, Affinity Gaming LLC Chief Operating Officer, Mary Elizabeth Higgins, Vincent Lentini, E at the US District Court for the District of Wyoming. Filed on May 10, 2019, this case involves matters related to Civil Rights: Americans with Disabilities - Other under 42 U.S.C. § 1983. Presiding Judge Alan B Johnson oversees the case, with involvement from Referring Judge Kelly H Rankin, and no jury demand has been made.
More Information about >>> ✅ Paula Kay Fisk, ✅ Senior Vice President, ✅ Mary Elizabeth Higgins, ✅ Vincent Lentini 
Petitioner   versus   Respondent
Phillip T Jordin
More Information
Warden Frink and Wyoming Attorney General
[Case # 2019cv00110/49072], [Filed: May 28, 2019]
[ Habeas Corpus (General)§28 U.S.C. § 2254 ⚖ ]
[Judge: Alan B Johnson] , [Kelly H Rankin]
✅ Warden Frink >>> More Information
Wyoming,   June 20, 2019
Case 2:2019cv00132/49291
At the US District Court for the District of Wyoming, case 2:2019cv00132/49291 features PHH Mortgage Corporation suing Edward Leroy Vine, Donna Jean Vine, Clinton L Allen and Department of Housing and Urban Development Secretary. Filed on June 20, 2019, this case revolves around Real Property: Foreclosure based on 28 U.S.C. § 1442. Judge Kelly H Rankin presides over the case, with Referring Judge Scott W Skavdahl involved, and no jury demand has been made.
More Information about >>> ✅ Edward Leroy Vine, ✅ Donna Jean Vine, ✅ Clinton L Allen 

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