Case Search – New York (NY)

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Participant Index
A -> Ahrendt...(click to open)   Ahrendt, Steven
  Almendarez, Eduar
  Anderson, Debra
  Ashmeade, Damian
  Assoumou, Martin
  Augustin, Daniel
B -> Banks...(click to open)   Banks, Steven
  Baxter, Todd
  Beauval, Dorthley
  Beetigieg, Poot
  Begin, Dawn
  Behler, Danny
  Behler, Regina
  Bennett, Donald
  Besig, David
  Boyd, Darren
  Brennan, John
  Buttigieg, Pete
  Byrne, Patrick
  Byrne., Denis
C -> Cafero...(click to open)   Cafero, Michael
  Caldwell, Davon
  Campbell, Rita
  Canute, Scott
  Capra, Sgt.
  Care, Brooklyn
  Carter, Warden
  Chaves, Dagoberto
  Cheung, Christopher
  Christie, Claudette
  Clayman, Michael
  Cohen, Bruce
  Colella, Samuel
  Coleman, Dawson
  Collection, Cosy
  Columbe, C.
  Cordis, David
  Crumwell, Denise
  Cruz, David
D -> Dable...(click to open)   Dable, Habib
  Davis, Doug
  Decker, Thomas
  Dejoy, Postmaster
  Dennis, Dawn
  Dental, Brooklyn
  Derrig, Dion
  Diallo, Dairiou
  Dildine, Derrik
  Duffy, Mikaela
E -> Ellison...(click to open)   Ellison, Peter
  Embow, John
F -> Facility...(click to open)   Facility, Five
  Farhadian, David
  Financial, Great
G -> Gantert...(click to open)   Gantert, Mary
  Gechell, Nicholas
  Glick, Dasi
  Gray, Ashley
  Green, Dassy
  Gremaux, Deborah
  Griffiths, Peter
  Gruver, David
  Gu, Dongze
  Guerra, Captain
  Guerra, Warden
  Guevara, Doreen
H -> Halpin...(click to open)   Halpin, Donna
  Hamill, Laura
  Helbok, William
  Hernandez, Sgt.
  Hite, Christopher
  Holly, Oilivia
  Horton, Captain
  Hudson, Natalie
I -> India...(click to open)   India, Air
  Ingram, Derrick
J -> Jackson...(click to open)   Jackson, Delshawn
  Jackson, Denise
  Jaddou, Uscis
  Jaddou, Ur
  James, Dexter
  Johnsen, Paul
  Johnson, Devin
  Josey, Derek
K -> Kanner-Cohen...(click to open)   Kanner-Cohen, Daniela
  Kearney, Terrence
  Kijakazi, Kilolo
  Koppikar, Utpal
  Kuzmin, Alex
  Kwo, Elizabeth
L -> Lafurno...(click to open)   Lafurno, Desirae
  Laureano, Jonathan
  Leith, Thomas
  Lester, Philip
  Lewis, Arianna
  Liesen, David
  Liu, Dongdong
  Liu, Yu
  Lukatch, Heath
  Lyons, Denise
M -> Mahaffy...(click to open)   Mahaffy, Patrick
  Malik, Kemal
  Manning, Daniel
  McCallum, Douglas
  McCarthy, David
  McCloskey, B.
  McCourt, Thomas
  McCray, Daeshawn
  McGinty, Hon.
  McGlynn, David
  Melecio, Superintendent
  Melendez, Frances
  Merrifield, Ann
  Milinazzo, Alan
  Miller, Christopher
  Minard, Diane
  Minard, Douglas
  Mitchell, Dontie
  Morris, Dwayne
  Mullikin, Dennis
N -> Nader...(click to open)   Nader, Francois
  Nagel, Debra
  Nanry, Timothy
  Newell, Donna
  Nicoletta, Daniel
  Norton, William
O -> Officers...(click to open)   Officers, Commanding
P -> Panichi...(click to open)   Panichi, Evelyn
  Parker, Darren
  Paul, Gustavo
  Pauselius, Sgt.
  Philips, Koninklijke
  Pride, Linden
R -> Ramadan...(click to open)   Ramadan, Officer
  Rapoport, Dan
  Rasberry, Dawn
  Reed, Daryl
  Reyes, Nelyi
  Reynoso, Danny
  Rivera, David
  Rodriguez, Damaris
  Rogers-Sirin, Lauren
  Rozenberg, Lana
  Rutledge, Damien
S -> Salnauve...(click to open)   Salnauve, Samuel
  Sanders, Stephen
  Sank, Donna
  Sank, Leland
  Saul, Andrew
  Seicol, David
  Shahtaj, Syeda
  Sherry, Darren
  Smigiel, Daniel
  Smith, Andrew
  Smith, Karen
  Sorokti, Daniel
  Stejbach, Mark
  Symond, James
T -> Therapeutics...(click to open)   Therapeutics, Flexion
  Tineo, Digna
  Toledo, Franklin
  Townsend, Robert
  Tusch, Debra
V -> Velasco...(click to open)   Velasco, Arturo
  Velazquez, Dennis
  Village, Dante
W -> Wade...(click to open)   Wade, Darius
  Wellness, Love
  Wetmore, Weeden
  Whitehead, David
  Wolf, Chad
  Workers, Allied
  Worn, Dezarea
  Wright, Darryl
Y -> Yonkonsky...(click to open)   Yonkonsky, David
Z -> Zakrzewski...(click to open)   Zakrzewski, Joseph

New York,   October 29, 2021
Case 1:2021cv08930/568954
At the US District Court for the Southern District of New York, the legal case 1:2021cv08930/568954 entails Dwayne Morris and The City of New York. The filing date is October 29, 2021, and this case deals with Prisoner: Prison Condition as per 42 U.S.C. § 1983. Judge Lorna G Schofield is presiding over this matter, and no jury trial is demanded.
More Information about >>> ✅ Dwayne Morris 
New York,   October 20, 2021
Case 6:2021cv01138/130558
Initiated as Case Number case 6:2021cv01138/130558, Dezarea Worn files a lawsuit against Commissioner of Social Security at the US District Court for the Northern District of New York. Filed on October 20, 2021, this case revolves around Social Security: SSID Tit. XVI under 42 U.S.C. § 405 Review of HHS Decision (SSID). Judge Mae A D'Agostino presides over the case, and Referring Judge Therese Wiley Dancks is also part of the proceedings. No jury trial has been requested.
More Information about >>> ✅ Dezarea Worn 
New York,   October 25, 2021
Case 1:2021cv05926/471199
Initiated as Case Number case 1:2021cv05926/471199, Dexter James files a lawsuit against Brownstone NYC Management Corp and Martin Assoumou at the US District Court for the Eastern District of New York. Filed on October 25, 2021, this case revolves around Labor: Fair Standards under 29 U.S.C. § 201 Fair Labor Standards Act. Judge Ramon E Reyes presides over the case, and Referring Judge Allyne R Ross is also part of the proceedings. It's essential to note that Plaintiff has demanded a jury for this case.
More Information about >>> ✅ Dexter James, ✅ Martin Assoumou 
New York,   October 20, 2021
Case 2:2021cv05840/470989
At the US District Court for the Eastern District of New York, the legal case 2:2021cv05840/470989 involves David Farhadian and Police Officer Michael C. Milteer, individually, County of Nassau and Police Officer Michael C. Milteer. Filed on October 20, 2021, this case deals with Civil Rights: Other based on 42 U.S.C. § 1983 Civil Rights Act. Judge Brian M Cogan is overseeing the proceedings, and it's worth noting that the Plaintiff has requested a jury trial.
More Information about >>> ✅ David Farhadian 
New York,   October 29, 2021
Case 7:2021cv08854/568826
At the US District Court for the Southern District of New York, the legal case 7:2021cv08854/568826 involves David Seicol and SoClean, Inc. Filed on October 29, 2021, this case deals with Contract: Other based on 28 U.S.C. § 1332 bc. Judge Philip M Halpern is overseeing the proceedings, and it's worth noting that the Plaintiff has requested a jury trial.
More Information about >>> ✅ David Seicol 
New York,   October 20, 2021
Case 5:2021cv01148/130557
In case 5:2021cv01148/130557, Dryden Mutual Insurance Company initiates legal proceedings against Broan-Nutone, LLC at the US District Court for the Northern District of New York. Filed on October 20, 2021, this case involves matters related to Prop. Damage Prod. Liability under 28 U.S.C. § 1446 Notice of Removal. Presiding Judge Miroslav Lovric oversees the case, with involvement from Referring Judge Brenda K Sannes. It's important to mention that Defendant has requested a jury for this case.
Plaintiff   versus   Defendant
Debra Nagel
More Information
Acceleron Pharma, Inc., Francois Nader, Habib Dable, Laura J. Hamill, Christopher Hite, Terrence C. Kearney, Kemal Malik, Thomas A. McCourt, Karen L. Smith and Joseph S. Zakrzewski
[Case # 2021cv08644/568386], [Filed: October 21, 2021]
[ Securities/Commodities§ ⚖ ]
[Judge: John P Cronan] [jury demanded by Plaintiff]
✅ Francois Nader, ✅ Habib Dable, ✅ Laura J. Hamill, ✅ Christopher Hite, ✅ Terrence C. Kearney, ✅ Kemal Malik, ✅ Thomas A. McCourt, ✅ Karen L. Smith, ✅ Joseph S. Zakrzewski >>> More Information
New York,   October 21, 2021
Case 5:2021cv01153/130578
At the US District Court for the Northern District of New York, case 5:2021cv01153/130578 involves David Besig suing Koninklijke Philips N.V., Philips North America LLC and Philips RS North America LLC. Filed on October 21, 2021, this case addresses issues related to Personal Injury Product Liability based on 28 U.S.C. § 1332 Diversity-Product Liability. The case is presided over by Judge Andrew T Baxter, with Referring Judge Mae A D'Agostino also involved. Remarkably, Plaintiff has demanded a jury to hear this case.
More Information about >>> ✅ David Besig, ✅ Koninklijke Philips 
New York,   October 21, 2021
Case 1:2021cv08669/568444
In the US District Court for the Southern District of New York, the case 1:2021cv08669/568444 involves David Louis Whitehead and Pete Buttigieg, Poot Beetigieg, Department of Transportation and Does 1-3. Filed on October 21, 2021, this case pertains to Civil Rights: Other under 28 U.S.C. § 1331. Presiding over this matter is Judge Laura Taylor Swain. There is no demand for a jury trial.
More Information about >>> ✅ David Louis Whitehead, ✅ Pete Buttigieg, ✅ Poot Beetigieg, ✅ Does - 
New York,   October 21, 2021
Case 1:2021cv08639/568380
At the US District Court for the Southern District of New York, the legal case 1:2021cv08639/568380 entails Dongdong Liu and Ur M. Jaddou. The filing date is October 21, 2021, and this case deals with Other Immigration Actions as per 28 U.S.C. § 1361. Judge John P Cronan is presiding over this matter, and no jury trial is demanded.
More Information about >>> ✅ Dongdong Liu, ✅ Ur M. Jaddou 
New York,   November 11, 2021
Case 1:2021cv01202/139027
At the US District Court for the Western District of New York, case 1:2021cv01202/139027 involves Donna Sank and Leland Sank suing Wal-Mart Stores, Inc., WAL-MART, INC., Wal-Mart Real Estate Business Trust, Wal-Mart Realty Company, Wal-Mart Stores East, Inc. and Wal-Mart Stores East, LP. Filed on November 11, 2021, this case addresses issues related to Personal Injury: Other based on 28 U.S.C. § 1332. The case is presided over by Judge Jeremiah J McCarthy, with Referring Judge John L Sinatra also involved. No jury trial has been requested.
More Information about >>> ✅ Donna Sank, ✅ Leland Sank 
New York,   November 11, 2021
Case 1:2021cv06288/471957
Within the US District Court for the Southern District of Alabama, Denise Lyons brings forward a case against East Coast Realtors Inc. in Case Number case 1:2021cv06288/471957. Initiated on November 11, 2021, this legal matter pertains to an Telephone Consumer Protection Act (TCPA) issue based on 47 U.S.C. § 227 Restrictions of Use of Telephone Equipment. It's important to mention that Plaintiff has requested a jury for this case.
More Information about >>> ✅ Denise Lyons 
New York,   November 01, 2021
Case 1:2021cv08980/569113
At the US District Court for the Southern District of New York, the legal case 1:2021cv08980/569113 involves Darren Boyd and Warden Carter, Captain Guerra, Capt John Doe and Captain Horton. Filed on November 01, 2021, this case deals with Prisoner: Prison Condition based on 42 U.S.C. § 1983. Judge Laura Taylor Swain is overseeing the proceedings, and it's worth noting that the Plaintiff has requested a jury trial.
More Information about >>> ✅ Darren Boyd, ✅ Warden Carter, ✅ Captain Guerra, ✅ Captain Horton 
New York,   November 01, 2021
Case 1:2021cv06067/471471
In case 1:2021cv06067/471471, David McGlynn initiates legal proceedings against Fever Labs, Inc. and Does 1-10, inclusive at the US District Court for the Eastern District of New York. Filed on November 01, 2021, this case involves matters related to Copyright under 17 U.S.C. § 101 Copyright Infringement. Presiding Judge Kiyo A Matsumoto oversees the case, with involvement from Referring Judge Ramon E Reyes. It's important to mention that Plaintiff has requested a jury for this case.
More Information about >>> ✅ David McGlynn, ✅ Does - 
New York,   November 01, 2021
Case 1:2021cv01181/138854
At the US District Court for the Western District of New York, the legal case 1:2021cv01181/138854 entails Dion Derrig and John Brennan, Mary Gantert and Weeden Wetmore. The filing date is November 01, 2021, and this case deals with Prisoner: Civil Rights as per 42 U.S.C. § 1983. Judge Lawrence J Vilardo is presiding over this matter, and no jury trial is demanded.
More Information about >>> ✅ Dion Derrig, ✅ John Brennan, ✅ Mary Gantert, ✅ Weeden Wetmore 
New York,   November 01, 2021
Case 1:2021cv06080/471495
In case 1:2021cv06080/471495, Dasi Glick initiates legal action against U.S. Bank National Association at the US District Court for the Eastern District of New York. Filed on November 01, 2021, this case pertains to matters regarding Contract: Other under 28 U.S.C. § 1332. Presiding Judge Robert M Levy oversees the case, with Referring Judge Kiyo A Matsumoto involved. Plaintiff has explicitly requested a jury for this litigation.
More Information about >>> ✅ Dasi Glick 
New York,   November 01, 2021
Case 1:2021cv09051/569163
In case 1:2021cv09051/569163, Daeshawn McCray initiates legal action against Warden Carter, Warden Guerra, Captain John Doe and Captain Horton at the US District Court for the Southern District of New York. Filed on November 01, 2021, this case pertains to matters regarding Prisoner: Prison Condition under 42 U.S.C. § 1983. Presiding Judge Paul A Engelmayer oversees the case, with Referring Judge Gabriel W Gorenstein involved. Plaintiff has explicitly requested a jury for this litigation.
More Information about >>> ✅ Daeshawn McCray, ✅ Warden Carter, ✅ Warden Guerra, ✅ Captain Horton 
New York,   November 03, 2021
Case 7:2021cv09070/569188
In the US District Court for the Southern District of New York case 7:2021cv09070/569188, Dontie S. Mitchell files a suit against JPay, LLC, B. McCloskey and Sgt. D. Pauselius. The filing date was November 03, 2021, and this case concerns Prisoner: Civil Rights under 42 U.S.C. § 1983. Presiding over the case is Judge Nelson Stephen Roman. The Plaintiff has requested a jury trial.
More Information about >>> ✅ Dontie S. Mitchell, ✅ B. McCloskey, ✅ Sgt. D. Pauselius 
New York,   November 03, 2021
Case 6:2021cv06674/138908
US District Court for the Western District of New York case 6:2021cv06674/138908 comprises Derek Josey and Sgt. Hernandez, Officer Ramadan, CO John Doe and Five Points Correctional Facility. Filed on November 03, 2021, this case concerns Prisoner: Civil Rights based on 42 U.S.C. § 1983. Judge Charles J Siragusa is overseeing the case, and there is no demand for a jury trial.
More Information about >>> ✅ Derek Josey, ✅ Sgt. Hernandez, ✅ Officer Ramadan, ✅ Five Points Correctional Facility 
New York,   November 03, 2021
Case 1:2021cv09110/569235
The legal proceedings in case 1:2021cv09110/569235 at US District Court for the Southern District of New York involve Denis Byrne, Sr. and Juul Labs, Inc. formerly doing business as PAX Labs, Inc. formerly doing business as Ploom, Inc., Altria Group, Inc., Philip Morris USA Inc., Altria Client Services LLC, Altria Group Distribution Company, Altria Enterprises LLC, Mother Murphy's Labor. Filed on November 03, 2021, this case focuses on Personal Injury Product Liability based on 28 U.S.C. § 1332. Judge John P Cronan is presiding, and it's notable that the Plaintiff has requested a jury trial.
More Information about >>> ✅ Denis Byrne. 
New York,   November 03, 2021
Case 1:2021cv09119/569313
In the US District Court for the Southern District of New York, David J. McCarthy and Butler Tibbetts, LLC and Tibbets, Keating & Butler, LLC are involved in case 1:2021cv09119/569313. Filed on November 03, 2021, this legal matter focuses on Civil Rights: Other under 28 U.S.C. § 1331. Judge John G Koeltl is presiding, and no jury trial is requested.
More Information about >>> ✅ David J. McCarthy 
New York,   November 03, 2021
Case 1:2021cv01201/130692
Initiated as Case Number case 1:2021cv01201/130692, Daniel Adam Manning files a lawsuit against Hon. Anthony McGinty and Ulster County DSS Family Services at the US District Court for the Northern District of New York. Filed on November 03, 2021, this case revolves around Civil Rights: Other under 42 U.S.C. § 1983 Civil Rights Act. Judge Mae A D'Agostino presides over the case, and Referring Judge Daniel J Stewart is also part of the proceedings. No jury trial has been requested.
More Information about >>> ✅ Daniel Adam Manning, ✅ Hon. Anthony McGinty 
New York,   November 03, 2021
Case 7:2021cv09069/569178
The legal proceedings in case 7:2021cv09069/569178 at US District Court for the Southern District of New York involve DDS Michael V Bleyzer and Great West Life & Annuity Insurance Company and Great West Financial. Filed on November 03, 2021, this case focuses on Insurance based on 28 U.S.C. § 1332. Judge Vincent L Briccetti is presiding, and it's notable that the Plaintiff has requested a jury trial.
More Information about >>> ✅ Great West Financial 
New York,   November 03, 2021
Case 7:2021cv09045/569146
At the US District Court for the Southern District of New York, the legal case 7:2021cv09045/569146 involves Digital Verification Systems, LLC and KeepSolid, Inc. Filed on November 03, 2021, this case deals with Patent based on 35 U.S.C. § 271. Judge Kenneth M Karas is overseeing the proceedings, and it's worth noting that the Plaintiff has requested a jury trial.
New York,   November 03, 2021
Case 1:2021cv09050/569161
The legal proceedings in case 1:2021cv09050/569161 at US District Court for the Southern District of New York involve Derrick Ingram and City of New York, Desirae Lafurno, Robert Townsend, Peter Ellison, Gustavo Paul, Andrew Smith, Michael Cafero and John and Jane Does #1-60. Filed on November 03, 2021, this case focuses on Civil Rights: Other based on 42 U.S.C. § 1983. Judge Naomi Reice Buchwald is presiding, and it's notable that the Plaintiff has requested a jury trial.
More Information about >>> ✅ Derrick Ingram, ✅ Desirae Lafurno, ✅ Robert Townsend, ✅ Peter Ellison, ✅ Gustavo Paul, ✅ Andrew Smith, ✅ Michael Cafero 
New York,   November 03, 2021
Case 1:2021cv06134/471587
At the US District Court for the Eastern District of New York, case 1:2021cv06134/471587 involves David Rivera suing New York City Department of Education, City of New York, Claudette Christie and Arianna Lewis. Filed on November 03, 2021, this case addresses issues related to Civil Rights: Jobs based on 42 U.S.C. § 1983 Civil Rights Act. The case is presided over by Judge Taryn A Merkl, with Referring Judge Eric N Vitaliano also involved. Remarkably, Plaintiff has demanded a jury to hear this case.
More Information about >>> ✅ David Rivera, ✅ Claudette Christie, ✅ Arianna Lewis 
Plaintiff   versus   Defendant
Daryl Reed
More Information
Acceleron Pharma Inc., Francois Nader, Habib Dable, Laura J. Hamill, Attorney Christopher Hite, Terrence C. Kearney, Kemal Malik, Thomas A. McCourt, Karen L. Smith, Joseph S. Zakrzewski and Christopher Hite
[Case # 2021cv09189/569428], [Filed: November 05, 2021]
[ Securities/Commodities§ ⚖ ]
[Judge: Colleen McMahon] [jury demanded by Plaintiff]
✅ Francois Nader, ✅ Habib Dable, ✅ Laura J. Hamill, ✅ Terrence C. Kearney, ✅ Kemal Malik, ✅ Thomas A. McCourt, ✅ Karen L. Smith, ✅ Joseph S. Zakrzewski, ✅ Christopher Hite >>> More Information
New York,   November 03, 2021
Case 1:2021cv06237/471890
At the US District Court for the Eastern District of New York, case 1:2021cv06237/471890 involves Danny Reynoso bringing a case against Postmaster General Louis Dejoy. Filed on November 03, 2021, this case addresses issues related to Civil Rights: Jobs based on 42 U.S.C. § 2000 e Job Discrimination (Employment). The case is presided over by Judge Lois Bloom, with Referring Judge Pamela K Chen also involved. It's essential to note that Plaintiff has demanded a jury for this case.
More Information about >>> ✅ Danny Reynoso, ✅ Postmaster General Louis Dejoy 
New York,   November 03, 2021
Case 7:2021cv09081/569207
In case 7:2021cv09081/569207 within US District Court for the Southern District of New York, Donna Halpin brings a case against Royal Carting of Duchess County, Inc. and Evelyn Panichi. Filed on November 03, 2021, this legal matter relates to Civil Rights: Jobs as per 29 U.S.C. § 621. The presiding judge is Kenneth M Karas, and the Plaintiff has made a request for a jury trial.
More Information about >>> ✅ Donna Halpin, ✅ Evelyn Panichi 
New York,   November 11, 2021
Case 7:2021cv09335/569700
In the US District Court for the Southern District of New York case 7:2021cv09335/569700, Danny W Behler and Regina C Behler files a suit against TD Bank N.A., Consumer Law Protection, LLC and and. The filing date was November 11, 2021, and this case concerns Consumer Credit under 15 U.S.C. § 1666. Presiding over the case is Judge Cathy Seibel. The Plaintiff has requested a jury trial.
More Information about >>> ✅ Danny W Behler, ✅ Regina C Behler 
New York,   November 08, 2021
Case 1:2021cv09224/569509
The legal proceedings in case 1:2021cv09224/569509 at US District Court for the Southern District of New York involve Dawn Begin and Hearst Communications, Inc. Filed on November 08, 2021, this case focuses on Personal Property: Other based on 28 U.S.C. § 1332. Judge Ronnie Abrams is presiding, and it's notable that the Plaintiff has requested a jury trial.
More Information about >>> ✅ Dawn Begin 
New York,   November 08, 2021
Case 1:2021cv09206/569472
In the US District Court for the Southern District of New York case 1:2021cv09206/569472, Dorthley Beauval files a suit against The City Of New York,, NYC Police Commissioner Dermot Shea, PO Daniel Tooma, William Helbok, John Does "1" through "10" (NYPD Deputy Commissioners, Commanding Officers and Supervising Officers responsible for directing and supervising. The filing date was November 08, 2021, and this case concerns Civil Rights: Other under 42 U.S.C. § 1983. Presiding over the case is Judge Ronnie Abrams. Both have requested a jury trial.
More Information about >>> ✅ Dorthley Beauval, ✅ William Helbok, ✅ Commanding Officers 
New York,   November 08, 2021
Case 6:2021cv06683/138989
In case 6:2021cv06683/138989, Devin Johnson initiates legal proceedings against City of Rochester, Jonathan Laureano, ROCHESTER POLICE DEPARTMENT and The City Of Rochester at the US District Court for the Western District of New York. Filed on November 08, 2021, this case involves matters related to Civil Rights: Other under 42 U.S.C. § 1983. Presiding Judge David G Larimer oversees the case, with involvement from Referring Judge Marian W Payson. It's important to mention that Defendant has requested a jury for this case.
More Information about >>> ✅ Devin Johnson, ✅ Jonathan Laureano 
Plaintiff   versus   Defendant
David Gruver
More Information
Flexion Therapeutics, Inc., Patrick J. Mahaffy, Michael D. Clayman, Scott A. Canute, Samuel D. Colella, Utpal Koppikar, Elizabeth Kwo, Heath Lukatch, Ann Merrifield, Alan W. Milinazzo and Mark Stejbach
[Case # 2021cv06106/471540], [Filed: November 02, 2021]
[ Securities/Commodities§ ⚖ ]
[Judge: Frederic Block] , [Marcia M Henry] [jury demanded by Plaintiff]
✅ Flexion Therapeutics, ✅ Patrick J. Mahaffy, ✅ Michael D. Clayman, ✅ Scott A. Canute, ✅ Samuel D. Colella, ✅ Utpal Koppikar, ✅ Elizabeth Kwo, ✅ Heath Lukatch, ✅ Ann Merrifield, ✅ Alan W. Milinazzo, ✅ Mark Stejbach >>> More Information
Plaintiff   versus   Defendant
Damaris Hernandez Rodriguez
More Information
Commissioner of Social Security
[Case # 2021cv01212/139045], [Filed: November 12, 2021]
[ Social Security: DIWC/DIWW§42 U.S.C. § 405 ⚖ ]

>>> More Information
New York,   November 08, 2021
Case 1:2021cv09222/569505
In case 1:2021cv09222/569505 within US District Court for the Southern District of New York, Dairiou Diallo brings a case against NYC Froyo Partners LLC d/b/a 16 Handles, Bruce Cohen and NYC Froyo Partners LLC doing business as 16 Handles. Filed on November 08, 2021, this legal matter relates to Labor: Other as per 28 U.S.C. § 1332. The presiding judge is Mary Kay Vyskocil, and the Plaintiff has made a request for a jury trial.
More Information about >>> ✅ Dairiou Diallo, ✅ Bruce Cohen 
New York,   November 12, 2021
Case 1:2021cv09380/569784
At the US District Court for the Southern District of New York, the legal case 1:2021cv09380/569784 involves Denise Crumwell and Vispring Luxury Mattress Store, LLC. Filed on November 12, 2021, this case deals with Civil Rights: Americans with Disabilities - Other based on 28 U.S.C. § 1331. Judge J Paul Oetken is overseeing the proceedings, and it's worth noting that the Plaintiff has requested a jury trial.
More Information about >>> ✅ Denise Crumwell 
New York,   November 02, 2021
Case 7:2021cv08996/569058
In the US District Court for the Southern District of New York, the case 7:2021cv08996/569058 involves Debra Anderson and Wal-Mart Stores East, LP. Filed on November 02, 2021, this case pertains to Personal Injury: Other under 28 U.S.C. § 1442 nr. Presiding over this matter is Judge Kenneth M Karas. There is no demand for a jury trial.
More Information about >>> ✅ Debra Anderson 
Petitioner   versus   Respondent
Darius Wade
More Information
Superintendent Melecio
[Case # 2021cv09138/569316], [Filed: November 02, 2021]
[ Habeas Corpus (General)§28 U.S.C. § 2254 ⚖ ]
[Judge: James L Cott] , [Gregory H Woods]
✅ Superintendent Melecio >>> More Information
New York,   November 08, 2021
Case 9:2021cv01208/130747
Initiated in case 9:2021cv01208/130747, Donald M. Bennett brings forth legal action against The State of New York Correction and C. Columbe at the US District Court for the Northern District of New York. Filed on November 08, 2021, this case pertains to Prisoner: Civil Rights grounded in 42 U.S.C. § 1983 Prisoner Civil Rights. Presiding Judge Lawrence E Kahn oversees the proceedings, with Referring Judge Daniel J Stewart involved, and no jury has been requested.
More Information about >>> ✅ Donald M. Bennett, ✅ C. Columbe 
New York,   November 08, 2021
Case 1:2021cv06195/471746
In case 1:2021cv06195/471746, Dawn Rasberry initiates legal action against On Point System & Management Inc. at the US District Court for the Eastern District of New York. The case was filed on November 08, 2021 and involves matters related to Labor: Fair Standards under 29 U.S.C. § 201 Fair Labor Standards Act. Cheryl L Pollak presides over the case, and Referring Judge Eric N Vitaliano is also involved. There has been no request for a jury trial.
More Information about >>> ✅ Dawn Rasberry 
New York,   November 12, 2021
Case 1:2021cv09379/569780
At the US District Court for the Southern District of New York, case 1:2021cv09379/569780 features Denise Crumwell suing Toy Tokyo, Inc. Filed on November 12, 2021, this case revolves around Civil Rights: Americans with Disabilities - Other based on 28 U.S.C. § 1331. Judge Debra C Freeman presides over the case, with Referring Judge Paul G Gardephe involved. Notably, Plaintiff has demanded a jury for this case.
More Information about >>> ✅ Denise Crumwell 
New York,   November 08, 2021
Case 1:2021cv09200/569452
At the US District Court for the Southern District of New York, the legal case 1:2021cv09200/569452 involves Dennis Mullikin and Mikaela A. Duffy and The City Of New York,, NYC Police Commissioner Dermot Shea, John Does "1" through "10" (NYPD Deputy Commissioners, Commanding Officers and Supervising Officers responsible for directing and supervising the NYPD's response to the G. Filed on November 08, 2021, this case deals with Civil Rights: Other based on 42 U.S.C. § 1983. Judge Katherine Polk Failla is overseeing the proceedings, and it's worth noting that Both have requested a jury trial.
More Information about >>> ✅ Dennis Mullikin, ✅ Mikaela A. Duffy, ✅ Commanding Officers 
Plaintiff   versus   Defendant
Daniel Sorokti
More Information
City of Rochester, Timothy Nanry, Todd Baxter, John Doe Police Officers 1-200, Richard Roe Sheriff's Deputies 1-200, The City of Rochester and The County of Monroe
[Case # 2021cv06709/139159], [Filed: November 19, 2021]
[ Civil Rights: Other§42 U.S.C. § 1983 ⚖ ]
[Judge: Frank P Geraci] , [David G Larimer] [jury demanded by Both]
✅ Timothy Nanry, ✅ Todd Baxter >>> More Information
New York,   November 19, 2021
Case 1:2021cv06466/472373
At the US District Court for the Eastern District of New York, the legal case 1:2021cv06466/472373 entails Dan Kaplun Rapoport and Alex Kuzmin and Victoriya International, LLC. The filing date is November 19, 2021, and this case deals with Contract: Other as per 28 U.S.C. § 1332 Diversity-(Citizenship). Judge Brian M Cogan is presiding over this matter, and no jury trial is demanded.
More Information about >>> ✅ Dan Kaplun Rapoport, ✅ Alex Kuzmin 
Plaintiff   versus   Defendant
Doreen Guevara
More Information
NYC Human Resources Administration, Steven Banks, Oilivia Holly, Samuel Salnauve, Rita Campbell and City Of New York
[Case # 2021cv09646/570211], [Filed: November 19, 2021]
[ Civil Rights: Jobs§ ⚖ ]
[Judge: Gregory H Woods] [jury demanded by Plaintiff]
✅ Steven Banks, ✅ Oilivia Holly, ✅ Samuel Salnauve, ✅ Rita Campbell >>> More Information
New York,   November 19, 2021
Case 1:2021cv06451/472338
In the US District Court for the Eastern District of New York case 1:2021cv06451/472338, Darryl Price Wright files a suit against Jet Linx Aviation LLC. The filing date was November 19, 2021, and this case concerns Civil Rights: Jobs under 28 U.S.C. § 451. Presiding over the case is Judge Brian M Cogan. The Plaintiff has requested a jury trial.
More Information about >>> ✅ Darryl Price Wright 
New York,   November 15, 2021
Case NYS/1:21-CV-09454/1510621
Alright, check it — Delcid is up against The Procter & Gamble Company. Case number case NYS/1:21-CV-09454/1510621, kicked off on November 15, 2021. It's about Other and it's in front of Judge Gregory H Woods.
New York,   November 15, 2021
Case 1:2021cv09453/569905
In the US District Court for the Southern District of New York, D. H. and New York City Department Of Education, and New York City Department Of Education are involved in case 1:2021cv09453/569905. Filed on November 15, 2021, this legal matter focuses on Civil Rights: Education under 20 U.S.C. § 1415. Judge Andrew L Carter is presiding, and no jury trial is requested.
New York,   November 15, 2021
Case 1:2021cv06323/472051
At the US District Court for the Eastern District of New York, case 1:2021cv06323/472051 involves Daniel Smigiel bringing a case against College of Staten Island, Dr. Frances Melendez and Dr. Lauren Rogers-Sirin. Filed on November 15, 2021, this case addresses issues related to Civil Rights: Education based on 28 U.S.C. § 1983 Civil Rights. The case is presided over by Judge Margo K Brodie, with Referring Judge Robert M Levy also involved. It's essential to note that Plaintiff has demanded a jury for this case.
More Information about >>> ✅ Daniel Smigiel, ✅ Frances Melendez, ✅ Lauren Rogers-Sirin 
New York,   November 08, 2021
Case 1:2021cv06206/471781
At the US District Court for the Eastern District of New York, the legal case 1:2021cv06206/471781 entails Daniela Kanner-Cohen and US Attorney General Merrick B. Garland, USCIS Director Ur M. Jaddou, USCIS and United States Citizenship & Immigration Services. The filing date is November 08, 2021, and this case deals with Other Immigration Actions as per 28 U.S.C. § 1361 Petition for Writ of Mandamus. Judge Ann M Donnelly is presiding over this matter, and no jury trial is demanded.
More Information about >>> ✅ Daniela Kanner-Cohen, ✅ USCIS Director Ur M. Jaddou 
New York,   November 04, 2021
Case 1:2021cv09137/569311
In the US District Court for the Southern District of New York, the case 1:2021cv09137/569311 involves Dongze Gu and Yu Liu and Ur M. Jaddou. Filed on November 04, 2021, this case pertains to Other Immigration Actions under 28 U.S.C. § 1361. Presiding over this matter is Judge Katherine Polk Failla. There is no demand for a jury trial.
More Information about >>> ✅ Dongze Gu, ✅ Yu Liu, ✅ Ur M. Jaddou 
Petitioner   versus   Respondent
Deutsche Telekom AG Air India, Ltd.
[Case # 2021cv09155/569332], [Filed: November 04, 2021]
[ Other Statutes: Arbitration§09 U.S.C. § 201 ⚖ ]
[Judge: Paul G Gardephe]
✅ Air India >>> More Information
New York,   November 04, 2021
Case 1:2021cv09147/569323
At the US District Court for the Southern District of New York, the legal case 1:2021cv09147/569323 involves Dental Recycling North America, Inc. and Stoma Ventures, Inc. Filed on November 04, 2021, this case deals with Other Statutory Actions based on 15 U.S.C. § 1125 la. Judge Katherine Polk Failla is overseeing the proceedings, and it's worth noting that the Plaintiff has requested a jury trial.
New York,   November 17, 2021
Case 1:2021cv06373/472176
Initiated in case 1:2021cv06373/472176, Daniel Nicoletta brings forth legal action against Experian Information Solutions, Inc. and Verizon Communications, Inc. at the US District Court for the Eastern District of New York. Filed on November 17, 2021, this case pertains to Consumer Credit grounded in 15 U.S.C. § 1681. Presiding Judge LaShann DeArcy Hall oversees the proceedings, with Referring Judge Vera M Scanlon involved, and no jury has been requested.
More Information about >>> ✅ Daniel Nicoletta 
New York,   November 17, 2021
Case 1:2021cv09540/570016
At the US District Court for the Southern District of New York, the legal case 1:2021cv09540/570016 involves Denise Crumwell and Brooklyn Oak Dental Care, P.C. Filed on November 17, 2021, this case deals with Civil Rights: Americans with Disabilities - Other based on 28 U.S.C. § 1331. Judge Analisa Torres is overseeing the proceedings, and it's worth noting that the Plaintiff has requested a jury trial.
More Information about >>> ✅ Denise Crumwell, ✅ Brooklyn Oak Dental Care 
New York,   November 17, 2021
Case 2:2021cv06371/472166
At the US District Court for the Eastern District of New York, case 2:2021cv06371/472166 involves Dagoberto Chaves and Eduar Almendarez bringing a case against Sunfar Contracting Corp and Nelyi Reyes. Filed on November 17, 2021, this case addresses issues related to Labor: Fair Standards based on 29 U.S.C. § 201. The case is presided over by Judge Gary R Brown, with Referring Judge James M Wicks also involved. It's essential to note that Plaintiff has demanded a jury for this case.
More Information about >>> ✅ Dagoberto Chaves, ✅ Eduar Almendarez, ✅ Nelyi Reyes 
New York,   November 17, 2021
Case 1:2021cv09541/570019
In the US District Court for the Southern District of New York case 1:2021cv09541/570019, Denise Crumwell files a suit against Lana Rozenberg D.D.S. P.C. The filing date was November 17, 2021, and this case concerns Civil Rights: Americans with Disabilities - Other under 28 U.S.C. § 1331. Presiding over the case is Judge Lewis J Liman. The Plaintiff has requested a jury trial.
More Information about >>> ✅ Denise Crumwell, ✅ Lana Rozenberg 
New York,   November 17, 2021
Case 1:2021cv06385/472213
In case 1:2021cv06385/472213, Dassy Green initiates legal proceedings against Cosy House, LLC doing business as Cosy House Collection at the US District Court for the Eastern District of New York. Filed on November 17, 2021, this case involves matters related to Fraud or Truth-In-Lending under 28 U.S.C. § 1332 Diversity-(Citizenship). Presiding Judge Diane Gujarati oversees the case, with involvement from Referring Judge Vera M Scanlon, and no jury demand has been made.
More Information about >>> ✅ Dassy Green, ✅ Cosy House Collection 
Petitioner   versus   Respondent
Darren Parker
More Information
United States of America
[Case # 2021cv09558/570038], [Filed: November 17, 2021]
[ Habeas Corpus (General)§28 U.S.C. § 2241 fd ⚖ ]
[Judge: Philip M Halpern]
>>> More Information
New York,   November 17, 2021
Case 1:2021cv09542/570020
In case 1:2021cv09542/570020 within US District Court for the Southern District of New York, Denise Crumwell brings a case against NYC Smile Design Dentistry P.C. Filed on November 17, 2021, this legal matter relates to Civil Rights: Americans with Disabilities - Other as per 28 U.S.C. § 1331. The presiding judge is Lewis J Liman, and the Plaintiff has made a request for a jury trial.
More Information about >>> ✅ Denise Crumwell 
New York,   November 17, 2021
Case 1:2021cv06375/472178
In case 1:2021cv06375/472178, Damian Ashmeade initiates legal action against The City of New York City, Michael O'Sullivan and NYPD Officers John Doe # 1-5 at the US District Court for the Eastern District of New York. The case was filed on November 17, 2021 and involves matters related to Civil Rights: Other under 42 U.S.C. § 1983 Civil Rights Act. Sanket J Bulsara presides over the case, and Referring Judge Kiyo A Matsumoto is also involved. Interestingly, Plaintiff has demanded a jury to hear this case.
More Information about >>> ✅ Damian Ashmeade 
Petitioner   versus   Respondent
Daniel W Augustin
More Information
Acting Sec. of DHS Chad Wolf, Steven Ahrendt, Thomas R. Decker, WILLIAM BARR, Thomas Decker and Chad Wolf
[Case # 2020cv04862/539226], [Filed: June 24, 2020]
[ Habeas Corpus - Alien Detainee§28 U.S.C. § 2241 in ⚖ ]
[Judge: Lewis J Liman]
✅ Steven Ahrendt, ✅ Thomas R. Decker, ✅ Thomas Decker, ✅ Chad Wolf >>> More Information
New York,   June 24, 2020
Case 2:2020cv02803/449460
In the US District Court for the Eastern District of New York, Deborah Gremaux and Commissioner of Social Security are involved in case 2:2020cv02803/449460. Filed on June 24, 2020, this legal matter focuses on Social Security: DIWC/DIWW under 42 U.S.C. § 405 Review of HHS Decision (DIWW). Judge Kiyo A Matsumoto is presiding, and no jury trial is requested.
More Information about >>> ✅ Deborah Gremaux 
Plaintiff   versus   Defendant
[Case # 2020cv02813/449491], [Filed: June 24, 2020]
[ Labor: Family and Medical Leave Act§ ⚖ ]
[jury demanded by Plaintiff]
>>> More Information
New York,   June 24, 2020
Case 2:2020cv02813/449509
At the US District Court for the Eastern District of New York, case 2:2020cv02813/449509 involves Dawn Marie Dennis bringing a case against Ultimus Fund Solutions. Filed on June 24, 2020, this case addresses issues related to Labor: Family and Medical Leave Act based on 28 U.S.C. § 1331 Fed. Question. The case is presided over by Judge Nicholas G Garaufis, with Referring Judge Anne Y Shields also involved. It's essential to note that Plaintiff has demanded a jury for this case.
More Information about >>> ✅ Dawn Marie Dennis 
Petitioner   versus   Respondent
Damien Rutledge
More Information
[Case # 2020cv06430/130273], [Filed: June 24, 2020]
[ Prisoner: Vacate Sentence§28 U.S.C. § 2255 ⚖ ]
[Judge: Elizabeth A Wolford]
>>> More Information
New York,   November 04, 2021
Case 1:2021cv09162/569347
At the US District Court for the Southern District of New York, the legal case 1:2021cv09162/569347 involves Douglas McCallum and NYC City of NY. Filed on November 04, 2021, this case deals with Civil Rights: Other based on 28 U.S.C. § 1331. Judge Laura Taylor Swain is overseeing the proceedings, and it's worth noting that the Plaintiff has requested a jury trial.
More Information about >>> ✅ Douglas McCallum 
New York,   November 12, 2021
Case 1:2021cv09378/569779
In the US District Court for the Southern District of New York case 1:2021cv09378/569779, Denise Crumwell files a suit against Love Wellness. The filing date was November 12, 2021, and this case concerns Civil Rights: Americans with Disabilities - Other under 28 U.S.C. § 1331. Presiding over the case is Judge Vernon S Broderick. The Plaintiff has requested a jury trial.
More Information about >>> ✅ Denise Crumwell, ✅ Love Wellness 
New York,   November 17, 2021
Case 1:2021cv09539/570015
Initiated as Case Number case 1:2021cv09539/570015, Denise Crumwell files a lawsuit against Brooklyn Heights Dental, P.C. at the US District Court for the Southern District of New York. Filed on November 17, 2021, this case revolves around Civil Rights: Americans with Disabilities - Other under 28 U.S.C. § 1331. Judge James L Cott presides over the case, and Referring Judge Alison J Nathan is also part of the proceedings. It's essential to note that Plaintiff has demanded a jury for this case.
More Information about >>> ✅ Denise Crumwell, ✅ Brooklyn Heights Dental 
New York,   October 30, 2021
Case 1:2021cv08910/568925
In the US District Court for the Southern District of New York case 1:2021cv08910/568925, David McGlynn files a suit against Associated Newspapers (U.S.A.) Limited. The filing date was October 30, 2021, and this case concerns Copyright under 17 U.S.C. § 501. Presiding over the case is Judge Denise L Cote. The Plaintiff has requested a jury trial.
More Information about >>> ✅ David McGlynn 
New York,   October 30, 2021
Case 6:2021cv06668/138831
In the US District Court for the Western District of New York case 6:2021cv06668/138831, Derrik Dildine files a suit against 7-Eleven, Inc. The filing date was October 30, 2021, and this case concerns Other Fraud under 28 U.S.C. § 1332. Presiding over the case is Judge Frank P Geraci. The Plaintiff has requested a jury trial.
More Information about >>> ✅ Derrik Dildine 
New York,   November 09, 2021
Case 1:2021cv06406/472313
Initiated as Case Number case 1:2021cv06406/472313, Dawson Huber Coleman, Jr. files a lawsuit against JP Morgan Chase Bank, State Of New York and DOES 1 through 10, inclusive at the US District Court for the Eastern District of New York. Filed on November 09, 2021, this case revolves around Civil Rights: Other under 42 U.S.C. § 1983 Civil Rights Act. Judge Rachel P Kovner presides over the case, and Referring Judge Taryn A Merkl is also part of the proceedings. No jury trial has been requested.
More Information about >>> ✅ Dawson Huber Coleman 
New York,   November 09, 2021
Case 1:2021cv06226/471857
In case 1:2021cv06226/471857, David Cordis and Ashley Gray initiates legal action against USPS, The United States of America doing business as The United States Postal Service/Post Office and Jane Doe at the US District Court for the Eastern District of New York. The case was filed on November 09, 2021 and involves matters related to Motor Vehicle under 28 U.S.C. § 1391 Personal Injury. Frederic Block presides over the case, and Referring Judge Roanne L Mann is also involved. Interestingly, Plaintiff has demanded a jury to hear this case.
More Information about >>> ✅ David Cordis, ✅ Ashley Gray 
New York,   November 25, 2021
Case 2:2021cv06600/472681
In case 2:2021cv06600/472681, Davon Caldwell initiates legal action against Police Officer James K. Friel, Police Officer John Doe 1-5, County of Nassau, Nassau County Police Department and Nassau County District Attorney's Office at the US District Court for the Eastern District of New York. Filed on November 25, 2021, this case pertains to matters regarding Civil Rights: Other under 42 U.S.C. § 1983 Civil Rights Act. Presiding Judge Gary R Brown oversees the case, with Referring Judge Anne Y Shields involved. Plaintiff has explicitly requested a jury for this litigation.
More Information about >>> ✅ Davon Caldwell 
New York,   November 16, 2021
Case 1:2021cv09491/569955
In the US District Court for the Southern District of New York case 1:2021cv09491/569955, Denise Crumwell files a suit against Naadam Cashmere LLC. The filing date was November 16, 2021, and this case concerns Civil Rights: Americans with Disabilities - Other under 28 U.S.C. § 1331. Presiding over the case is Judge J Paul Oetken. The Plaintiff has requested a jury trial.
More Information about >>> ✅ Denise Crumwell 
Plaintiff   versus   Defendant
Denise L M Jackson
More Information
Commissioner of Social Security
[Case # 2021cv01225/139080], [Filed: November 16, 2021]
[ Social Security: DIWC/DIWW§42 U.S.C. § 405 ⚖ ]

>>> More Information
Plaintiff   versus   Defendant
Delshawn F Jackson
More Information
Commissioner of Social Security
[Case # 2021cv06697/139075], [Filed: November 16, 2021]
[ Social Security: DIWC/DIWW§42 U.S.C. § 405 ⚖ ]

>>> More Information
New York,   November 16, 2021
Case 1:2021cv09490/569954
The legal proceedings in case 1:2021cv09490/569954 at US District Court for the Southern District of New York involve Denise Crumwell and Earle D. Vandekar Of Knightsbridge, Incorporated. Filed on November 16, 2021, this case focuses on Civil Rights: Americans with Disabilities - Other based on 28 U.S.C. § 1331. Judge J Paul Oetken is presiding, and it's notable that the Plaintiff has requested a jury trial.
More Information about >>> ✅ Denise Crumwell 
New York,   November 16, 2021
Case 1:2021cv01227/139111
In case 1:2021cv01227/139111 within US District Court for the Western District of New York, Darren J. Sherry, Jr. brings a case against Norfolk Southern Railway Co. Filed on November 16, 2021, this legal matter relates to Federal Employer's Liability as per 45 U.S.C. § 51. The presiding judge is John L Sinatra, and the Plaintiff has made a request for a jury trial.
More Information about >>> ✅ Darren J. Sherry 
New York,   November 16, 2021
Case 2:2021cv06348/472115
Initiated as Case Number case 2:2021cv06348/472115, D'Arrigo Bros. Co. of New York, Inc. doing business as D'Arrigo New York files a lawsuit against A & S Vegetables Inc. doing business as Maharaja Farmers Market also known as 101 Kaur Farms Inc. also known as Badshah Farmers Market, OM Vegetable Inc. doing business as Badshah Farmers Market also known as Food Universe Marketplace also known as Ma at the US District Court for the Eastern District of New York. Filed on November 16, 2021, this case revolves around Agriculture Acts under 07 U.S.C. § 499 Agricultural Commodities Act. Judge Joan M Azrack presides over the case, and Referring Judge Anne Y Shields is also part of the proceedings. No jury trial has been requested.
New York,   November 16, 2021
Case 1:2021cv09467/569918
At the US District Court for the Southern District of New York, case 1:2021cv09467/569918 involves Digna Tineo bringing a case against Kilolo Kijakazi, Acting Commissioner of Social Security and Kilolo Kijakazi. Filed on November 16, 2021, this case addresses issues related to Social Security: DIWC/DIWW based on 42 U.S.C. § 405. The case is presided over by Judge Paul A Engelmayer, with Referring Judge Gabriel W Gorenstein also involved. There is no specific request for a jury trial.
More Information about >>> ✅ Digna Tineo, ✅ Kilolo Kijakazi, ✅ Kilolo Kijakazi 
New York,   November 26, 2021
Case 5:2021cv01264/130908
At the US District Court for the Northern District of New York, case 5:2021cv01264/130908 features Donna Newell suing Commissioner of Social Security. Filed on November 26, 2021, this case revolves around Social Security: DIWC/DIWW based on 42 U.S.C. § 405 Review of HHS Decision (DIWC). Judge Christian F Hummel presides over the case, with Referring Judge Thomas J McAvoy involved, and no jury demand has been made.
More Information about >>> ✅ Donna Newell 
New York,   November 16, 2021
Case 1:2021cv09493/569957
In case 1:2021cv09493/569957 within US District Court for the Southern District of New York, Denise Crumwell brings a case against Stephanie Gottlieb LLC. Filed on November 16, 2021, this legal matter relates to Civil Rights: Americans with Disabilities - Other as per 28 U.S.C. § 1331. The presiding judge is Andrew L Carter, and the Plaintiff has made a request for a jury trial.
More Information about >>> ✅ Denise Crumwell 
Petitioner   versus   Respondent
Da'Quan Lanier Sgt. M. Capra
[Case # 2021cv09307/569644], [Filed: November 10, 2021]
[ Habeas Corpus (General)§28 U.S.C. § 2254 ⚖ ]
[Judge: James L Cott] , [Alison J Nathan]
✅ Sgt. M. Capra >>> More Information
New York,   November 29, 2021
Case 2:2021cv06625/472719
In case 2:2021cv06625/472719, D'Arrigo Bros. Co. of New York Inc. initiates legal proceedings against Linden Food Corp., 241-11 Linden Food Corp., Food Farm Group Inc. and Syeda Shahtaj at the US District Court for the Eastern District of New York. Filed on November 29, 2021, this case involves matters related to Agriculture Acts under 07 U.S.C. § 499 Agricultural Commodities Act. Presiding Judge William F Kuntz oversees the case, with involvement from Referring Judge Arlene R Lindsay, and no jury demand has been made.
More Information about >>> ✅ Syeda Shahtaj 
Plaintiff   versus   Defendant
Dennis Velazquez
More Information
Commissioner of Social Security
[Case # 2021cv06700/139109], [Filed: November 16, 2021]
[ Social Security: DIWC/DIWW§42 U.S.C. § 405 ⚖ ]

>>> More Information
New York,   November 29, 2021
Case 1:2021cv10128/570869
In the US District Court for the Southern District of New York, the case 1:2021cv10128/570869 involves David Liesen and International Business Machines, Corp. Filed on November 29, 2021, this case pertains to Other Statutes: Arbitration under 28 U.S.C. § 2201 dj. Presiding over this matter is Judge Jesse M Furman. There is no demand for a jury trial.
More Information about >>> ✅ David Liesen 
New York,   November 16, 2021
Case 1:2021cv09494/569958
In the US District Court for the Southern District of New York case 1:2021cv09494/569958, Denise Crumwell files a suit against The Laundress, LLC. The filing date was November 16, 2021, and this case concerns Civil Rights: Americans with Disabilities - Other under 28 U.S.C. § 1331. Presiding over the case is Judge Katherine Polk Failla. The Plaintiff has requested a jury trial.
More Information about >>> ✅ Denise Crumwell 
New York,   February 01, 2021
Case 1:2021cv00886/553449
In case 1:2021cv00886/553449, Doug Davis initiates legal action against Capital One Bank (USA), National Association and Trans Union, LLC at the US District Court for the Southern District of New York. Filed on February 01, 2021, this case pertains to matters regarding Consumer Credit under 15 U.S.C. § 1681. Presiding Judge Andrew L Carter oversees the case, with Referring Judge Robert W Lehrburger involved. There is no jury demand specified.
More Information about >>> ✅ Doug Davis 
Plaintiff   versus   Defendant
Debra Lee Tusch
More Information
Andrew Saul and Commissioner of Social Security
[Case # 2021cv06098/134697], [Filed: February 01, 2021]
[ Social Security: SSID Tit. XVI§42 U.S.C. § 205 ⚖ ]

✅ Andrew Saul >>> More Information
New York,   February 01, 2021
Case 1:2021cv00876/553417
In the US District Court for the Southern District of New York case 1:2021cv00876/553417, David Cruz, Franklin Toledo and Arturo Cruz Velasco files a suit against Natalie Hudson, Perry & Hudson LLC doing business as Dante West Village, Dante Grove St LLC doing business as Dante, Linden Pride, Christopher Cheung and James Symond. The filing date was February 01, 2021, and this case concerns Labor: Fair Standards under 29 U.S.C. § 201. Presiding over the case is Judge John G Koeltl. The Plaintiff has requested a jury trial.
More Information about >>> ✅ David Cruz, ✅ Franklin Toledo, ✅ Arturo Cruz Velasco, ✅ Natalie Hudson, ✅ Dante West Village, ✅ Linden Pride, ✅ Christopher Cheung, ✅ James Symond 
New York,   February 01, 2021
Case 1:2021cv00119/127535
In case 1:2021cv00119/127535, Douglas G. Minard and Diane Minard initiates legal proceedings against Countryway Insurance Company at the US District Court for the Northern District of New York. Filed on February 01, 2021, this case involves matters related to Insurance under 28 U.S.C. § 1332 Diversity-Breach of Contract. Presiding Judge Brenda K Sannes oversees the case, with involvement from Referring Judge Daniel J Stewart. It's important to mention that Plaintiff has requested a jury for this case.
More Information about >>> ✅ Douglas G. Minard, ✅ Diane Minard 
New York,   February 01, 2021
Case 3:2021cv00118/127563
At the US District Court for the Northern District of New York, case 3:2021cv00118/127563 involves David Yonkonsky, John Embow, United Union of Roofers, Waterproofers and Allied Workers, Local Union No. 203, Paul Johnsen, Christopher Miller, Nicholas Gechell, Patrick Byrne, Stephen Sanders, Peter Griffiths, Philip Lester and William Norton suing New Britain Roofing Company and Thomas Leith. Filed on February 01, 2021, this case addresses issues related to Labor: Labor/Mgt. Relations based on 29 U.S.C. § 1132 E.R.I.S.A.-Employee Benefits. The case is presided over by Judge Miroslav Lovric, with Referring Judge Gary L Sharpe also involved. No jury trial has been requested.
More Information about >>> ✅ David Yonkonsky, ✅ John Embow, ✅ Allied Workers, ✅ Paul Johnsen, ✅ Christopher Miller, ✅ Nicholas Gechell, ✅ Patrick Byrne, ✅ Stephen Sanders, ✅ Peter Griffiths, ✅ Philip Lester, ✅ William Norton, ✅ Thomas Leith 
Plaintiff   versus   Defendant
Debra Lee Tusch
More Information
Andrew Saul and Commissioner of Social Security
[Case # 2021cv06100/134698], [Filed: February 01, 2021]
[ Social Security: DIWC/DIWW§42 U.S.C. § 405 ⚖ ]

✅ Andrew Saul >>> More Information

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