Case Search Missouri (MO)

What is Case Search Missouri?

Case Search Missouri is an online portal designed to provide access to public court records in the state of Missouri. This system is managed by the Missouri State Courts Administrator and offers a detailed look into civil, criminal, family, and probate cases. It’s a part of Missouri’s commitment to transparency and public access to legal information.

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Participant Index
A -> Allison...(click to open)   Allison, Leroy
  Anderson, Marty
  Arnold, Judge
  Arosteguy, George
  Arosteguy, Lorna
  Astrue, Michael
B -> Ball...(click to open)   Ball, Tyler
  Barnes, Jerome
  Barnett, Bill
  Baxter, Laross
  Beetz, Joseph
  Blake, Alan
  Blum, Sean
  Bond, Lisa
  Brenner, Linda
  Brines, Brett
  Brown, Lavonda
  Brown, Raymond
  Bryan, Lorie
  Buss, Ed
  Bye, Judge
C -> Caimi...(click to open)   Caimi, Louis
  Carldwell, Geri
  Chamberlain, William
  Clawson, Julie
  Cleveland, Lisa
  Coffman, Larry
  Cole, Lance
  Collins, Gary
  Collotion, Judge
  Compton, Larry
  Cornell, -
  Corum, Dave
  Crawford, Larry
  Crosby, Lisa
  Crump, Wayne
D -> Dam...(click to open)   Dam, Lorene
  Daniels, Lester
  Davidson, Lamar
  Davidson, Linda
  Davis, Thomas
  DeClue, Larry
  Declue, Larry
  Dickens, Richard
  Dihman, -
  Dobbs, Lieselotte
  Dormire, Dave
E -> Easton...(click to open)   Easton, Lynne
  Elliott, Gary
  Engen, Matt
F -> Fagg...(click to open)   Fagg, Judge
  Fattah, Lamya
  Faul, Leroy
  Fields, Jerome
  Figueroa, Joann
  Fleming, Jerry
  Flinn, Brandon
  Fritz, Robert
  Fultz, Lamont
  Fund, Welfare
G -> Gagne...(click to open)   Gagne, Lorrie
  Gaines, William
  Ganns, Michael
  Gardner, Lark
  Glenn, Lucas
  Gonzalez, Alberto
  Grant, Donald
  Grass, Lloyd
  Greele, Michael
  Greenberg, Lewis
  Greife, Alice
  Grimes, Timothy
  Grubaugh, John
H -> Hagen...(click to open)   Hagen, Deborah
  Hall, Laura
  Hall, Ricky
  Hambelton, Linda
  Hartley, Leila
  Hauck, Dolores
  Herschend, Ron
  Hilton, Brenda
  Hogan, Linda
  Hogan, Marvin
  Hogan, Michelle
  Hogan, Sean
  Huff, Tom
  Hunt, Ted
I -> Ingalls...(click to open)   Ingalls, Lorri
  Ives, Louis
J -> Jackson...(click to open)   Jackson, Carol
  Jackson, Larry
  Jamison, Gale
  Jenkins, Theron
  Jerez, Lorraine
  Johnson, Jason
  Johnson, Leon
  Johnson, Lori
  Johnson, Tyler
K -> Kars...(click to open)   Kars, Larry
  Karsten, Kenneth
  Keeper, Larry
  Keeter, Shanna
  Kemna, Michael
  Kemna, Mike
  Kimmel, Larry
  Krupp, Lester
L -> Lair...(click to open)   Lair, Benjamin
  Laird, Lori
  Land, Cliff
  Lee, Tanya
  Leritz, Joseph
  Lessard, Laureen
  Lofton, Logan
  Long, Steve
  Louis, St.
  Luth, William
M -> Malcom...(click to open)   Malcom, R.
  Marie, Lisa
  Martin, James
  Matlock, Lynnette
  Maybearry, Linda
  McGuire, Jill
  McMahon, Linda
  Mehan, Thomas
  Melloy, Judge
  Members, All
  Merlo, Norman
  Miller, Jennifer
  Miller, Kathra
  Moll, James
  Moore, Mark
  Morgan, John
  Morrison, David
  Mulligan, John
N -> Ndango...(click to open)   Ndango, Larry
  Newton, Aaron
  Nichols, Linda
  Noah, Lisa
  Nordyke, Michelle
O -> Orr...(click to open)   Orr, Larry
  Otten, Janet
P -> Pace...(click to open)   Pace, Raymond
  Payne, Leonard
  Pennell, Chuck
  Petty, Lisa
  Phillips, Leeanett
  Piccolo, Pasquale
  Pla, St.
  Plantation, Louisiana
  Potter, John
  Provident, Unum
  Purkett, James
R -> Reitz...(click to open)   Reitz, Robert
  Riggs, C.
  Robertson, Michael
  Robertson, Rex
  Robinson, Lawrence
  Rosenboom, Jon
S -> Sarver...(click to open)   Sarver, Keith
  Sarver, Linda
  Saunders, Lawrence
  Schmidt, Jeffrey
  Schroeder, Linda
  Schultehenrich, Jay
  Schulz, Todd
  Semar, Janine
  Shepherd, Judge
  Singer, Susan
  Smith, Judge
  Smith, Larry
  Smith, Linda
  Smith, Martha
  Smith., John
  Sonka, Lynette
  Springer, Lindsey
  Steele, Troy
  Stoner, Lloyd
  Strahan, Danny
  Stubblefield, Eugene
  Sumbry, Larriante
T -> Thomeczek...(click to open)   Thomeczek, Harold
  Thomeczek, Judy
  Thurman, Lisa
  Turner, Frank
  Tyler, Ball
W -> Walsh...(click to open)   Walsh, Lois
  Weis, Jeremy
  Wesolich, Robert
  Willey, Don
  Williams, Lee
  Williams, Lois
  Williamson, Lamont
  Wojehowski, Francis
  Wolford, Lonnie
  Woodruff, Laura
Y -> Young...(click to open)   Young, Brandy
  Young, Lester

Missouri,   May 29, 2007
Case 4:2007cv00395/81908
In the US District Court for the Western District of Missouri, Larry Lee Smith and Ted R Hunt, Todd M Schulz, Jeremy Weis, Tanya C. Lee, Deborah Hagen, Michelle J Nordyke and Brett Brines are involved in case 4:2007cv00395/81908. Filed on May 29, 2007, this legal matter focuses on Prisoner: Civil Rights under 42 U.S.C. § 1983 Prisoner Civil Rights. Judge Gary A. Fenner, Prisoner Pro Se is presiding, and no jury trial is requested.
More Information about >>> ✅ Larry Lee Smith, ✅ Ted R Hunt, ✅ Todd M Schulz, ✅ Jeremy Weis, ✅ Tanya C. Lee, ✅ Deborah Hagen, ✅ Michelle J Nordyke, ✅ Brett Brines 
Petitioner   versus   Respondent
Lawrence Robinson
More Information
[Case # 2007cv00076/87253], [Filed: May 29, 2007]
[ Prisoner: Vacate Sentence§28 U.S.C. § 2255 Motion to Vacate / Correct Illegal Sentenc ⚖ ]
[Judge: Catherine D. Perry]
>>> More Information
Petitioner   versus   Respondent
Leonard A. Payne
More Information
Mike Kemna
[Case # 2007cv00513/82650], [Filed: July 19, 2007]
[ Habeas Corpus (General)§28 U.S.C. § 2254 Petition for Writ of Habeas Corpus (State) ⚖ ]
[Judge: Prisoner Pro Se, Howard F. Sachs]
✅ Mike Kemna >>> More Information
Missouri,   July 12, 2007
Case 4:2007cv00496/82527
In the US District Court for the Western District of Missouri, the case 4:2007cv00496/82527 involves Larry Ndango and University of Missouri, C. Jo Riggs, Julie Clawson, Alice Greife and Michael Greele. Filed on July 12, 2007, this case pertains to Civil Rights: Other under 28 U.S.C. § 1331 Federal Question: Other Civil Rights. Presiding over this matter is Judge Robert E. Larsen. There is no demand for a jury trial.
More Information about >>> ✅ Larry Ndango, ✅ C. Jo Riggs, ✅ Julie Clawson, ✅ Alice Greife, ✅ Michael Greele 
Missouri,   July 27, 2007
Case 4:2007cv01350/88259
The legal proceedings in case 4:2007cv01350/88259 at US District Court for the Eastern District of Missouri involve Lorna Arosteguy and George Arosteguy and Schnuck Markets, Inc. Filed on July 27, 2007, this case focuses on Personal Injury: Other based on 28 U.S.C. § 1332 Diversity-Personal Injury. Judge Audrey G. Fleissig is presiding, and it's notable that the Plaintiff has requested a jury trial.
More Information about >>> ✅ Lorna Arosteguy, ✅ George Arosteguy 
Missouri,   July 23, 2007
Case 4:2007cv01329/88163
In the US District Court for the Eastern District of Missouri, Linda J. Smith and Michael J. Astrue are involved in case 4:2007cv01329/88163. Filed on July 23, 2007, this legal matter focuses on Social Security: DIWC/DIWW under 42 U.S.C. § 402 Social Security Benefits. Judge Terry I. Adelman, Donald J. Stohr is presiding, and no jury trial is requested.
More Information about >>> ✅ Linda J. Smith, ✅ Michael J. Astrue 
Missouri,   July 23, 2007
Case 2:2007cv04140/82792
In the US District Court for the Western District of Missouri case 2:2007cv04140/82792, Larry Jackson files a suit against Steve Long, Dave Dormire, - - Cornell, Dave Corum and - Dihman. The filing date was July 23, 2007, and this case concerns Prisoner: Civil Rights under 42 U.S.C. § 1983 Prisoner Civil Rights. Presiding over the case is Judge William A. Knox, Scott O. Wright. The Plaintiff has requested a jury trial.
More Information about >>> ✅ Larry Jackson, ✅ Steve Long, ✅ Dave Dormire, ✅ - - Cornell, ✅ Dave Corum, ✅ - Dihman 
Missouri,   August 03, 2007
Case 4:2007cv00562/82878
US District Court for the Western District of Missouri case 4:2007cv00562/82878 comprises Lester Daniels and Michael J. Astrue. Filed on August 03, 2007, this case concerns Social Security: DIWC/DIWW based on 42 U.S.C. § 405 Review of HHS Decision (DIWC). Judge James C. England is overseeing the case, and there is no demand for a jury trial.
More Information about >>> ✅ Lester Daniels, ✅ Michael J. Astrue 
Missouri,   August 03, 2007
Case 4:2007cv00560/82874
At the US District Court for the Western District of Missouri, the legal case 4:2007cv00560/82874 entails Larry Kars and Intercontinental Hotels Group Resources, Inc. The filing date is August 03, 2007, and this case deals with Contract Product Liability as per 28 U.S.C. § 1332 Diversity-Breach of Contract. Judge Gary A. Fenner is presiding over this matter, and no jury trial is demanded.
More Information about >>> ✅ Larry Kars 
Missouri,   August 02, 2007
Case 6:2007cv03245/82853
US District Court for the Western District of Missouri case 6:2007cv03245/82853 comprises Lisa Ann Marie and Martha A. Smith. Filed on August 02, 2007, this case concerns Assault Libel & Slander based on 28 U.S.C. § 1331 Fed. Question. Judge William A. Knox is overseeing the case, and there is no demand for a jury trial.
More Information about >>> ✅ Lisa Ann Marie, ✅ Martha A. Smith 
Missouri,   August 02, 2007
Case 6:2007cv03246/82856
In the US District Court for the Western District of Missouri, Linda J Hambelton and Michael J. Astrue are involved in case 6:2007cv03246/82856. Filed on August 02, 2007, this legal matter focuses on Social Security: DIWC/DIWW under 42 U.S.C. § 405 Review of HHS Decision (DIWC). Judge John T. Maughmer is presiding, and no jury trial is requested.
More Information about >>> ✅ Linda J Hambelton, ✅ Michael J. Astrue 
Missouri,   August 02, 2007
Case 5:2007cv06086/82861
At the US District Court for the Western District of Missouri, the legal case 5:2007cv06086/82861 involves Lamont Williamson and Michael Kemna, Shanna Keeter, Fleem, unknown Anderson, Jarritte, Tolle, Rose, Phille, Peligren, Batson, Toul and King. Filed on August 02, 2007, this case deals with Habeas Corpus (Prison Condition) based on 42 U.S.C. § 1983 Prisoner Civil Rights. Judge Gary A. Fenner, Prisoner Pro Se is overseeing the proceedings, and it's worth noting that the Plaintiff has requested a jury trial.
More Information about >>> ✅ Lamont Williamson, ✅ Michael Kemna, ✅ Shanna Keeter 
Petitioner   versus   Respondent
Leon Sylvester Johnson
More Information
United States of America
[Case # 2007cv01352/88264], [Filed: July 26, 2007]
[ Prisoner: Vacate Sentence§28 U.S.C. § 2255 Motion to Vacate / Correct Illegal Sentenc ⚖ ]
[Judge: Carol E. Jackson]
>>> More Information
Missouri,   August 08, 2007
Case 4:2007cv01417/88416
In the US District Court for the Eastern District of Missouri case 4:2007cv01417/88416, Lance A. Cole files a suit against Timothy Grimes, Kathra Miller, James D. Purkett, Frank Turner, Larry Crawford, Jason Johnson and William Chamberlain. The filing date was August 08, 2007, and this case concerns Prisoner: Civil Rights under 42 U.S.C. § 1983 Prisoner Civil Rights. Presiding over the case is Judge David D. Noce. The Plaintiff has requested a jury trial.
More Information about >>> ✅ Lance A. Cole, ✅ Timothy Grimes, ✅ Kathra Miller, ✅ James D. Purkett, ✅ Frank Turner, ✅ Larry Crawford, ✅ Jason Johnson, ✅ William Chamberlain 
Missouri,   August 06, 2007
Case 3:2007cv05076/82884
At the US District Court for the Western District of Missouri, the legal case 3:2007cv05076/82884 entails Lieselotte Dobbs and United States of America. The filing date is August 06, 2007, and this case deals with Personal Injury Medical Malpractice as per 28 U.S.C. § 1402 Medical Malpractice. Judge James C. England is presiding over this matter, and no jury trial is demanded.
More Information about >>> ✅ Lieselotte Dobbs 
Missouri,   August 08, 2007
Case 4:2007cv01412/88411
In case 4:2007cv01412/88411 within US District Court for the Eastern District of Missouri, Lori Johnson brings a case against Medtronic, Inc. Filed on August 08, 2007, this legal matter relates to Civil Rights: Jobs as per 42 U.S.C. § 2000 e Job Discrimination (Employment). The presiding judge is Frederick R Buckles, and the Plaintiff has made a request for a jury trial.
More Information about >>> ✅ Lori Johnson 
Missouri,   July 30, 2007
Case 4:2007cv01374/88294
In case 4:2007cv01374/88294 within US District Court for the Eastern District of Missouri, Larry Coffman brings a case against Alan Blake. Filed on July 30, 2007, this legal matter relates to Prisoner: Civil Rights as per 42 U.S.C. § 1983 Civil Rights Act. The presiding judge is Maryland Unassigned, and the Plaintiff has made a request for a jury trial.
More Information about >>> ✅ Larry Coffman, ✅ Alan Blake 
Petitioner   versus   Respondent
Lamont Williamson
More Information
Michael Kemna
[Case # 2007cv00546/82815], [Filed: July 30, 2007]
[ Habeas Corpus (General)§28 U.S.C. § 2254 Petition for Writ of Habeas Corpus (State) ⚖ ]
[Judge: Prisoner Pro Se, Ortrie D. Smith]
✅ Michael Kemna >>> More Information
Missouri,   May 04, 2007
Case 4:2007cv00928/86868
The legal proceedings in case 4:2007cv00928/86868 at US District Court for the Eastern District of Missouri involve Larry Coffman and Alan Blake. Filed on May 04, 2007, this case focuses on Prisoner: Civil Rights based on 42 U.S.C. § 1983 Civil Rights Act. Judge Mary Ann L. Medler is presiding, and it's notable that the Plaintiff has requested a jury trial.
More Information about >>> ✅ Larry Coffman, ✅ Alan Blake 
Missouri,   August 09, 2007
Case 4:2007cv01428/88480
US District Court for the Eastern District of Missouri case 4:2007cv01428/88480 comprises Laborers International Union of North America, AFL-CIO, Local Union Nos. 42-53-110, John J. Smith, Sr., Pasquale Lo Piccolo, Don Willey, Joseph Beetz, Gary Elliott, William L. Luth, Donald Grant, Joseph Leritz, Robert Fritz, Jay Schultehenrich, St. Louis and Paramount Construction Co., LLC. Filed on August 09, 2007, this case concerns Labor: E.R.I.S.A. based on 29 U.S.C. § 1132 E.R.I.S.A.-Employee Benefits. Judge Donald J. Stohr is overseeing the case, and there is no demand for a jury trial.
More Information about >>> ✅ John J. Smith., ✅ Pasquale Lo Piccolo, ✅ Don Willey, ✅ Joseph Beetz, ✅ Gary Elliott, ✅ William L. Luth, ✅ Donald Grant, ✅ Joseph Leritz, ✅ Robert Fritz, ✅ Jay Schultehenrich, ✅ St. Louis 
Missouri,   August 17, 2007
Case 4:2007cv00592/83047
The legal proceedings in case 4:2007cv00592/83047 at US District Court for the Western District of Missouri involve Lester Young and John E. Potter, Brenda K. Hilton, Geri Carldwell, JoAnn M Figueroa and Jerome Barnes. Filed on August 17, 2007, this case focuses on Civil Rights: Other based on 42 U.S.C. § 2000 Job Discrimination (Race). Judge Scott O. Wright is presiding, and it's notable that the Plaintiff has requested a jury trial.
More Information about >>> ✅ Lester Young, ✅ John E. Potter, ✅ Brenda K. Hilton, ✅ Geri Carldwell, ✅ JoAnn M Figueroa, ✅ Jerome Barnes 
Missouri,   August 14, 2007
Case 4:2007cv01440/88499
In the US District Court for the Eastern District of Missouri case 4:2007cv01440/88499, Lisa Marie Petty files a suit against AT&T Operations, Inc. The filing date was August 14, 2007, and this case concerns Civil Rights: Jobs under 42 U.S.C. § 12101 Americans with Disabilities Act. Presiding over the case is Judge Charles A. Shaw. The Plaintiff has requested a jury trial.
More Information about >>> ✅ Lisa Marie Petty 
Petitioner   versus   Respondent
Larry Eugene DeClue
More Information
Troy Steele
[Case # 2007cv01448/88521], [Filed: August 14, 2007]
[ Habeas Corpus (General)§28 U.S.C. § 2254 Petition for Writ of Habeas Corpus (State) ⚖ ]
[Judge: Jean C. Hamilton]
✅ Troy Steele >>> More Information
Missouri,   August 15, 2007
Case 4:2007cv01459/88544
At the US District Court for the Eastern District of Missouri, the legal case 4:2007cv01459/88544 involves Larry Coffman and Alan Blake. Filed on August 15, 2007, this case deals with Prisoner: Civil Rights based on 42 U.S.C. § 1983 Civil Rights Act. Judge Catherine D. Perry is overseeing the proceedings, and it's worth noting that the Plaintiff has requested a jury trial.
More Information about >>> ✅ Larry Coffman, ✅ Alan Blake 
Petitioner   versus   Respondent
Larriante J. Sumbry
More Information
Ed Buss
[Case # 2007cv00240/84980], [Filed: January 29, 2007]
[ Habeas Corpus (General)§28 U.S.C. § 2254 Petition for Writ of Habeas Corpus (State) ⚖ ]
[Judge: Henry E. Autrey]
✅ Ed Buss >>> More Information
Missouri,   January 29, 2007
Case 4:2007cv00222/84952
In the US District Court for the Eastern District of Missouri case 4:2007cv00222/84952, Larry Coffman files a suit against Alan Blake, Jon Rosenboom, Janine Semar and Lynne Easton. The filing date was January 29, 2007, and this case concerns Prisoner: Civil Rights under 42 U.S.C. § 1983 Civil Rights Act. Presiding over the case is Judge Charles A. Shaw. The Plaintiff has requested a jury trial.
More Information about >>> ✅ Larry Coffman, ✅ Alan Blake, ✅ Jon Rosenboom, ✅ Janine Semar, ✅ Lynne Easton 
Petitioner   versus   Respondent
Lamont A. Fultz
More Information
Jill McGuire
[Case # 2007cv01431/88483], [Filed: August 10, 2007]
[ Habeas Corpus (General)§28 U.S.C. § 2254 Petition for Writ of Habeas Corpus (State) ⚖ ]
[Judge: E. Richard Webber]
✅ Jill McGuire >>> More Information
Missouri,   January 29, 2007
Case 3:2007cv05011/80486
US District Court for the Western District of Missouri case 3:2007cv05011/80486 comprises LaRoss L. Baxter and Linda S. McMahon. Filed on January 29, 2007, this case concerns Social Security: DIWC/DIWW based on 42 U.S.C. § 405 Review of HHS Decision (DIWC). Judge Ortrie D. Smith is overseeing the case, and there is no demand for a jury trial.
More Information about >>> ✅ LaRoss L. Baxter, ✅ Linda S. McMahon 
Petitioner   versus   Respondent
Lloyd Stoner
More Information
State of Missouri
[Case # 2007cv01538/88773], [Filed: August 29, 2007]
[ Habeas Corpus (General)§28 U.S.C. § 2254 Petition for Writ of Habeas Corpus (State) ⚖ ]
[Judge: Donald J. Stohr]
>>> More Information
Missouri,   August 16, 2007
Case 4:2007cv01462/88550
In case 4:2007cv01462/88550 within US District Court for the Eastern District of Missouri, Lisa Thurman brings a case against Rehabcare Group, Inc. Filed on August 16, 2007, this legal matter relates to Civil Rights: Jobs as per 29 U.S.C. § 2617 Family Medical Leave Act. The presiding judge is E. Richard Webber, and the Plaintiff has made a request for a jury trial.
More Information about >>> ✅ Lisa Thurman 
Missouri,   August 16, 2007
Case 3:2007cv05082/83037
In the US District Court for the Western District of Missouri case 3:2007cv05082/83037, Lorri Ingalls files a suit against International Flavors & Fragrances, Inc., Bush Boake & Allen, Inc., Givaudan Flavors Corporation, Sigma-Aldrich, Inc. and Aldrich Chemical Co. The filing date was August 16, 2007, and this case concerns Personal Injury Product Liability under 28 U.S.C. § 1332 Diversity-Product Liability. Presiding over the case is Judge Richard E. Dorr. Both have requested a jury trial.
More Information about >>> ✅ Lorri Ingalls 
Missouri,   August 24, 2007
Case 4:2007cv01503/88690
In the US District Court for the Eastern District of Missouri, the case 4:2007cv01503/88690 involves LPP Mortgage, Ltd. and Dolores Hauck, Pit Stop Corporation, Harold Thomeczek and Judy Thomeczek. Filed on August 24, 2007, this case pertains to Negotiable Instrument under 12 U.S.C. § 1819 Default of Promissory Note. Presiding over this matter is Judge Rodney W. Sippel. There is no demand for a jury trial.
More Information about >>> ✅ Dolores Hauck, ✅ Harold Thomeczek, ✅ Judy Thomeczek 
Petitioner   versus   Respondent
Larry Eugene Declue
More Information
Troy Steele
[Case # 2007cv03274/83124], [Filed: August 24, 2007]
[ Habeas Corpus (General)§28 U.S.C. § 2254 Petition for Writ of Habeas Corpus (State) ⚖ ]
[Judge: Fernando J. Gaitan, Prisoner Pro Se]
✅ Troy Steele >>> More Information
Missouri,   August 20, 2007
Case 4:2007cv00594/83052
US District Court for the Western District of Missouri case 4:2007cv00594/83052 comprises Lisa M. Noah and Michael J. Astrue. Filed on August 20, 2007, this case concerns Social Security: SSID Tit. XVI based on 42 U.S.C. § 405 Review of HHS Decision (SSID). Judge Robert E. Larsen is overseeing the case, and there is no demand for a jury trial.
More Information about >>> ✅ Lisa M. Noah, ✅ Michael J. Astrue 
Missouri,   September 18, 2007
Case 2:2007cv00044/89105
In case 2:2007cv00044/89105 within US District Court for the Eastern District of Missouri, Lonnie Wolford brings a case against Unknown Avery, Unknown Weatherford, All Other Parole Board Members, Wayne Crump and Steve Long. Filed on September 18, 2007, this legal matter relates to Prisoner: Civil Rights as per 42 U.S.C. § 1983 Prisoner Civil Rights. The presiding judge is Audrey G. Fleissig, and the Plaintiff has made a request for a jury trial.
More Information about >>> ✅ Lonnie Wolford, ✅ All Other Parole Board Members, ✅ Wayne Crump, ✅ Steve Long 
Missouri,   September 13, 2007
Case 2:2007cv04169/83107
In the US District Court for the Western District of Missouri, Lisa M. Cleveland and Michael J. Astrue are involved in case 2:2007cv04169/83107. Filed on September 13, 2007, this legal matter focuses on Social Security: DIWC/DIWW under 42 U.S.C. § 405 Review of HHS Decision (DIWW). Judge Dean Whipple is presiding, and no jury trial is requested.
More Information about >>> ✅ Lisa M. Cleveland, ✅ Michael J. Astrue 
Missouri,   September 07, 2007
Case 3:2007cv05090/83343
At the US District Court for the Western District of Missouri, the legal case 3:2007cv05090/83343 entails Lorene Van Dam and Paul Revere Life Insurance Company and Talburt & Associates. The filing date is September 07, 2007, and this case deals with Labor: E.R.I.S.A. as per 29 U.S.C. § 1001 E.R.I.S.A.: Employee Retirement. Judge Sarah W. Hays is presiding over this matter, and no jury trial is demanded.
More Information about >>> ✅ Lorene Van Dam 
Missouri,   September 14, 2007
Case 6:2007cv03311/83481
In the US District Court for the Western District of Missouri case 6:2007cv03311/83481, Linda Davidson and Lamar Davidson files a suit against Christian County Missouri, John Grubaugh, Bill Barnett, Tom Huff, Michael Robertson, Ozark County Missouri, David Morrison, Gary Collins, Rex Robertson, Raymond Pace, Taney County Missouri, Chuck Pennell, Ron Herschend, Danny Strahan and Theron Jenkins. The filing date was September 14, 2007, and this case concerns Habeas Corpus (Prison Condition) under 42 U.S.C. § 1983 Prisoner Civil Rights. Presiding over the case is Judge Fernando J. Gaitan. The Plaintiff has requested a jury trial.
More Information about >>> ✅ Linda Davidson, ✅ Lamar Davidson, ✅ John Grubaugh, ✅ Bill Barnett, ✅ Tom Huff, ✅ Michael Robertson, ✅ David Morrison, ✅ Gary Collins, ✅ Rex Robertson, ✅ Raymond Pace, ✅ Chuck Pennell, ✅ Ron Herschend, ✅ Danny Strahan, ✅ Theron Jenkins 
Missouri,   September 14, 2007
Case 4:2007cv00693/83484
In the US District Court for the Western District of Missouri, Liberty Mutual Fire Insurance Company and Marvin D. Hogan, Linda D. Hogan, Sean Hogan, Michelle Hogan, Hogan Construction, Inc., Linda D. Hogan Trust dated August 21, 1991 and Marvin D. Hogan Trust dated August 21, 1991 are involved in case 4:2007cv00693/83484. Filed on September 14, 2007, this legal matter focuses on Contract: Other under 28 U.S.C. § 1332 Diversity-Contract Default. Judge Ortrie D. Smith is presiding, and no jury trial is requested.
More Information about >>> ✅ Marvin D. Hogan, ✅ Linda D. Hogan, ✅ Sean Hogan, ✅ Michelle Hogan 
Petitioner   versus   Respondent
Lloyd Stoner
More Information
State of Missouri
[Case # 2007cv00659/83319], [Filed: September 05, 2007]
[ Habeas Corpus (General)§28 U.S.C. § 2254 Petition for Writ of Habeas Corpus (State) ⚖ ]
[Judge: Gary A. Fenner, Prisoner Pro Se]
>>> More Information
Missouri,   April 27, 2007
Case 4:2007cv00880/86789
The legal proceedings in case 4:2007cv00880/86789 at US District Court for the Eastern District of Missouri involve Larry Coffman and Alan Blake. Filed on April 27, 2007, this case focuses on Prisoner: Civil Rights based on 42 U.S.C. § 1983 Civil Rights Act. Judge Carol E. Jackson is presiding, and it's notable that the Plaintiff has requested a jury trial.
More Information about >>> ✅ Larry Coffman, ✅ Alan Blake 
Missouri,   September 19, 2007
Case 4:2007cv01631/89100
In the US District Court for the Eastern District of Missouri, the case 4:2007cv01631/89100 involves Local 202, Sheet Metal Workers International Association, AFL-CIO, Trustees of the Local 202 Sheet Metal Workers Pension Fund and Trustees of the Sheet Metal Workers' International Association Local 202 Welfare Plan and National Fabco Manufacturing, Inc. Filed on September 19, 2007, this case pertains to Labor: E.R.I.S.A. under 29 U.S.C. § 1132 E.R.I.S.A.-Employee Benefits. Presiding over this matter is Judge Terry I. Adelman. There is no demand for a jury trial.
Missouri,   September 19, 2007
Case 4:2007cv01632/89103
At the US District Court for the Eastern District of Missouri, the legal case 4:2007cv01632/89103 entails Linda Joyce Brenner and Social Security Administration. The filing date is September 19, 2007, and this case deals with Social Security: DIWC/DIWW as per 42 U.S.C. § 405 Review of HHS Decision (DIWC). Judge David D. Noce is presiding over this matter, and no jury trial is demanded.
More Information about >>> ✅ Linda Joyce Brenner 
Missouri,   September 27, 2007
Case 4:2007cv01681/89254
In the US District Court for the Eastern District of Missouri, Louis Caimi and DaimlerChrysler Corporation and Esis, Inc. are involved in case 4:2007cv01681/89254. Filed on September 27, 2007, this legal matter focuses on Labor: E.R.I.S.A. under 28 U.S.C. § 1132 E.R.I.S.A. Judge Charles A. Shaw is presiding, and no jury trial is requested.
More Information about >>> ✅ Louis Caimi 
Petitioner   versus   Respondent
Louis J. Ives
More Information
Marty C. Anderson
[Case # 2007cv03335/83587], [Filed: September 26, 2007]
[ Habeas Corpus (General)§28 U.S.C. § 2241 Petition for Writ of Habeas Corpus (federa ⚖ ]
[Judge: James C. England, Gary A. Fenner]
✅ Marty C. Anderson >>> More Information
Missouri,   October 01, 2007
Case 4:2007cv01690/89273
At the US District Court for the Eastern District of Missouri, the legal case 4:2007cv01690/89273 entails Laborers International Union of North America, AFL-CIO, Local Union Nos. 42-53-110, Brandon Flinn, John B. Morgan, John P. Mulligan, Robert J. Wesolich, Francis R. Wojehowski, Cliff Land, Jay Schultehenrich, Norman Merlo, William L. Luth, AGC - Eastern Mi and R. C. Clark. The filing date is October 01, 2007, and this case deals with Labor: E.R.I.S.A. as per 29 U.S.C. § 1132 E.R.I.S.A.-Employee Benefits. Judge Stephen N. Limbaugh is presiding over this matter, and no jury trial is demanded.
More Information about >>> ✅ Brandon Flinn, ✅ John B. Morgan, ✅ John P. Mulligan, ✅ Robert J. Wesolich, ✅ Francis R. Wojehowski, ✅ Cliff Land, ✅ Jay Schultehenrich, ✅ Norman Merlo, ✅ William L. Luth 
Petitioner   versus   Respondent
Lloyd Grass
More Information
Robert Reitz
[Case # 2007cv00738/83640], [Filed: October 01, 2007]
[ Habeas Corpus (General)§28 U.S.C. § 2254 Petition for Writ of Habeas Corpus (State) ⚖ ]
[Judge: Prisoner Pro Se, Ortrie D. Smith]
✅ Robert Reitz >>> More Information
Missouri,   October 03, 2007
Case 4:2007cv01699/89295
The legal proceedings in case 4:2007cv01699/89295 at US District Court for the Eastern District of Missouri involve Lorraine Jerez and Aaron Newton. Filed on October 03, 2007, this case focuses on Motor Vehicle based on 28 U.S.C. § 1332 Diversity-Auto Negligence. Judge Rodney W. Sippel is presiding, and it's notable that the Plaintiff has requested a jury trial.
More Information about >>> ✅ Lorraine Jerez, ✅ Aaron Newton 
Missouri,   September 24, 2007
Case 4:2007cv01661/89198
The legal proceedings in case 4:2007cv01661/89198 at US District Court for the Eastern District of Missouri involve Linda Schroeder and City of Byrnes Mill. Filed on September 24, 2007, this case focuses on Civil Rights: Other based on 42 U.S.C. § 1983 Civil Rights Act. Judge Stephen N. Limbaugh is presiding, and it's notable that the Plaintiff has requested a jury trial.
More Information about >>> ✅ Linda Schroeder 
Missouri,   October 09, 2007
Case 4:2007cv01716/89363
The legal proceedings in case 4:2007cv01716/89363 at US District Court for the Eastern District of Missouri involve Lewis Greenberg and Ballwin, City of. Filed on October 09, 2007, this case focuses on Civil Rights: Other based on 28 U.S.C. § 1331 Federal Question: Other Civil Rights. Judge Carol E. Jackson is presiding, and it's notable that the Plaintiff has requested a jury trial.
More Information about >>> ✅ Lewis Greenberg 
Petitioner   versus   Respondent
Lloyd Grass
More Information
Robert Reitz
[Case # 2007cv01726/89381], [Filed: October 10, 2007]
[ Habeas Corpus (General)§28 U.S.C. § 2254 Petition for Writ of Habeas Corpus (State) ⚖ ]
[Judge: Donald J. Stohr]
✅ Robert Reitz >>> More Information
Missouri,   October 04, 2007
Case 4:2007cv01703/89359
In the US District Court for the Eastern District of Missouri, the case 4:2007cv01703/89359 involves Laborers International Union of North America, AFL-CIO, Local Union Nos. 42-53-110, John B. Morgan, John P. Mulligan, Robert J. Wesolich, Francis R. Wojehowski, Cliff Land, John J. Smith, Sr., William R. Gaines, Jr., St. Louis Vacation Fund - Vacation Pla and Sean A. Blum and Blum Concrete Contractors, LLC. Filed on October 04, 2007, this case pertains to Labor: E.R.I.S.A. under 29 U.S.C. § 1132 E.R.I.S.A.-Employee Benefits. Presiding over this matter is Judge Charles A. Shaw. There is no demand for a jury trial.
More Information about >>> ✅ John B. Morgan, ✅ John P. Mulligan, ✅ Robert J. Wesolich, ✅ Francis R. Wojehowski, ✅ Cliff Land, ✅ John J. Smith., ✅ William R. Gaines, ✅ St. Louis Vacation Fund - Vacation Pla, ✅ Sean A. Blum 
Missouri,   October 18, 2007
Case 6:2007cv03367/83790
In the US District Court for the Western District of Missouri, the case 6:2007cv03367/83790 involves Lisa Bond and Michael J. Astrue. Filed on October 18, 2007, this case pertains to Social Security: DIWC/DIWW under 42 U.S.C. § 405 Review of HHS Decision (DIWC). Presiding over this matter is Judge William A. Knox. There is no demand for a jury trial.
More Information about >>> ✅ Lisa Bond, ✅ Michael J. Astrue 
Missouri,   October 18, 2007
Case 2:2007cv00046/89534
The legal proceedings in case 2:2007cv00046/89534 at US District Court for the Eastern District of Missouri involve Leeanett N. Phillips, Ricky D. Hall, Lorie K. Bryan and Laura Turpin Hall and Matt Engen and W.W. Transport, Inc. Filed on October 18, 2007, this case focuses on Both based on Diversity. Judge Jean C. Hamilton is presiding, and it's notable that the 28:1332 Diversity-Tort/Motor Vehicle (P.I.) has requested a jury trial.
More Information about >>> ✅ Leeanett N. Phillips, ✅ Ricky D. Hall, ✅ Lorie K. Bryan, ✅ Laura Turpin Hall, ✅ Matt Engen 
Missouri,   October 18, 2007
Case 4:2007cv01787/89513
At the US District Court for the Eastern District of Missouri, the legal case 4:2007cv01787/89513 involves Logan Lofton and National-Alamo. Filed on October 18, 2007, this case deals with Civil Rights: Jobs based on 28 U.S.C. § 1332 Diversity-Employment Discrimination. Judge Stephen N. Limbaugh is overseeing the proceedings, and it's worth noting that the Plaintiff has requested a jury trial.
More Information about >>> ✅ Logan Lofton 
Petitioner   versus   Respondent
Le'Mon Horton State of Missouri
[Case # 2007cv01785/89504], [Filed: October 17, 2007]
[ Habeas Corpus (General)§28 U.S.C. § 2254 Petition for Writ of Habeas Corpus (State) ⚖ ]
[Judge: Charles A. Shaw]
>>> More Information
Missouri,   May 07, 2007
Case 4:2007cv00912/86848
At the US District Court for the Eastern District of Missouri, the legal case 4:2007cv00912/86848 involves Lester F. Krupp, Jr. and Tyler D. Johnson and Unknown Brock, Unknown Bunt, Unknown Brown, Jerome Fields, St. Louis Justice Center, St. Louis, Missouri, City of, Missouri Department of Corrections, Missouri, State of, Eugene Stubblefield, Unknown Chwams and Ball Tyler. Filed on May 07, 2007, this case deals with Prisoner: Civil Rights based on 42 U.S.C. § 1983 Prisoner Civil Rights. Judge Carol E. Jackson is overseeing the proceedings, and it's worth noting that the Plaintiff has requested a jury trial.
More Information about >>> ✅ Lester F. Krupp, ✅ Tyler D. Johnson, ✅ Jerome Fields, ✅ St. Louis, ✅ Eugene Stubblefield, ✅ Ball Tyler 
Missouri,   May 07, 2007
Case 4:2007cv00913/86849
At the US District Court for the Eastern District of Missouri, the legal case 4:2007cv00913/86849 involves Lester F. Krupp, Jr. and Tyler D. Johnson and Unknown Chwams, Susan Singer, Unknown Jones, St. Louis Justice Center, St. Louis, City of, Missouri Department of Corrections, Unknown Saddiqui, Eugene Stubblefield and Ball Tyler. Filed on May 07, 2007, this case deals with Prisoner: Civil Rights based on 42 U.S.C. § 1983 Prisoner Civil Rights. Judge Thomas C. Mummert is overseeing the proceedings, and it's worth noting that the Plaintiff has requested a jury trial.
More Information about >>> ✅ Lester F. Krupp, ✅ Tyler D. Johnson, ✅ Susan Singer, ✅ St. Louis, ✅ Eugene Stubblefield, ✅ Ball Tyler 
Missouri,   May 07, 2007
Case 4:2007cv00938/86883
At the US District Court for the Eastern District of Missouri, the legal case 4:2007cv00938/86883 entails Larry Coffman and Alan Blake and Jon Rosenboom. The filing date is May 07, 2007, and this case deals with Prisoner: Civil Rights as per 42 U.S.C. § 1983 Civil Rights Act. Judge Donald J. Stohr is presiding over this matter, and no jury trial is demanded.
More Information about >>> ✅ Larry Coffman, ✅ Alan Blake, ✅ Jon Rosenboom 
Petitioner   versus   Respondent
Lucas D. Glenn
More Information
United States of America
[Case # 2007cv01118/87477], [Filed: June 07, 2007]
[ Prisoner: Vacate Sentence§28 U.S.C. § 2255 Motion to Vacate / Correct Illegal Sentenc ⚖ ]
[Judge: Catherine D. Perry]
>>> More Information
Missouri,   June 07, 2007
Case 4:2007cv01119/87478
In case 4:2007cv01119/87478 within US District Court for the Eastern District of Missouri, Larry Coffman brings a case against Alan Blake, Jon Rosenboom, Lynne Easton and Janine Semar. Filed on June 07, 2007, this legal matter relates to Prisoner: Civil Rights as per 42 U.S.C. § 1983 Civil Rights Act. The presiding judge is E. Richard Webber, and the Plaintiff has made a request for a jury trial.
More Information about >>> ✅ Larry Coffman, ✅ Alan Blake, ✅ Jon Rosenboom, ✅ Lynne Easton, ✅ Janine Semar 
Missouri,   October 19, 2007
Case 4:2007cv01797/89576
In the US District Court for the Eastern District of Missouri case 4:2007cv01797/89576, Louisiana Delta Plantation and MJ Farms, Ltd. files a suit against Bayer Cropscience, LP. The filing date was October 19, 2007, and this case concerns Prop. Damage Prod. Liability under 28 U.S.C. § 1332 Diversity-Product Liability. Presiding over the case is Judge Catherine D. Perry. The Plaintiff has requested a jury trial.
More Information about >>> ✅ Louisiana Delta Plantation 
Missouri,   October 22, 2007
Case 4:2007cv01824/89658
The legal proceedings in case 4:2007cv01824/89658 at US District Court for the Eastern District of Missouri involve Larry Darnell Keeper and Judge Fagg, Judge Arnold, Judge Collotion, Judge Shepherd, Thomas J. Mehan, James E. Martin, Michael E. Ganns, Judge Bye, Carol E. Jackson, Judge Melloy, Judge Smith and Alberto Gonzalez. Filed on October 22, 2007, this case focuses on Prisoner: Civil Rights based on 42 U.S.C. § 1983 Prisoner Civil Rights. Judge Charles A. Shaw is presiding, and it's notable that the Plaintiff has requested a jury trial.
More Information about >>> ✅ Larry Darnell Keeper, ✅ Judge Fagg, ✅ Judge Arnold, ✅ Judge Collotion, ✅ Judge Shepherd, ✅ Thomas J. Mehan, ✅ James E. Martin, ✅ Michael E. Ganns, ✅ Judge Bye, ✅ Carol E. Jackson, ✅ Judge Melloy, ✅ Judge Smith, ✅ Alberto Gonzalez 
Missouri,   October 11, 2007
Case 4:2007cv00765/83805
The legal proceedings in case 4:2007cv00765/83805 at US District Court for the Western District of Missouri involve Larry Lee Smith and R. Malcom. Filed on October 11, 2007, this case focuses on Habeas Corpus (Prison Condition) based on 42 U.S.C. § 1983 Prisoner Civil Rights. Judge Gary A. Fenner, Prisoner Pro Se is presiding, and it's notable that the Plaintiff has requested a jury trial.
More Information about >>> ✅ Larry Lee Smith, ✅ R. Malcom 
Petitioner   versus   Respondent
Lois M. Williams
More Information
Jennifer Miller
[Case # 2007cv03382/83836], [Filed: October 15, 2007]
[ Habeas Corpus (General)§28 U.S.C. § 2254 Petition for Writ of Habeas Corpus (State) ⚖ ]
[Judge: Prisoner Pro Se, Dean Whipple]
✅ Jennifer Miller >>> More Information
Missouri,   October 15, 2007
Case 4:2007cv01751/89483
At the US District Court for the Eastern District of Missouri, the legal case 4:2007cv01751/89483 entails Larry Eugene Orr and Social Security Administration. The filing date is October 15, 2007, and this case deals with Social Security: DIWC/DIWW as per 42 U.S.C. § 205 Denial Social Security Benefits. Judge David D. Noce, E. Richard Webber is presiding over this matter, and no jury trial is demanded.
More Information about >>> ✅ Larry Eugene Orr 
Missouri,   October 12, 2007
Case 6:2007cv03370/83797
US District Court for the Western District of Missouri case 6:2007cv03370/83797 comprises Laureen L Lessard and Michael J. Astrue. Filed on October 12, 2007, this case concerns Social Security: DIWC/DIWW based on 42 U.S.C. § 405 Review of HHS Decision (DIWC). Judge Gary A. Fenner is overseeing the case, and there is no demand for a jury trial.
More Information about >>> ✅ Laureen L Lessard, ✅ Michael J. Astrue 
Missouri,   October 30, 2007
Case 4:2007cv01854/89818
In the US District Court for the Eastern District of Missouri, the case 4:2007cv01854/89818 involves Laborers International Union of North America, AFL-CIO, Local Union Nos. 42-53-110, Gale Jamison, Gary Elliott, Kenneth Karsten, James Moll, Thomas Davis, Jerry Fleming, Jeffrey Schmidt, Norman Merlo, Construction Laborers Pension Trust of Greater St. Lou and Enterprise Construction Company, Inc. and Janet Otten. Filed on October 30, 2007, this case pertains to Labor: E.R.I.S.A. under 29 U.S.C. § 1132 E.R.I.S.A.-Employee Benefits. Presiding over this matter is Judge Rodney W. Sippel. There is no demand for a jury trial.
More Information about >>> ✅ Gale Jamison, ✅ Gary Elliott, ✅ Kenneth Karsten, ✅ James Moll, ✅ Thomas Davis, ✅ Jerry Fleming, ✅ Jeffrey Schmidt, ✅ Norman Merlo, ✅ Janet Otten 
Missouri,   October 12, 2007
Case 4:2007cv01740/89440
In case 4:2007cv01740/89440 within US District Court for the Eastern District of Missouri, Lawrence E. Saunders brings a case against Ameristar Casino, Inc.,. Filed on October 12, 2007, this legal matter relates to Civil Rights: Americans with Disabilities - Employment as per 42 U.S.C. § 12101 Americans with Disabilities Act. The presiding judge is Donald J. Stohr, and the Plaintiff has made a request for a jury trial.
More Information about >>> ✅ Lawrence E. Saunders 
Missouri,   November 01, 2007
Case 4:2007cv01866/89848
US District Court for the Eastern District of Missouri case 4:2007cv01866/89848 comprises Larry Kimmel and Social Security Administration. Filed on November 01, 2007, this case concerns Social Security: SSID Tit. XVI based on 42 U.S.C. § 405 Review of HHS Decision (SSID). Judge Frederick R Buckles, Donald J. Stohr is overseeing the case, and there is no demand for a jury trial.
More Information about >>> ✅ Larry Kimmel 
Missouri,   October 29, 2007
Case 4:2007cv01848/89799
In the US District Court for the Eastern District of Missouri, the case 4:2007cv01848/89799 involves Local Union 513 Pension Fund, Local Union 513 Health and Welfare Fund, Local Union 513 Supplemental Vacation Fund, Local Union 513 Annuity Fund, Local Union 513 Joint Apprenticeship Training Fund, Richard D. Dickens and Local 513 International Union of Op and Miller Contracting Services, Inc. and JM Operating Services, LLC. Filed on October 29, 2007, this case pertains to Labor: E.R.I.S.A. under 29 U.S.C. § 1132 E.R.I.S.A.-Employee Benefits. Presiding over this matter is Judge Rodney W. Sippel. There is no demand for a jury trial.
More Information about >>> ✅ Welfare Fund, ✅ Richard D. Dickens 
Missouri,   October 23, 2007
Case 4:2007cv01811/89638
In the US District Court for the Eastern District of Missouri, the case 4:2007cv01811/89638 involves Leila Hartley and Social Security Administration. Filed on October 23, 2007, this case pertains to Social Security: DIWC/DIWW under 42 U.S.C. § 205 Denial Social Security Benefits. Presiding over this matter is Judge David D. Noce. There is no demand for a jury trial.
More Information about >>> ✅ Leila Hartley 
Missouri,   November 06, 2007
Case 2:2007cv04207/83841
At the US District Court for the Western District of Missouri, the legal case 2:2007cv04207/83841 entails Lee Williams and Michael J. Astrue. The filing date is November 06, 2007, and this case deals with Social Security: DIWC/DIWW as per 42 U.S.C. § 405 Review of HHS Decision (DIWC). Judge Dean Whipple is presiding over this matter, and no jury trial is demanded.
More Information about >>> ✅ Lee Williams, ✅ Michael J. Astrue 
Missouri,   October 26, 2007
Case 6:2007cv03400/83983
At the US District Court for the Western District of Missouri, the legal case 6:2007cv03400/83983 involves Larry Compton and Tri Lakes Motors, Inc. and Mark Moore. Filed on October 26, 2007, this case deals with Civil Rights: Jobs based on 28 U.S.C. § 1331 Federal Question: Other Civil Rights. Judge James C. England is overseeing the proceedings, and it's worth noting that the Plaintiff has requested a jury trial.
More Information about >>> ✅ Larry Compton, ✅ Mark Moore 
Missouri,   November 13, 2007
Case 4:2007cv01913/90092
The legal proceedings in case 4:2007cv01913/90092 at US District Court for the Eastern District of Missouri involve Leroy Scott Allison and Unum Provident. Filed on November 13, 2007, this case focuses on Insurance based on 28 U.S.C. § 1332 Diversity-Insurance Contract. Judge Mary Ann L. Medler is presiding, and it's notable that the Plaintiff has requested a jury trial.
More Information about >>> ✅ Leroy Scott Allison, ✅ Unum Provident 
Missouri,   November 13, 2007
Case 4:2007cv00851/84167
In the US District Court for the Western District of Missouri case 4:2007cv00851/84167, Lisa Marie Crosby files a suit against Kansas Counselors Inc. The filing date was November 13, 2007, and this case concerns Other Statutory Actions under 15 U.S.C. § 1692 Fair Debt Collection Act. Presiding over the case is Judge Ortrie D. Smith. The Plaintiff has requested a jury trial.
More Information about >>> ✅ Lisa Marie Crosby 
Missouri,   November 15, 2007
Case 4:2007cv01918/90102
In case 4:2007cv01918/90102 within US District Court for the Eastern District of Missouri, Lester F. Krupp, Jr. brings a case against St. Louis, City of, St. Louis Justice Center, Eugene Stubblefield, Unknown Jones, Jerome Fields and Brandy Young. Filed on November 15, 2007, this legal matter relates to Civil Rights: Other as per 42 U.S.C. § 1983 Civil Rights Act. The presiding judge is Jean C. Hamilton, and the Plaintiff has made a request for a jury trial.
More Information about >>> ✅ Lester F. Krupp, ✅ St. Louis, ✅ Eugene Stubblefield, ✅ Jerome Fields, ✅ Brandy Young 
Missouri,   October 31, 2007
Case 4:2007cv01862/89844
In case 4:2007cv01862/89844 within US District Court for the Eastern District of Missouri, Lester F. Krupp, Jr. brings a case against Unknown Burt, Raymond Brown, Unknown Chrams, Tyler Ball, Jerome Fields and Eugene Stubblefield. Filed on October 31, 2007, this legal matter relates to Prisoner: Civil Rights as per 42 U.S.C. § 1983 Prisoner Civil Rights. The presiding judge is Terry I. Adelman, and the Plaintiff has made a request for a jury trial.
More Information about >>> ✅ Lester F. Krupp, ✅ Raymond Brown, ✅ Tyler Ball, ✅ Jerome Fields, ✅ Eugene Stubblefield 
Missouri,   March 22, 2007
Case 4:2007cv00564/85968
The legal proceedings in case 4:2007cv00564/85968 at US District Court for the Eastern District of Missouri involve Leroy A. Faul and Bayer CropScience LP. Filed on March 22, 2007, this case focuses on Personal Property: Other based on 28 U.S.C. § 1332 Diversity-Property Damage. Judge Catherine D. Perry is presiding, and it's notable that the Plaintiff has requested a jury trial.
More Information about >>> ✅ Leroy A. Faul 
Missouri,   March 22, 2007
Case 4:2007cv00560/85964
In case 4:2007cv00560/85964 within US District Court for the Eastern District of Missouri, Lamya Fattah brings a case against Social Security Administration. Filed on March 22, 2007, this legal matter relates to Social Security: SSID Tit. XIV as per 42 U.S.C. § 405 Review of HHS Decision (DIWC). The presiding judge is David D. Noce, and the Plaintiff has made a request for a jury trial.
More Information about >>> ✅ Lamya Fattah 
Missouri,   November 30, 2007
Case 5:2007cv06124/84351
In case 5:2007cv06124/84351 within US District Court for the Western District of Missouri, Linda Sarver and Keith Sarver brings a case against Benjamin Lair. Filed on November 30, 2007, this legal matter relates to Motor Vehicle as per 28 U.S.C. § 1332 Diversity-Auto Negligence. The presiding judge is Robert E. Larsen, and the Plaintiff has made a request for a jury trial.
More Information about >>> ✅ Linda Sarver, ✅ Keith Sarver, ✅ Benjamin Lair 
Missouri,   November 19, 2007
Case 4:2007cv00862/84227
At the US District Court for the Western District of Missouri, the legal case 4:2007cv00862/84227 involves LaVonda Brown and Painters District Council #3, Local 861 and International Union of Painters and Allied Trades (IUPAT). Filed on November 19, 2007, this case deals with Civil Rights: Jobs based on 42 U.S.C. § 2000 e Job Discrimination (Employment). Judge Fernando J. Gaitan is overseeing the proceedings, and it's worth noting that the Plaintiff has requested a jury trial.
More Information about >>> ✅ LaVonda Brown, ✅ Allied Trades (IUPAT) 
Missouri,   November 19, 2007
Case 2:2007cv04237/84268
In the US District Court for the Western District of Missouri, the case 2:2007cv04237/84268 involves Lynette Gay Sonka and Michael J. Astrue. Filed on November 19, 2007, this case pertains to Social Security: DIWC/DIWW under 42 U.S.C. § 405 Review of HHS Decision (DIWC). Presiding over this matter is Judge Dean Whipple. There is no demand for a jury trial.
More Information about >>> ✅ Lynette Gay Sonka, ✅ Michael J. Astrue 
Missouri,   November 02, 2007
Case 1:2007cv00153/89904
US District Court for the Eastern District of Missouri case 1:2007cv00153/89904 comprises Lynnette M. Matlock and Social Security Administration. Filed on November 02, 2007, this case concerns Social Security: RSI Tax Suits based on 42 U.S.C. § 405 Review of HHS Decision (SSID). Judge Lewis M. Blanton is overseeing the case, and there is no demand for a jury trial.
More Information about >>> ✅ Lynnette M. Matlock 
Missouri,   November 02, 2007
Case 4:2007cv01873/89903
At the US District Court for the Eastern District of Missouri, the legal case 4:2007cv01873/89903 entails Linda E Maybearry and Social Security Administration. The filing date is November 02, 2007, and this case deals with Social Security: SSID Tit. XVI as per No cause code entered. Judge Donald J. Stohr is presiding over this matter, and no jury trial is demanded.
More Information about >>> ✅ Linda E Maybearry 
Missouri,   December 05, 2007
Case 2:2007cv04250/84410
In the US District Court for the Western District of Missouri, the case 2:2007cv04250/84410 involves Laura Woodruff and Chrysler Motors, LLC and Chrysler LLC. Filed on December 05, 2007, this case pertains to Other Statutory Actions under No cause code entered. Presiding over this matter is Judge Scott O. Wright. There is no demand for a jury trial.
More Information about >>> ✅ Laura Woodruff 
Missouri,   December 05, 2007
Case 4:2007cv02019/90477
At the US District Court for the Eastern District of Missouri, the legal case 4:2007cv02019/90477 entails Lori Laird and Social Security Administration. The filing date is December 05, 2007, and this case deals with Social Security: DIWC/DIWW as per 42 U.S.C. § 405 Review of HHS Decision (DIWC). Judge Thomas C. Mummert, Rodney W. Sippel is presiding over this matter, and no jury trial is demanded.
More Information about >>> ✅ Lori Laird 
Missouri,   December 05, 2007
Case 4:2007cv00904/84434
The legal proceedings in case 4:2007cv00904/84434 at US District Court for the Western District of Missouri involve Local Exchange Co, LLC and Cass County Telephone Company, L.P. and Travelers Casualty and Surety Co. of America and Great American Insurance Co. of New York. Filed on December 05, 2007, this case focuses on Insurance based on 28 U.S.C. § 1332 Diversity-Other Contract. Judge John T. Maughmer is presiding, and it's notable that the Plaintiff has requested a jury trial.
Petitioner   versus   Respondent
Larry Darnell Keeper
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T.C. Outlaw
[Case # 2007cv01954/90238], [Filed: November 20, 2007]
[ Habeas Corpus (General)§28 U.S.C. § 2241 Petition for Writ of Habeas Corpus (federa ⚖ ]
[Judge: E. Richard Webber]
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Missouri,   November 21, 2007
Case 5:2007cv06122/84298
In the US District Court for the Western District of Missouri, Lark Gardner and Trzciak are involved in case 5:2007cv06122/84298. Filed on November 21, 2007, this legal matter focuses on Prisoner: Civil Rights under 42 U.S.C. § 1983 Prisoner Civil Rights. Judge Prisoner Pro Se, Howard F. Sachs is presiding, and no jury trial is requested.
More Information about >>> ✅ Lark Gardner 
Missouri,   December 06, 2007
Case 6:2007cv03448/84450
In case 6:2007cv03448/84450 within US District Court for the Western District of Missouri, Lindsey K Springer brings a case against Springfield Business Journal. Filed on December 06, 2007, this legal matter relates to Personal Property: Other as per 28 U.S.C. § 1332 Diversity-Property Damage. The presiding judge is Sarah W. Hays, and the Plaintiff has made a request for a jury trial.
More Information about >>> ✅ Lindsey K Springer 
Missouri,   December 06, 2007
Case 4:2007cv00906/84457
In the US District Court for the Western District of Missouri case 4:2007cv00906/84457, Linda L. Nichols files a suit against State Farm Mutual Automobile Insurance Company. The filing date was December 06, 2007, and this case concerns Insurance under 28 U.S.C. § 1332 Diversity-Contract Dispute. Presiding over the case is Judge Ortrie D. Smith. The Plaintiff has requested a jury trial.
More Information about >>> ✅ Linda L. Nichols 
Missouri,   December 11, 2007
Case 5:2007cv06131/84521
In the US District Court for the Western District of Missouri, the case 5:2007cv06131/84521 involves Lois Walsh and Michael J. Astrue. Filed on December 11, 2007, this case pertains to Social Security: RSI Tax Suits under 42 U.S.C. § 405 si Review of HHS Decision (RSI). Presiding over this matter is Judge Nanette K. Laughrey. There is no demand for a jury trial.
More Information about >>> ✅ Lois Walsh, ✅ Michael J. Astrue 
Missouri,   December 20, 2007
Case 4:2007cv00950/84633
At the US District Court for the Western District of Missouri, the legal case 4:2007cv00950/84633 involves Lorrie A Gagne and Big Lots Stores, Inc. Filed on December 20, 2007, this case deals with Personal Injury: Other based on 28 U.S.C. § 1332 Diversity-Personal Injury. Judge Gary A. Fenner is overseeing the proceedings, and it's worth noting that the Defendant has requested a jury trial.
More Information about >>> ✅ Lorrie A Gagne 

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Accessing Case Search Missouri is relatively straightforward. You can navigate to the official website and use the search functionality. Users can search for cases by name, case number, or filing date. However, it’s important to note that while the service is free, certain documents may require a fee to access. Missouri Western District Court


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