Case Search Missouri (MO)

What is Case Search Missouri?

Case Search Missouri is an online portal designed to provide access to public court records in the state of Missouri. This system is managed by the Missouri State Courts Administrator and offers a detailed look into civil, criminal, family, and probate cases. It’s a part of Missouri’s commitment to transparency and public access to legal information.

Missouri Lawyers

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Participant Index
A -> ANDERSON...(click to open)   ANDERSON, Kelly
  Akrami, Kelle
  Allen, Kristen
  Anderson, Marty
  Anthony, Candace
  Arnett, Paul
  Ash, Kevin
  Associates, Wal-mart
  Astrue, Michael
B -> Bagley...(click to open)   Bagley, Darryl
  Barbour, Kenneth
  Beebe, Kimberly
  Beers, Wade
  Bilderback, Kip
  Blackwell, Karen
  Blanner, Kathleen
  Blevins, Kevin
  Bosley-Byes, Pamela
  Brown, Keith
  Burgess, Bill
  Burton, Phillip
  Bussard, Kelley
  Byers, Kent
C -> Campbell...(click to open)   Campbell, Kenneth
  Cardoza, Avery
  Centers, Pilot
  Charron, Kenneth
  Charron., Kenneth
  Clark, Kenneth
  Communications, Suddenlink
D -> Dedert...(click to open)   Dedert, Dennis
E -> Eggering...(click to open)   Eggering, Kathleen
  Eubanks, Karen
F -> Faruq...(click to open)   Faruq, Khalifah
G -> Garrett...(click to open)   Garrett, James
  George, Karim
  Gholston, Tisha
  Grays, Keona
H -> Hadley...(click to open)   Hadley, Larry
  Hanson, Rick
  Harris, Katonya
  Haskins, Kimberly
  Haskins, Lexa
  Haupt, Ian
  Haynes, Kenneth
  Haynes, Sandra
  Heitmeyer, Katrina
  Henson, Chad
  Hert, Kathleen
  House, Kimberly
  Hovis, Bill
  Howard, Kennie
I -> Institute...(click to open)   Institute, High-tech
  International, Organon
  Ivy, Keith
J -> Jackson...(click to open)   Jackson, Katrenia
  Jackson, Kimberly
  Jackson, Rob
  Jackson-Bagley, Kimberly
  Jenkins, Leslie
K -> Kelso...(click to open)   Kelso, Kelly
  Kerr, Deborah
  Kerr, Kevin
  King, Kevin
L -> LUNDQUIST...(click to open)   LUNDQUIST, Karen
  Lay, Rita
  Lesinski, Kim
  Linnenbringer, Kenneth
  Lipari, Keale
  Lonsinger, Deborah
  Lonsinger, Richard
  Lowry, Karen
  Luebbers, Al
M -> Mae...(click to open)   Mae, Fannie
  Mayfield, Keith
  McDaniels, Edie
  McGee, Elijah
  McMiller, Marcus
  Meteer, Kathleen
  Michaelree, Jaime
  Michaelree, Kevin
  Miller, Christopher
  Miller, Kelvin
  Miller, Kimberly
  Mitchell, Tiffany
  Mojica-Green, Kendra
  Morey, Troy
  Morrow, Kelly
  Muhammad, Kareem
  Munter, Dawn
N -> Newby...(click to open)   Newby, Kirk
  Norman, Jeff
O -> Osborn...(click to open)   Osborn, Karl
  Osborn, Kristi
P -> Parcell...(click to open)   Parcell, Kent
  Patterson, Karen
  Patterson, Michael
  Pearman, Klairissa
  Perkins, Barbara
  Petre, Kim
  Polk, Brian
  Polter, Katheryne
  Porter, Jerome
  Proctor, Kirk
  Prudden, Douglas
R -> Raley...(click to open)   Raley, Kimberly
  Rayford, Keith
  Record, Kathleen
  Refining, Citgo
  Richardson, Mark
  Ringling, Kimberly
  Roberts, Kyle
  Roxas, Gene
S -> Schmidt...(click to open)   Schmidt, Steven
  Schultz, Kennajo
  Scott, Kerwin
  Sebelius, Kathleen
  Shackleford, Kimberly
  Sharp, Terry
  Shaw, Kenneth
  Shepard, Kayla
  Shepherd, Kathleen
  Smith, Bradley
  Smith, Kathy
  Smith, Kristy
  Smith, Kyle
  Sontheimer, Katie
  Stidmon, Kristie
  Stubblefield, Jerome
T -> Thacker...(click to open)   Thacker, Kate
  Towne, Kenneth
V -> Vickers...(click to open)   Vickers, Leon
W -> WAITHE...(click to open)   WAITHE, Karen
  WIESNER, Katie
  Walker, Keith
  Walls, Edward
  Ward, Kevin
  Warren, Ken
  Webb, Kim
  West, Jennifer
  Whisby, Kelly
  Wiseman, Karen
  Wood, Kyle
  Woods, Kenneth
  Wright, Katherine
  Wright, Kesaundra

Missouri,   June 21, 2010
Case 6:2010cv03240/95238
At the US District Court for the Western District of Missouri, the legal case 6:2010cv03240/95238 involves Kelly Whisby and unknown named federal employees at Springfield Medical Center. Filed on June 21, 2010, this case deals with Prison Condition based on 28 U.S.C. § 1331. Judge Gary A. Fenner, Prisoner Pro Se is overseeing the proceedings, and it's worth noting that the Plaintiff has requested a jury trial.
More Information about >>> ✅ Kelly Whisby 
Missouri,   June 29, 2010
Case 4:2010cv00652/95324
At the US District Court for the Western District of Missouri, the legal case 4:2010cv00652/95324 entails Kelly A Morrow and Employment Alternatives LLC. The filing date is June 29, 2010, and this case deals with Assault, Libel, and Slander as per 28 U.S.C. § 1332. Judge Howard F. Sachs is presiding over this matter, and no jury trial is demanded.
More Information about >>> ✅ Kelly A Morrow 
Missouri,   June 29, 2010
Case 4:2010cv01161/107427
The legal proceedings in case 4:2010cv01161/107427 at US District Court for the Eastern District of Missouri involve Kathleen E. Record and CIGNA Corporation. Filed on June 29, 2010, this case focuses on Insurance based on 28 U.S.C. § 1332. Judge Carol E. Jackson is presiding, and it's notable that the Plaintiff has requested a jury trial.
More Information about >>> ✅ Kathleen E. Record 
Missouri,   July 09, 2010
Case 5:2010cv06073/95463
In case 5:2010cv06073/95463 within US District Court for the Western District of Missouri, Katherine Wright brings a case against Daviess-Dekalb Regional Jail District and Larry Hadley. Filed on July 09, 2010, this legal matter relates to Employment as per 42 U.S.C. § 1983. The presiding judge is Scott O. Wright, and the Plaintiff has made a request for a jury trial.
More Information about >>> ✅ Katherine Wright, ✅ Larry Hadley 
Missouri,   July 24, 2009
Case 4:2009cv01183/101171
In the US District Court for the Eastern District of Missouri case 4:2009cv01183/101171, Kareem Muhammad files a suit against Unknown Lawson. The filing date was July 24, 2009, and this case concerns Plaintiff under 42 U.S.C. § 1983 Prisoner Civil Rights. Presiding over the case is Judge Henry E. Autrey. The Plaintiff has requested a jury trial.
More Information about >>> ✅ Kareem Muhammad 
Petitioner   versus   Respondent
Kenneth Towne
More Information
United States of America
[Case # 2009cv01170/101148], [Filed: July 24, 2009]
[ §28 U.S.C. § 2255 Motion to Vacate / Correct Illegal Sentenc ⚖ ]
[Judge: Charles A. Shaw]
>>> More Information
Missouri,   July 02, 2010
Case 6:2010cv03263/95427
In the US District Court for the Western District of Missouri, the case 6:2010cv03263/95427 involves Kelley G. Bussard and Michael J. Astrue. Filed on July 02, 2010, this case pertains to Disability Insurance under 42 U.S.C. § 205. Presiding over this matter is Judge Greg Kays. There is no demand for a jury trial.
More Information about >>> ✅ Kelley G. Bussard, ✅ Michael J. Astrue 
Missouri,   June 02, 2009
Case 2:2009cv04110/90615
The legal proceedings in case 2:2009cv04110/90615 at US District Court for the Western District of Missouri involve Khalifah Abd-al Mubaymin Faruq and Leon Vickers. Filed on June 02, 2009, this case focuses on Prisoner: Civil Rights based on 42 U.S.C. § 1983 Prisoner Civil Rights. Judge Prisoner Pro Se, Nanette K. Laughrey is presiding, and it's notable that Both have requested a jury trial.
More Information about >>> ✅ Khalifah Abd-al Mubaymin Faruq, ✅ Leon Vickers 
Plaintiff   versus   Defendant
Karen D. Lowry
More Information
Michael J. Astrue
[Case # 2009cv03173/90593], [Filed: June 02, 2009]
[ §42 U.S.C. § 405 Review of HHS Decision (DIWC) ⚖ ]
[Judge: Richard E. Dorr]
✅ Michael J. Astrue >>> More Information
Petitioner   versus   Respondent
Kirk Allen Newby
More Information
United States of America
[Case # 2010cv01168/107463], [Filed: June 30, 2010]
[ Mandamus and Other§28 U.S.C. § 1651 ⚖ ]
[Judge: Rodney W. Sippel]
>>> More Information
Missouri,   July 13, 2010
Case 2:2010cv04148/95496
In the US District Court for the Western District of Missouri case 2:2010cv04148/95496, Katonya Harris files a suit against Ozark Rehab Care Center. The filing date was July 13, 2010, and this case concerns Employment under 42 U.S.C. § 1983. Presiding over the case is Judge Nanette K. Laughrey. The Plaintiff has requested a jury trial.
More Information about >>> ✅ Katonya Harris 
Petitioner   versus   Respondent
Keith Lamar Rayford
More Information
[Case # 2010cv03272/95497], [Filed: July 13, 2010]
[ Motions to Vacate Sentence§28 U.S.C. § 2255 ⚖ ]
[Judge: Ortrie D. Smith]
>>> More Information
Petitioner   versus   Respondent
Kenneth T Campbell
More Information
United States of America
[Case # 2010cv00105/107585], [Filed: July 06, 2010]
[ Motions to Vacate Sentence§28 U.S.C. § 2255 ⚖ ]
[Judge: Stephen N. Limbaugh]
>>> More Information
Missouri,   July 15, 2010
Case 4:2010cv00706/95522
At the US District Court for the Western District of Missouri, the legal case 4:2010cv00706/95522 involves Kristy Smith and Schreiber Foods, Inc. Filed on July 15, 2010, this case deals with Other Civil Rights based on 28 U.S.C. § 451. Judge Howard F. Sachs is overseeing the proceedings, and it's worth noting that the Plaintiff has requested a jury trial.
More Information about >>> ✅ Kristy Smith 
Missouri,   July 15, 2010
Case 4:2010cv01264/107708
In case 4:2010cv01264/107708 within US District Court for the Eastern District of Missouri, Kendra Mojica-Green brings a case against Organon USA, Inc., Organon International, Inc. and Merck & Co, Inc. Filed on July 15, 2010, this legal matter relates to Personal Injury- Product Liability as per 28 U.S.C. § 1332. The presiding judge is Rodney W. Sippel, and the Plaintiff has made a request for a jury trial.
More Information about >>> ✅ Kendra Mojica-Green 
Petitioner   versus   Respondent
Kevin S King
More Information
Al Luebbers, State of Missouri and Dept. of Corrections
[Case # 2010cv03281/95556], [Filed: July 15, 2010]
[ General§28 U.S.C. § 2254 ⚖ ]
[Judge: Greg Kays, Prisoner Pro Se]
✅ Al Luebbers >>> More Information
Missouri,   July 15, 2010
Case 4:2010cv01291/107743
In case 4:2010cv01291/107743 within US District Court for the Eastern District of Missouri, Kimberly W. Beebe brings a case against Organon USA, Inc., Organon International, Inc. and Merck & Co, Inc. Filed on July 15, 2010, this legal matter relates to Personal Injury- Product Liability as per 28 U.S.C. § 1332. The presiding judge is Rodney W. Sippel, and the Plaintiff has made a request for a jury trial.
More Information about >>> ✅ Kimberly W. Beebe 
Missouri,   July 20, 2010
Case 4:2010cv01319/107835
In the US District Court for the Eastern District of Missouri, Kathy Smith and Michael Astrue are involved in case 4:2010cv01319/107835. Filed on July 20, 2010, this legal matter focuses on Disability Insurance under 42 U.S.C. § 205. Judge David D. Noce is presiding, and no jury trial is requested.
More Information about >>> ✅ Kathy Smith, ✅ Michael Astrue 
Plaintiff   versus   Defendant
Kevin S Ash
More Information
Michael J. Astrue
[Case # 2010cv00043/107909], [Filed: July 23, 2010]
[ Retirement and Survivors Benefits§42 U.S.C. § 416 ⚖ ]

✅ Michael J. Astrue >>> More Information
Missouri,   July 27, 2010
Case 4:2010cv00739/95680
In the US District Court for the Western District of Missouri, the case 4:2010cv00739/95680 involves Keith Edward Walker and Contract Services Corporation of America. Filed on July 27, 2010, this case pertains to Employment under 42 U.S.C. § 2000. Presiding over this matter is Judge Scott O. Wright. There is no demand for a jury trial.
More Information about >>> ✅ Keith Edward Walker 
Missouri,   July 29, 2010
Case 4:2010cv01389/108039
In the US District Court for the Eastern District of Missouri, Kennie Howard, Jr. and Michael J. Astrue are involved in case 4:2010cv01389/108039. Filed on July 29, 2010, this legal matter focuses on Disability Insurance under 42 U.S.C. § 405. Judge Jean C. Hamilton is presiding, and no jury trial is requested.
More Information about >>> ✅ Kennie Howard, ✅ Michael J. Astrue 
Missouri,   July 19, 2010
Case 4:2010cv00717/95553
In the US District Court for the Western District of Missouri, the case 4:2010cv00717/95553 involves Kimberly K. Miller and Social Security Administration. Filed on July 19, 2010, this case pertains to Disability Insurance under 42 U.S.C. § 205. Presiding over this matter is Judge Scott O. Wright. There is no demand for a jury trial.
More Information about >>> ✅ Kimberly K. Miller 
Missouri,   July 26, 2010
Case 4:2010cv01363/107946
In the US District Court for the Eastern District of Missouri case 4:2010cv01363/107946, Keith S. Mayfield files a suit against West End Clinic, Inc., Pamela Bosley-Byes, Tisha Gholston and Barbara Perkins. The filing date was July 26, 2010, and this case concerns Employment under 42 U.S.C. § 2000. Presiding over the case is Judge Terry I. Adelman. The Plaintiff has requested a jury trial.
More Information about >>> ✅ Keith S. Mayfield, ✅ Pamela Bosley-Byes, ✅ Tisha Gholston, ✅ Barbara Perkins 
Petitioner   versus   Respondent
Kyle A. Roberts
More Information
Jeff Norman
[Case # 2010cv01421/108130], [Filed: August 02, 2010]
[ General§28 U.S.C. § 2254 ⚖ ]
[Judge: Stephen N. Limbaugh]
✅ Jeff Norman >>> More Information
Missouri,   August 02, 2010
Case 1:2010cv00126/108129
In case 1:2010cv00126/108129 within US District Court for the Eastern District of Missouri, Kyle A. Roberts brings a case against Mark L. Richardson, Christopher J. Miller, Ian D. Haupt and State of Missouri. Filed on August 02, 2010, this legal matter relates to Civil Rights as per 42 U.S.C. § 1983. The presiding judge is Stephen N. Limbaugh, and the Plaintiff has made a request for a jury trial.
More Information about >>> ✅ Kyle A. Roberts, ✅ Mark L. Richardson, ✅ Christopher J. Miller, ✅ Ian D. Haupt 
Missouri,   July 26, 2010
Case 4:2010cv01353/107931
In case 4:2010cv01353/107931 within US District Court for the Eastern District of Missouri, Ken Warren brings a case against Cardoza Publishing, Inc. and Avery Cardoza. Filed on July 26, 2010, this legal matter relates to Contract: Other as per 28 U.S.C. § 1332 Diversity-Breach of Contract. The presiding judge is Stephen N. Limbaugh, and the Plaintiff has made a request for a jury trial.
More Information about >>> ✅ Ken Warren, ✅ Avery Cardoza 
Petitioner   versus   Respondent
Kenneth G. Charron
More Information
Douglas J. Prudden
[Case # 2010cv01487/108250], [Filed: August 06, 2010]
[ General§28 U.S.C. § 2254 ⚖ ]
[Judge: Henry E. Autrey]
✅ Douglas J. Prudden >>> More Information
Missouri,   August 06, 2010
Case 4:2010cv01434/108171
At the US District Court for the Eastern District of Missouri, the legal case 4:2010cv01434/108171 involves Kyle T Wood and Dennis M Dedert. Filed on August 06, 2010, this case deals with Marine based on 28 U.S.C. § 1332. Judge Henry E. Autrey is overseeing the proceedings, and it's worth noting that the Plaintiff has requested a jury trial.
More Information about >>> ✅ Kyle T Wood, ✅ Dennis M Dedert 
Missouri,   August 07, 2010
Case 4:2010cv00779/95847
In the US District Court for the Western District of Missouri, the case 4:2010cv00779/95847 involves Keale Lipari and Michael J. Astrue. Filed on August 07, 2010, this case pertains to Disability Insurance under 42 U.S.C. § 416. Presiding over this matter is Judge Matt J. Whitworth. There is no demand for a jury trial.
More Information about >>> ✅ Keale Lipari, ✅ Michael J. Astrue 
Plaintiff   versus   Defendant
Karen E. Patterson
More Information
Wal-Mart Associates, Inc.
[Case # 2010cv01199/107541], [Filed: July 07, 2010]
[ Employment§28 U.S.C. § 1441 ⚖ ]
[jury demanded by Both]
✅ Wal-Mart Associates >>> More Information
Missouri,   July 07, 2010
Case 2:2010cv04144/95443
In the US District Court for the Western District of Missouri, the case 2:2010cv04144/95443 involves Kansas Bankers Surety Company and Steven Schmidt. Filed on July 07, 2010, this case pertains to Insurance under 28 U.S.C. § 1332. Presiding over this matter is Judge Nanette K. Laughrey. There is no demand for a jury trial.
More Information about >>> ✅ Steven Schmidt 
Missouri,   July 07, 2010
Case 4:2010cv01212/107557
In the US District Court for the Eastern District of Missouri case 4:2010cv01212/107557, KATIE R. WIESNER files a suit against Organon USA, Inc., Organon Pharmaceuticals USA, Inc., Organon International, Inc., Akzo Nobel NV, Schering-Plough Corporation and Merck & Company, Inc. The filing date was July 07, 2010, and this case concerns Personal Injury- Product Liability under 28 U.S.C. § 1332. Presiding over the case is Judge Rodney W. Sippel. Both have requested a jury trial.
More Information about >>> ✅ KATIE R. WIESNER 
Missouri,   July 07, 2010
Case 4:2010cv01216/107563
In the US District Court for the Eastern District of Missouri case 4:2010cv01216/107563, KAREN A. LUNDQUIST files a suit against Organon USA, Inc., Organon Pharmaceuticals USA, Inc., Organon International, Inc., Akzo Nobel NV, Schering-Plough Corporation and Merck & Company, Inc. The filing date was July 07, 2010, and this case concerns Personal Injury- Product Liability under 28 U.S.C. § 1332. Presiding over the case is Judge Rodney W. Sippel. Both have requested a jury trial.
More Information about >>> ✅ KAREN A. LUNDQUIST 
Missouri,   August 17, 2010
Case 4:2010cv01522/108348
At the US District Court for the Eastern District of Missouri, the legal case 4:2010cv01522/108348 involves Kim S. Lesinski and Organon USA, Inc., Merck & Co., Inc., Organon Pharmaceutical USA, Organon International, Akzo Nobel NV, Schering-Plough Corporation and Organon Biosciences NV. Filed on August 17, 2010, this case deals with Tort Product Liability based on 28 U.S.C. § 1332. Judge Rodney W. Sippel is overseeing the proceedings, and it's worth noting that the Plaintiff has requested a jury trial.
More Information about >>> ✅ Kim S. Lesinski, ✅ Organon International 
Missouri,   August 17, 2010
Case 4:2010cv00814/95943
In the US District Court for the Western District of Missouri case 4:2010cv00814/95943, Kelly Kelso files a suit against Pilot Travel Centers and Dawn Munter. The filing date was August 17, 2010, and this case concerns Employment under 42 U.S.C. § 2000. Presiding over the case is Judge Ortrie D. Smith. The Plaintiff has requested a jury trial.
More Information about >>> ✅ Kelly Kelso, ✅ Pilot Travel Centers, ✅ Dawn Munter 
Missouri,   August 23, 2010
Case 4:2010cv00826/95982
In the US District Court for the Western District of Missouri case 4:2010cv00826/95982, Karl W. Osborn and Kristi K. Osborn files a suit against The Scoular Company. The filing date was August 23, 2010, and this case concerns Other Personal Property Damage under 28 U.S.C. § 1332. Presiding over the case is Judge Robert E. Larsen. The Plaintiff has requested a jury trial.
More Information about >>> ✅ Karl W. Osborn, ✅ Kristi K. Osborn 
Missouri,   July 28, 2010
Case 3:2010cv05052/95700
At the US District Court for the Western District of Missouri, the legal case 3:2010cv05052/95700 entails Kent Parcell and Michael J. Astrue. The filing date is July 28, 2010, and this case deals with Disability Insurance as per 42 U.S.C. § 405. Judge James C. England is presiding over this matter, and no jury trial is demanded.
More Information about >>> ✅ Kent Parcell, ✅ Michael J. Astrue 
Missouri,   July 28, 2010
Case 4:2010cv00745/95733
The legal proceedings in case 4:2010cv00745/95733 at US District Court for the Western District of Missouri involve Kirk Proctor, Jerome Porter, Rob Jackson and Marcus McMiller and The Cordish Companies, Makers Mark, Inc and Entertainment Concepts Investors, LLC. Filed on July 28, 2010, this case focuses on Housing/Accommodations based on 42 U.S.C. § 1981. Judge Gary A. Fenner is presiding, and it's notable that the Plaintiff has requested a jury trial.
More Information about >>> ✅ Kirk Proctor, ✅ Jerome Porter, ✅ Rob Jackson, ✅ Marcus McMiller 
Missouri,   August 25, 2010
Case 4:2010cv00839/96017
US District Court for the Western District of Missouri case 4:2010cv00839/96017 comprises Kindred Hospitals East, LLC and Kathleen Sebelius. Filed on August 25, 2010, this case concerns Other Statutory Actions based on 28 U.S.C. § 2201. Judge Dean Whipple is overseeing the case, and there is no demand for a jury trial.
More Information about >>> ✅ Kathleen Sebelius 
Missouri,   September 02, 2010
Case 4:2010cv00865/96152
In the US District Court for the Western District of Missouri, Karen R. Blackwell and Michael J. Astrue are involved in case 4:2010cv00865/96152. Filed on September 02, 2010, this legal matter focuses on Supplemental Security Income under 42 U.S.C. § 405. Judge Ortrie D. Smith is presiding, and no jury trial is requested.
More Information about >>> ✅ Karen R. Blackwell, ✅ Michael J. Astrue 
Missouri,   September 02, 2010
Case 4:2010cv01643/108674
In a legal showdown that reverberates with intensity, the corridors of the US District Court for the Eastern District of Missouri echo with the clash between Kennajo Schultz and Payless ShoeSource, Inc. and Collective Brands, Inc. Dated September 02, 2010, this legal saga, identified by docket number case 4:2010cv01643/108674, thrusts into the spotlight with a passionate fervor. The battleground? A tumultuous arena of contractual conflicts encapsulated under the umbrella of "Other Contract" as per 29 U.S.C. § 201. However, amidst this legal storm, what ignites the flames of anticipation is Plaintiff's adamant insistence on a jury trial. It's a bold, unyielding stance, signaling a zealous yearning for resolution through the judgment of peers in this emotionally charged confrontation.
More Information about >>> ✅ Kennajo Schultz 
Missouri,   August 26, 2010
Case 4:2010cv00844/96031
US District Court for the Western District of Missouri case 4:2010cv00844/96031 comprises Klairissa Pearman and Michael J. Astrue. Filed on August 26, 2010, this case concerns Disability Insurance based on 42 U.S.C. § 405. Judge Sarah W. Hays is overseeing the case, and there is no demand for a jury trial.
More Information about >>> ✅ Klairissa Pearman, ✅ Michael J. Astrue 
Missouri,   September 01, 2010
Case 4:2010cv01626/108614
The legal proceedings in case 4:2010cv01626/108614 at US District Court for the Eastern District of Missouri involve Kimberly A. Ringling and Pinnacle Financial Group, Inc. Filed on September 01, 2010, this case focuses on Consumer Credit based on 15 U.S.C. § 1692. Judge Terry I. Adelman is presiding, and it's notable that the Plaintiff has requested a jury trial.
More Information about >>> ✅ Kimberly A. Ringling 
Missouri,   August 24, 2010
Case 6:2010cv04188/96814
US District Court for the Western District of Missouri case 6:2010cv04188/96814 comprises Kimberly Haskins and Lexa Haskins and Safeco Insurance Company of Illinois. Filed on August 24, 2010, this case concerns Other Personal Injury based on 28 U.S.C. § 1332. Judge Gary A. Fenner is overseeing the case, and there is no demand for a jury trial.
More Information about >>> ✅ Kimberly Haskins, ✅ Lexa Haskins 
Missouri,   September 20, 2010
Case 4:2010cv01774/109059
In case 4:2010cv01774/109059, Kenneth Linnenbringer takes legal action against Casino One Corporation and Pinnacle Entertainment, Inc. at the US District Court for the Eastern District of Missouri. Filed on September 20, 2010, this case revolves around a Other Personal Injury issue under 28 U.S.C. § 1332. It's notable that Defendant has demanded a jury for this case.
More Information about >>> ✅ Kenneth Linnenbringer 
Missouri,   September 17, 2010
Case 4:2010cv01767/109041
At the US District Court for the Eastern District of Missouri, the legal case 4:2010cv01767/109041 entails Kevin J. Blevins and Correctional Medical Services, Inc. The filing date is September 17, 2010, and this case deals with Civil Rights as per 42 U.S.C. § 1983. Judge Audrey G. Fleissig is presiding over this matter, and no jury trial is demanded.
More Information about >>> ✅ Kevin J. Blevins 
Petitioner   versus   Respondent
Kenneth Clark
More Information
Marty Anderson
[Case # 2010cv03127/94267], [Filed: April 07, 2010]
[ Habeas Corpus (General)§28 U.S.C. § 1651 Petition for Writ of Habeas Corpus ⚖ ]
[Judge: James C. England, Greg Kays]
✅ Marty Anderson >>> More Information
Missouri,   August 30, 2010
Case 4:2010cv01600/108576
US District Court for the Eastern District of Missouri case 4:2010cv01600/108576 comprises Kristen M. Allen and Michael J. Astrue. Filed on August 30, 2010, this case concerns Disability Insurance based on 42 U.S.C. § 405. Judge Mary Ann L. Medler is overseeing the case, and there is no demand for a jury trial.
More Information about >>> ✅ Kristen M. Allen, ✅ Michael J. Astrue 
Missouri,   September 15, 2010
Case 5:2010cv06111/96336
In case 5:2010cv06111/96336 within US District Court for the Western District of Missouri, Kenneth E Shaw brings a case against Terry Sharp, Wade Beers and Bill Burgess. Filed on September 15, 2010, this legal matter relates to Civil Rights as per 42 U.S.C. § 1983. The presiding judge is Gary A. Fenner, Prisoner Pro Se, and the Plaintiff has made a request for a jury trial.
More Information about >>> ✅ Kenneth E Shaw, ✅ Terry Sharp, ✅ Wade Beers, ✅ Bill Burgess 
Missouri,   September 15, 2010
Case 4:2010cv01760/109032
US District Court for the Eastern District of Missouri case 4:2010cv01760/109032 comprises Kenneth A. Woods and Jerome Stubblefield. Filed on September 15, 2010, this case concerns Civil Rights based on 42 U.S.C. § 1983. Judge Henry E. Autrey is overseeing the case, and there is no demand for a jury trial.
More Information about >>> ✅ Kenneth A. Woods, ✅ Jerome Stubblefield 
Missouri,   September 15, 2010
Case 4:2010cv00903/96307
In the US District Court for the Western District of Missouri, the case 4:2010cv00903/96307 involves Kimberly M. Raley and Michael J. Astrue. Filed on September 15, 2010, this case pertains to Supplemental Security Income under 42 U.S.C. § 416. Presiding over this matter is Judge Ortrie D. Smith. There is no demand for a jury trial.
More Information about >>> ✅ Kimberly M. Raley, ✅ Michael J. Astrue 
Plaintiff   versus   Defendant
Kenneth Haynes and Sandra Haynes
More Information
South & Associates, P.C., Chase Home Finance, LLC and Jennifer M. West
[Case # 2010cv01799/109174], [Filed: September 27, 2010]
[ All Other Real Property§15 U.S.C. § 1692 ⚖ ]
[jury demanded by Both]
✅ Jennifer M. West >>> More Information
Plaintiff   versus   Defendant
Kerwin D. Scott
More Information
Paul Arnett, Rita Lay and Elijah McGee
[Case # 2010cv01798/109170], [Filed: September 27, 2010]
[ Other Civil Rights§28 U.S.C. § 1441 ⚖ ]

✅ Paul Arnett, ✅ Rita Lay, ✅ Elijah McGee >>> More Information
Missouri,   September 27, 2010
Case 4:2010cv01828/109222
US District Court for the Eastern District of Missouri case 4:2010cv01828/109222 comprises Kim A. Webb and SuddenLink Communications. Filed on September 27, 2010, this case concerns Other Statutory Actions based on 15 U.S.C. § 1692. Judge Frederick R. Buckles is overseeing the case, and there is no demand for a jury trial.
More Information about >>> ✅ Kim A. Webb, ✅ SuddenLink Communications 
Missouri,   September 27, 2010
Case 6:2010cv03398/96454
At the US District Court for the Western District of Missouri, the legal case 6:2010cv03398/96454 involves Kevin Ward and Bradley Smith, Merritt, Tiffany Mitchell and Edie McDaniels. Filed on September 27, 2010, this case deals with Prison Condition based on 42 U.S.C. § 1983. Judge Prisoner Pro Se, Ortrie D. Smith is overseeing the proceedings, and it's worth noting that the Plaintiff has requested a jury trial.
More Information about >>> ✅ Kevin Ward, ✅ Bradley Smith, ✅ Tiffany Mitchell, ✅ Edie McDaniels 
Plaintiff   versus   Defendant
Kristie Stidmon
More Information
County of Wayne, Phillip P Burton, Brian Polk, Chad Henson, Edward C Walls and Bill Hovis
[Case # 2010cv00147/109173], [Filed: September 27, 2010]
[ Other Civil Rights§42 U.S.C. § 1983 ⚖ ]
[jury demanded by Both]
✅ Phillip P Burton, ✅ Brian Polk, ✅ Chad Henson, ✅ Edward C Walls, ✅ Bill Hovis >>> More Information
Missouri,   September 29, 2010
Case 6:2010cv03399/96440
At the US District Court for the Western District of Missouri, the legal case 6:2010cv03399/96440 entails Kent Byers and Michael J. Astrue. The filing date is September 29, 2010, and this case deals with Disability Insurance as per 42 U.S.C. § 405. Judge Gary A. Fenner is presiding over this matter, and no jury trial is demanded.
More Information about >>> ✅ Kent Byers, ✅ Michael J. Astrue 
Missouri,   September 27, 2010
Case 4:2010cv00927/96409
In the US District Court for the Western District of Missouri, the case 4:2010cv00927/96409 involves Kimberly Jackson and Darryl Bagley and Missouri, State of, Rick Hanson and Dairy Land Insurance Company. Filed on September 27, 2010, this case pertains to Other Civil Rights under 28 U.S.C. § 1331. Presiding over this matter is Judge Fernando J. Gaitan. There is no demand for a jury trial.
More Information about >>> ✅ Kimberly Jackson, ✅ Darryl Bagley, ✅ Rick Hanson 
Plaintiff   versus   Defendant
Kenneth Haynes and Sandra Haynes
More Information
Chase Home Finance, LLC, South & Associates, P.C. and Jennifer M. West
[Case # 2010cv01802/109177], [Filed: September 27, 2010]
[ All Other Real Property§15 U.S.C. § 1692 ⚖ ]
[jury demanded by Both]
✅ Jennifer M. West >>> More Information
Plaintiff   versus   Defendant
Kenneth Haynes and Sandra Haynes
More Information
GMAC Mortgage, LLC, South & Associates, P.C. and Jennifer M. West
[Case # 2010cv01803/109178], [Filed: September 27, 2010]
[ All Other Real Property§15 U.S.C. § 1692 ⚖ ]
[jury demanded by Both]
✅ Jennifer M. West >>> More Information
Missouri,   October 01, 2010
Case 2:2010cv00061/109291
The legal proceedings in case 2:2010cv00061/109291 at US District Court for the Eastern District of Missouri involve Kenneth G. Charron, Sr. and Gene Roxas. Filed on October 01, 2010, this case focuses on Civil Rights based on 42 U.S.C. § 1983. Judge Jean C. Hamilton is presiding, and it's notable that the Plaintiff has requested a jury trial.
More Information about >>> ✅ Kenneth G. Charron., ✅ Gene Roxas 
Missouri,   October 04, 2010
Case 4:2010cv01869/109308
In the US District Court for the Eastern District of Missouri, Kenneth Edward Barbour and Y.M. Taylor and Unknown Hill are involved in case 4:2010cv01869/109308. Filed on October 04, 2010, this legal matter focuses on Civil Rights under 42 U.S.C. § 1983. Judge Catherine D. Perry is presiding, and no jury trial is requested.
More Information about >>> ✅ Kenneth Edward Barbour 
Missouri,   October 08, 2010
Case 4:2010cv00983/96621
In case 4:2010cv00983/96621 within US District Court for the Western District of Missouri, Katrenia Jackson brings a case against Union Security Insurance Company. Filed on October 08, 2010, this legal matter relates to Insurance as per 28 U.S.C. § 1332. The presiding judge is Scott O. Wright, and the Plaintiff has made a request for a jury trial.
More Information about >>> ✅ Katrenia Jackson 
Missouri,   September 30, 2010
Case 6:2010cv03401/96446
In the US District Court for the Western District of Missouri, Kyle Smith and Michael J. Astrue are involved in case 6:2010cv03401/96446. Filed on September 30, 2010, this legal matter focuses on Supplemental Security Income under 42 U.S.C. § 405. Judge Robert E. Larsen is presiding, and no jury trial is requested.
More Information about >>> ✅ Kyle Smith, ✅ Michael J. Astrue 
Missouri,   September 30, 2010
Case 4:2010cv01844/109243
Case Number case 4:2010cv01844/109243 in the US District Court for the Southern District of Alabama involves Katrina Heitmeyer and Michael Patterson's lawsuit against Central Hauling Company and Michael Patterson. Filed on September 30, 2010, this legal action relates to an Motor Vehicle claim under 28 U.S.C. § 1441. Notably, Defendant has demanded a jury to hear this case.
More Information about >>> ✅ Katrina Heitmeyer, ✅ Michael Patterson, ✅ Michael Patterson 
Missouri,   October 14, 2010
Case 4:2010cv00995/96654
In the US District Court for the Western District of Missouri case 4:2010cv00995/96654, Kimberly House and Troy Morey files a suit against Jasper Products, LLC. The filing date was October 14, 2010, and this case concerns Fair Labor Standards Act under 15 U.S.C. § 2. Presiding over the case is Judge Gary A. Fenner. The Plaintiff has requested a jury trial.
More Information about >>> ✅ Kimberly House, ✅ Troy Morey 
Missouri,   October 14, 2010
Case 3:2010cv00995/96680
In case 3:2010cv00995/96680 within US District Court for the Western District of Missouri, Kimberly House and Troy Morey brings a case against Jasper Products, LLC. Filed on October 14, 2010, this legal matter relates to Fair Labor Standards Act as per 15 U.S.C. § 2. The presiding judge is James C. England, and the Plaintiff has made a request for a jury trial.
More Information about >>> ✅ Kimberly House, ✅ Troy Morey 
Missouri,   September 28, 2010
Case 1:2010cv00148/109189
In case 1:2010cv00148/109189, Kennett, City Of takes legal action against Ashland, Inc., BP Amoco Chemical Company, BP-Husky Refining, LLC, BP Products North America Inc., Chevron Corporation, Chevron USA Inc., Citgo Petroleum Corporation, Citgo Refining and Chemicals Company, LP, ConocoPhillips Company, Crown Central, LLC, El at the US District Court for the Eastern District of Missouri. Filed on September 28, 2010, this case revolves around a Environmental Matters issue under 28 U.S.C. § 1441. It's notable that Plaintiff has demanded a jury for this case.
More Information about >>> ✅ Citgo Refining 
Missouri,   September 21, 2010
Case 4:2010cv00922/96367
In case 4:2010cv00922/96367 within US District Court for the Western District of Missouri, Kathleen Meteer brings a case against Eli Lilly & Company and Amylin Pharmaceuticals, Inc. Filed on September 21, 2010, this legal matter relates to Personal Injury- Product Liability as per 28 U.S.C. § 1332. The presiding judge is Gary A. Fenner, and the Defendant has made a request for a jury trial.
More Information about >>> ✅ Kathleen Meteer 
Petitioner   versus   Respondent
Kelvin Miller
More Information
United States of America
[Case # 2010cv01959/109561], [Filed: October 15, 2010]
[ Motions to Vacate Sentence§28 U.S.C. § 2255 ⚖ ]
[Judge: Donald J. Stohr]
>>> More Information
Missouri,   June 05, 2007
Case 1:2007cv00083/87326
At the US District Court for the Eastern District of Missouri, the legal case 1:2007cv00083/87326 involves Karen S. Wiseman and Wal-Mart Stores East, L.P. Filed on June 05, 2007, this case deals with Personal Injury: Other based on 28 U.S.C. § 1332 Diversity-Personal Injury. Judge Lewis M. Blanton is overseeing the proceedings, and it's worth noting that the Plaintiff has requested a jury trial.
More Information about >>> ✅ Karen S. Wiseman 
Missouri,   September 24, 2010
Case 4:2010cv01794/109161
Within the US District Court for the Eastern District of Missouri, Kathleen Eggering brings forward a case against MHP, Inc. in Case Number case 4:2010cv01794/109161. Initiated on September 24, 2010, this legal matter pertains to an Americans with Disabilities - Employment issue based on 28 U.S.C. § 1331. It's important to mention that Plaintiff has requested a jury for this case.
More Information about >>> ✅ Kathleen Eggering 
Missouri,   October 19, 2010
Case 4:2010cv01023/96716
The legal proceedings in case 4:2010cv01023/96716 at US District Court for the Western District of Missouri involve Kelle Akrami and Deborah A. Lonsinger, Candace L. Anthony, Leslie J. Jenkins, Richard J. Lonsinger and Carbon Central, LLC. Filed on October 19, 2010, this case focuses on Other Contract based on 28 U.S.C. § 1332. Judge Dean Whipple is presiding, and it's notable that the Plaintiff has requested a jury trial.
More Information about >>> ✅ Kelle Akrami, ✅ Deborah A. Lonsinger, ✅ Candace L. Anthony, ✅ Leslie J. Jenkins, ✅ Richard J. Lonsinger 
Missouri,   October 19, 2010
Case 2:2010cv04230/96715
US District Court for the Western District of Missouri case 2:2010cv04230/96715 comprises Kathleen Shepherd and Michael J. Astrue. Filed on October 19, 2010, this case concerns Disability Insurance based on 42 U.S.C. § 405. Judge Nanette K. Laughrey is overseeing the case, and there is no demand for a jury trial.
More Information about >>> ✅ Kathleen Shepherd, ✅ Michael J. Astrue 
Plaintiff   versus   Defendant
Kevin Kerr and Deborah Kerr
More Information
ACE Cash Experts, Inc.
[Case # 2010cv01645/108687], [Filed: September 03, 2010]
[ Other Contract§28 U.S.C. § 1332 ⚖ ]

>>> More Information
Missouri,   October 19, 2010
Case 4:2010cv01967/109572
In the US District Court for the Eastern District of Missouri, Kenneth Haynes and Sandra D. Haynes and Aurora Loan Services, Millsap & Singer, P.C. and Kip Bilderback are involved in case 4:2010cv01967/109572. Filed on October 19, 2010, this legal matter focuses on Other Statutory Actions under 28 U.S.C. § 1441. Judge Rodney W. Sippel is presiding, and no jury trial is requested.
More Information about >>> ✅ Kenneth Haynes, ✅ Sandra D. Haynes, ✅ Kip Bilderback 
Missouri,   September 03, 2010
Case 4:2010cv01644/108684
In Case Number case 4:2010cv01644/108684, Kirkwood Florist, Inc. takes legal action against Florist Concierge, Inc. and Teleflorist, Inc. in the US District Court for the Southern District of Alabama. Filed on September 03, 2010, this case involves an Trademark matter under 15 U.S.C. § 44. Notably, Plaintiff has demanded a jury for this case.
Missouri,   October 19, 2010
Case 4:2010cv01965/109570
In the US District Court for the Eastern District of Missouri, the case 4:2010cv01965/109570 involves Katheryne Polter and Michael J. Astrue. Filed on October 19, 2010, this case pertains to Disability Insurance under 42 U.S.C. § 405. Presiding over this matter is Judge Terry I. Adelman. There is no demand for a jury trial.
More Information about >>> ✅ Katheryne Polter, ✅ Michael J. Astrue 
Plaintiff   versus   Defendant
Keith Brown
More Information
Michael J. Astrue
[Case # 2010cv01044/96810], [Filed: October 23, 2010]
[ Supplemental Security Income§42 U.S.C. § 205 ⚖ ]

✅ Michael J. Astrue >>> More Information
Missouri,   October 21, 2010
Case 1:2010cv00167/109626
At the US District Court for the Eastern District of Missouri, the legal case 1:2010cv00167/109626 entails Kathleen Hert and Michael J. Astrue. The filing date is October 21, 2010, and this case deals with Supplemental Security Income as per 42 U.S.C. § 405. Judge Donald J. Stohr is presiding over this matter, and no jury trial is demanded.
More Information about >>> ✅ Kathleen Hert, ✅ Michael J. Astrue 
Plaintiff   versus   Defendant
Kenneth Haynes and Sandra D. Haynes
More Information
Aurora Loan Services, LLC, Millsap & Singer, P.C. and Kip J. Bilderback
[Case # 2010cv01968/109573], [Filed: October 19, 2010]
[ Other Statutory Actions§28 U.S.C. § 1441 ⚖ ]

✅ Kip J. Bilderback >>> More Information
Missouri,   November 09, 2010
Case 4:2010cv02126/110048
US District Court for the Eastern District of Missouri case 4:2010cv02126/110048 comprises Keith L. Ivy and Michael J. Astrue. Filed on November 09, 2010, this case concerns Supplemental Security Income based on 42 U.S.C. § 405. Judge Rodney W. Sippel is overseeing the case, and there is no demand for a jury trial.
More Information about >>> ✅ Keith L. Ivy, ✅ Michael J. Astrue 
Plaintiff   versus   Defendant
Karim L. George
More Information
Michael J. Astrue
[Case # 2010cv02136/110102], [Filed: November 12, 2010]
[ Disability Insurance§42 U.S.C. § 416 ⚖ ]

✅ Michael J. Astrue >>> More Information
Missouri,   November 15, 2010
Case 4:2010cv01129/97090
At the US District Court for the Western District of Missouri, the legal case 4:2010cv01129/97090 entails Keona R. Grays and Michael J. Astrue. The filing date is November 15, 2010, and this case deals with Supplemental Security Income as per 42 U.S.C. § 405. Judge Sarah W. Hays is presiding over this matter, and no jury trial is demanded.
More Information about >>> ✅ Keona R. Grays, ✅ Michael J. Astrue 
Missouri,   November 15, 2010
Case 4:2010cv01128/97143
US District Court for the Western District of Missouri case 4:2010cv01128/97143 comprises Kimberly M. Jackson-Bagley and Humphrey Farrington & McClain and James Garrett. Filed on November 15, 2010, this case concerns Other Civil Rights based on 28 U.S.C. § 1331. Judge Ortrie D. Smith is overseeing the case, and there is no demand for a jury trial.
More Information about >>> ✅ Kimberly M. Jackson-Bagley, ✅ James Garrett 
Missouri,   October 25, 2010
Case 4:2010cv01063/96836
The legal proceedings in case 4:2010cv01063/96836 at US District Court for the Western District of Missouri involve Katie Sontheimer and High-Tech Institute. Filed on October 25, 2010, this case focuses on Other Fraud based on 28 U.S.C. § 1332. Judge Ortrie D. Smith is presiding, and it's notable that Both have requested a jury trial.
More Information about >>> ✅ Katie Sontheimer, ✅ High-Tech Institute 
Missouri,   November 19, 2010
Case 2:2010cv00079/110281
US District Court for the Eastern District of Missouri case 2:2010cv00079/110281 comprises Kim F. Petre and Michael J. Astrue. Filed on November 19, 2010, this case concerns Supplemental Security Income based on 42 U.S.C. § 405. Judge Rodney W. Sippel is overseeing the case, and there is no demand for a jury trial.
More Information about >>> ✅ Kim F. Petre, ✅ Michael J. Astrue 
Plaintiff   versus   Defendant
Karen Eubanks
More Information
Social Security Administration
[Case # 2010cv02034/109761], [Filed: October 26, 2010]
[ Disability Insurance§42 U.S.C. § 205 ⚖ ]

>>> More Information
Missouri,   October 26, 2010
Case 4:2010cv02005/109762
In the US District Court for the Eastern District of Missouri case 4:2010cv02005/109762, KELLY M. ANDERSON files a suit against Organon USA, Inc., Organon Pharmaceuticals USA, Inc., Organon International, Inc., Akzo Nobel NV, Schering-Plough Corporation and Merck & Company, Inc. The filing date was October 26, 2010, and this case concerns Personal Injury- Product Liability under 28 U.S.C. § 1332. Presiding over the case is Judge Rodney W. Sippel. Both have requested a jury trial.
More Information about >>> ✅ KELLY M. ANDERSON 
Missouri,   October 26, 2010
Case 4:2010cv02013/109775
In the US District Court for the Eastern District of Missouri case 4:2010cv02013/109775, KENDRA N. WASHINGTON files a suit against Organon USA, Inc., Organon Pharmaceuticals USA, Inc., ORANON INTERNATIONAL, INC., Akzo Nobel NV, Schering-Plough Corporation and Merck & Company, Inc. The filing date was October 26, 2010, and this case concerns Personal Injury- Product Liability under 28 U.S.C. § 1332. Presiding over the case is Judge Rodney W. Sippel. Both have requested a jury trial.
More Information about >>> ✅ KENDRA N. WASHINGTON 
Missouri,   October 26, 2010
Case 4:2010cv02012/109773
In the US District Court for the Eastern District of Missouri case 4:2010cv02012/109773, KAREN WAITHE files a suit against Organon USA, Inc., Organon Pharmaceuticals USA, Inc., Organon International, Inc., Akzo Nobel NV, Schering-Plough Corporation and Merck & Company, Inc. The filing date was October 26, 2010, and this case concerns Personal Injury- Product Liability under 28 U.S.C. § 1332. Presiding over the case is Judge Rodney W. Sippel. Both have requested a jury trial.
More Information about >>> ✅ KAREN WAITHE 
Missouri,   November 18, 2010
Case 3:2010cv05078/97144
In the US District Court for the Western District of Missouri, Kesaundra E. Wright and Michael J. Astrue are involved in case 3:2010cv05078/97144. Filed on November 18, 2010, this legal matter focuses on Disability Insurance under 42 U.S.C. § 205. Judge Gary A. Fenner is presiding, and no jury trial is requested.
More Information about >>> ✅ Kesaundra E. Wright, ✅ Michael J. Astrue 
Plaintiff   versus   Defendant
Kim F. Petre
More Information
Michael J. Astrue
[Case # 2010cv02167/110250], [Filed: November 19, 2010]
[ Supplemental Security Income§42 U.S.C. § 405 ⚖ ]

✅ Michael J. Astrue >>> More Information
Missouri,   November 19, 2010
Case 4:2010cv02169/110274
Kids in the Middle, Inc. a Missouri non-profit corporation initiates legal proceedings (case 4:2010cv02169/110274) against Family Works, Inc. and Center for Divorce Education, Inc., The at the US District Court for the Eastern District of Missouri. The case, filed on November 19, 2010, pertains to Trademark under 15 U.S.C. § 44. Notably, Plaintiff has demanded a jury for this matter.
Missouri,   November 22, 2010
Case 4:2010cv02175/110284
In the US District Court for the Eastern District of Missouri, Kimberly R. Shackleford and Michael J. Astrue are involved in case 4:2010cv02175/110284. Filed on November 22, 2010, this legal matter focuses on Supplemental Security Income under 42 U.S.C. § 205. Judge Audrey G. Fleissig is presiding, and no jury trial is requested.
More Information about >>> ✅ Kimberly R. Shackleford, ✅ Michael J. Astrue 
Missouri,   November 17, 2010
Case 4:2010cv02153/110202
Within the US District Court for the Eastern District of Missouri, Kathleen Blanner brings forward a case against Berman & Rabin, P.A. in Case Number case 4:2010cv02153/110202. Initiated on November 17, 2010, this legal matter pertains to an Consumer Credit issue based on 15 U.S.C. § 1692. It's important to mention that Plaintiff has requested a jury for this case.
More Information about >>> ✅ Kathleen Blanner 
Missouri,   December 02, 2010
Case 4:2010cv02259/110587
At the US District Court for the Eastern District of Missouri, the legal case 4:2010cv02259/110587 involves Kayla Shepard and Organon USA, Inc., Organon International, Inc. and Merck & Co, Inc. Filed on December 02, 2010, this case deals with Personal Injury- Product Liability based on 28 U.S.C. § 1332. Judge Rodney W. Sippel is overseeing the proceedings, and it's worth noting that the Plaintiff has requested a jury trial.
More Information about >>> ✅ Kayla Shepard 
Missouri,   November 24, 2010
Case 4:2010cv01172/97258
In case 4:2010cv01172/97258 within US District Court for the Western District of Missouri, Kevin D. Michaelree and Jaime L. Michaelree brings a case against Millsap & Singer, PC, Bank of America, N.A. and Fannie Mae. Filed on November 24, 2010, this legal matter relates to All Other Real Property as per 28 U.S.C. § 1441. The presiding judge is Howard F. Sachs, and the Plaintiff has made a request for a jury trial.
More Information about >>> ✅ Kevin D. Michaelree, ✅ Jaime L. Michaelree, ✅ Fannie Mae 
Missouri,   November 30, 2010
Case 4:2010cv02231/110456
In case 4:2010cv02231/110456, Kate Ward Thacker takes legal action against Ethical Products Inc at the US District Court for the Eastern District of Missouri. Filed on November 30, 2010, this case revolves around a Copyrights issue under 17 U.S.C. § 101. It's notable that Plaintiff has demanded a jury for this case.
More Information about >>> ✅ Kate Ward Thacker 

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Accessing Case Search Missouri is relatively straightforward. You can navigate to the official website and use the search functionality. Users can search for cases by name, case number, or filing date. However, it’s important to note that while the service is free, certain documents may require a fee to access. Missouri Western District Court


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