Case Search Minnesota (MN)

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Participant Index
A -> Akin...(click to open)   Akin, Robert
  Albence, Matthew
  Allen, Jeremy
  Amsterdam, James
  Anady, Joseph
  Anderson, Joshua
  Anderson, Juan
  Anderson, Michael
  Armstrong, Jason
  Arradondo, Medaria
  Ayaz, Jawad
B -> Baker...(click to open)   Baker, Scott
  Bangoura, Al
  Barbera, Joseph
  Barr, William
  Barrow, Dennis
  Bartling, Justin
  Baukol, Chris
  Berg, Nancy
  Berg, Peter
  Berry, Patrick
  Besile, Chaplain
  Bethune, Jason
  Betram, Bill
  Bevins, Jesse
  Bilder, Jeremy
  Bittell, Andrew
  Blanton, Justin
  Boetticher, Nicholas
  Boitnott, Jerald
  Bosch, Guy
  Brakken, Jessica
  Brandenburg, Jeremy
  Brock, Marit
  Brott, Joel
  Brown, April
  Brown, Bonnie
  Brown, Henrietta
  Brown, Joseph
  Bruno, James
  Bullock-Hines, Justin
  Butts, Alex
C -> Callaham...(click to open)   Callaham, Justin
  Cantwell, Jay
  Carlson, Jeffrey
  Casson, James
  Charles, Marcos
  Cheever, Shane
  Coleman, Lauren
  Comet, Bill
  Crabtree, Michael
  Cruz, Jose
  Cushenbery, Christopher
D -> Dalberg...(click to open)   Dalberg, Mark
  Dauble, Kristopher
  Debele, Gary
  Dekker, Justin
  Dekker, Michelle
  Delany, Andy
  Deninger, Paul
  Didovic, Mesud
  Douglas, Jacob
  Duff, Dawn
E -> Efferetz...(click to open)   Efferetz, Breena
  Eggen, Bradley
  Ellison, Keith
  Eutsey, Jarmarus
F -> Favors...(click to open)   Favors, Joseph
  Folkens, Bruce
  Fouad, Mervat
  Fradin, Roger
  Frey, Jacob
  Fritton, Jason
  Fuller, Tommy
  Futrell, James
G -> Garland...(click to open)   Garland, Merrick
  Gastroenterology, Minnesota
  George, Jason
  Gibson, Marea
  Gilbertson, Jesse
  Gillen, Timothy
  Goellner, Joseph
  Gould, Guy
  Grace, Mary
H -> Harlan...(click to open)   Harlan, Patrick
  Harpstead, Jody
  Hart, Catherine
  Hawkins, Nicole
  Hazelwood, Brent
  Hennen, Eric
  Henson, Tim
  Herrera, Jesus
  Hetland, Jason
  Heyer, Michael
  Howard, Joseph
  Huiting, Daniel
  Huntsman, James
  Huntsman, Zenith
  Hutchinson, David
  Hutchison, Adrian
I -> Ibarra...(click to open)   Ibarra, Jose
  Ikner, Jonathan
  Irvin, Terry
J -> Jackson...(click to open)   Jackson, William
  Jensen, James
  Johnson, Brandie
  Johnson, Jacquelyn
  Johnson, Jeffrey
  Johnson, John
  Johnson, Tae
  Johnston, Joseph
  Johnston, Nancy
  Jones, Jeffery
  Jordan, Joshua
K -> Kaping...(click to open)   Kaping, Jeremy
  Karrantza, John
  Ketover, Scott
  Killian, Kyle
  Kliber, Gene
  Knutson, David
  Knutson, Nate
  Knutson, Ted
  Krewer, B
  Kroll, Robert
L -> LaBarbera...(click to open)   LaBarbera, Joseph
  Lake, Bryan
  Lazar, Jack
  Lindman, John
  Lisko, Jeffrey
  Little, Nadine
  Lokke, Christopher
  Lopez, Krystal
M -> Mader...(click to open)   Mader, Officer
  Magee, Joshua
  Magnuson, Hon.
  Magnuson, Paul
  Malcolm, Commissioner
  Mallek, Gina
  Martinez, Justo
  Mashih, Alyas
  Masi, Niccolo
  Mason, Jonathan
  Mayorkas, Alejandro
  McAleenan, Kevin
  McElwee, Brandon
  McNamara, Kevin
  Medeiros, Jeremy
  Meier, Misty
  Mercil, Johnny
  Meyer, Jordan
  Miles, Jennifer
  Mobin, Jared
  Mobin, Javed
  Moline, Joel
  Motzenbeeker, Brian
  Mund, Erick
  Munoz, Jaime
N -> Neal...(click to open)   Neal, Joseph
  Nefkens, Michael
  Neighbarger, Gregory
  Neumann, Justin
O -> Ohotto...(click to open)   Ohotto, Jason
  Okafor, Jude
  Olson, Jeffrey
  Orthopedics, Microport
  Osbeck, Michael
  Owen, Jesse
P -> Painter...(click to open)   Painter, Travis
  Paul, Michael
  Pishney, Jacob
  Potter, Lt
  Prody, Barrett
  Project, Pro
  Purdy, Jeffrey
Q -> Quist...(click to open)   Quist, John
R -> Ragan...(click to open)   Ragan, Joseph
  Regnier, Michael
  Richardson, Nina
  Rielly, Patrick
  Rigner, Mike
  Roberts-Davis, Commissioner
  Roe, John
  Rogers, Chris
  Rogers, Pamela
  Rohde, Justin
  Rossi, Federico
  Roy, Virginia
S -> Samaha...(click to open)   Samaha, Jamal
  Sanclemente, Daniel
  Sanders, Tiffany
  Schidmt, Matthew
  Schmidt, Jessica
  Schmidt, Matthew
  Schmit, Laura
  Schnell, Paul
  Schulzetenberg, Jeanne
  Scott, Ismail
  Severance, Matthew
  Shaman, Edward
  Shearman, Christopher
  Sherman, Jesse
  Smith, Garbriel
  Smith, James
  Smith, Michael
  Spence, Jeremy
  Spets, Lt
  Stallings, Jaleel
  Stenerson, Ronald
  Stenseth, Lisa
  Stephens, Jennifer
  Stetson, Justin
  Stewart, Keran
  Sundberg, Nathan
T -> Team...(click to open)   Team, M
  Teich, Andrew
  Thomas, Joshua
  Thomas, Macalister
  Tyshow, Jake
U -> University...(click to open)   University, Simmons
V -> Vanderheyden...(click to open)   Vanderheyden, Joshua
  Victory, Jason
W -> Walling...(click to open)   Walling, Wright
  Walsh, Joseph
  Walz, Governor
  Weisen, Jeffrey
  Westvig, Joel
  Wienbar, Sharon
  Wilkins, Stephanie
  Williams, Emmett
  Williams, Janice
  Williams, Terry
  Wilson, Javece
  Wimmer, James
  Witherspoon, Jeremy
  Woodman, Wayne
  Woods, Travis
Y -> Ybarra...(click to open)   Ybarra, Jeremiah
  Yedinak, Randy
  Yednak, Randi
  Yueng, Joshuo
Z -> Zarling...(click to open)   Zarling, John

Plaintiff   versus   Defendant
Joseph Neal
More Information
Aearo Technologies, LLC and 3M Company
[Case # 2019cv00321/178398], [Filed: February 11, 2019]
[ Personal Injury Product Liability§ ⚖ ]
[Judge: Hildy Bowbeer] , [David S Doty] [jury demanded by Plaintiff]
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Plaintiff   versus   Defendant
Justin Blanton
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Aearo Technologies, LLC and 3M Company
[Case # 2019cv00801/179235], [Filed: March 21, 2019]
[ Personal Injury Product Liability§ ⚖ ]
[Judge: Katherine M Menendez] , [Patrick J Schiltz] [jury demanded by Plaintiff]
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Plaintiff   versus   Defendant
Justin Bartling
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Aearo Technologies, LLC and 3M Company
[Case # 2019cv00766/179179], [Filed: March 19, 2019]
[ Personal Injury Product Liability§ ⚖ ]
[Judge: Michael J Davis] , [Tony N Leung] [jury demanded by Plaintiff]
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Plaintiff   versus   Defendant
Joseph Anady
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Aearo Technologies, LLC and 3M Company
[Case # 2019cv00548/178834], [Filed: March 06, 2019]
[ Personal Injury Product Liability§ ⚖ ]
[Judge: Katherine M Menendez] , [Steven E Rau] [jury demanded by Plaintiff]
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Plaintiff   versus   Defendant
Jose Cruz
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3M Company
[Case # 2019cv00736/179143], [Filed: March 18, 2019]
[ Personal Injury Product Liability§ ⚖ ]
[Judge: Katherine M Menendez] , [Susan Richard Nelson] [jury demanded by Plaintiff]
>>> More Information
Minnesota,   March 05, 2019
Case 0:2019cv00534/178790
At the US District Court for the District of Minnesota, case 0:2019cv00534/178790 involves Jerald Boitnott bringing a case against City of St. Paul, Minnesota. Filed on March 05, 2019, this case addresses issues related to Civil Rights: Americans with Disabilities - Other based on 42 U.S.C. § 12101. The case is presided over by Judge Hildy Bowbeer, with Referring Judge David T Schultz also involved. It's essential to note that Defendant has demanded a jury for this case.
More Information about >>> ✅ Jerald Boitnott 
Minnesota,   January 02, 2019
Case 0:2019cv00002/177806
At the US District Court for the District of Minnesota, case 0:2019cv00002/177806 involves James Richard Huntsman suing Law Office of Brad C. Eggen, The, 3M Qualified Order Team, 3M Company Employee Retirement Income Plan, Michael Anderson, Bradley C. Eggen, Zenith Annette Huntsman, 3M Company Portfolio I Pension Plan, 3M Company and Plan Administrator for the 3M Employee. Filed on January 02, 2019, this case addresses issues related to Labor: E.R.I.S.A. based on 29 U.S.C. § 1001. The case is presided over by Judge Hildy Bowbeer, with Referring Judge Paul A Magnuson also involved. No jury trial has been requested.
More Information about >>> ✅ James Richard Huntsman, ✅ M Qualified Order Team, ✅ Michael Anderson, ✅ Bradley C. Eggen, ✅ Zenith Annette Huntsman 
Plaintiff   versus   Defendant
Jarmarus L. Eutsey
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3M Company
[Case # 2019cv01569/180866], [Filed: June 14, 2019]
[ Personal Injury Product Liability§ ⚖ ]
[Judge: Steven E Rau] , [Becky R Thorson] [jury demanded by Both]
>>> More Information
Minnesota,   July 10, 2019
Case 0:2019cv01807/181406
Initiated as Case Number case 0:2019cv01807/181406, Joseph Howard files a lawsuit against Janice Williams, Pamela J. Rogers, Keran C. Stewart, Breena K. Efferetz and Shane L. Cheever at the US District Court for the District of Minnesota. Filed on July 10, 2019, this case revolves around Fraud under 28 U.S.C. § 1332. Judge Steven E Rau presides over the case, and Referring Judge Eric C Tostrud is also part of the proceedings. No jury trial has been requested.
More Information about >>> ✅ Joseph Howard, ✅ Janice Williams, ✅ Pamela J. Rogers, ✅ Keran C. Stewart, ✅ Breena K. Efferetz, ✅ Shane L. Cheever 
Plaintiff   versus   Defendant
Jeffrey Lisko
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Minnesota Gastroenterology, P.A., Scott R. Ketover, Nicholas C. Boetticher, Marit Brock and Federico T. Rossi
[Case # 2019cv02363/182364], [Filed: August 27, 2019]
[ Civil Rights: Americans with Disabilities - Employment§42 U.S.C. § 12112 ⚖ ]
[Judge: David S Doty] , [Tony N Leung] [jury demanded by Both]
✅ Minnesota Gastroenterology, ✅ Scott R. Ketover, ✅ Nicholas C. Boetticher, ✅ Marit Brock, ✅ Federico T. Rossi >>> More Information
Minnesota,   September 20, 2019
Case 0:2019cv02570/182744
At the US District Court for the District of Minnesota, case 0:2019cv02570/182744 features Joseph LaBarbera and Joseph La Barbera suing NHK Spring (Thailand) Co., Ltd., NHK Spring Precision (Guangzhou) Co., Ltd., SAE Magnetics (H.K.) Ltd., TDK Corporation, NHK Spring Co. Ltd., Magnecomp Precision Technology Public Co. Ltd., Hutchinson Technology Inc., NAT Peripheral (H.K.) Co., Ltd., Head. Filed on September 20, 2019, this case revolves around Anti-Trust based on 15 U.S.C. § 1. Judge Tony N Leung presides over the case, with Referring Judge Susan Richard Nelson involved. Notably, Plaintiff has demanded a jury for this case.
More Information about >>> ✅ Joseph LaBarbera, ✅ Joseph La Barbera 
Minnesota,   October 03, 2019
Case 0:2019cv02643/182972
At the US District Court for the District of Minnesota, case 0:2019cv02643/182972 involves Joel C. Moline suing American Family Mutual Insurance Company. Filed on October 03, 2019, this case addresses issues related to Insurance based on 12 U.S.C. § 635. The case is presided over by Judge Katherine M Menendez, with Referring Judge Steven E Rau also involved. No jury trial has been requested.
More Information about >>> ✅ Joel C. Moline 
Minnesota,   October 21, 2019
Case 0:2019cv02746/183178
Initiated as Case Number case 0:2019cv02746/183178, Joseph T. Brown files a lawsuit against Lt David Spets, Nate Knutson, Eric Hennen, John Quist, Lt David Potter, Lisa Stenseth and Guy Bosch at the US District Court for the District of Minnesota. Filed on October 21, 2019, this case revolves around Prisoner: Civil Rights under 42 U.S.C. § 1983. Judge Steven E Rau presides over the case, and Referring Judge Becky R Thorson is also part of the proceedings. No jury trial has been requested.
More Information about >>> ✅ Joseph T. Brown, ✅ Lt David Spets, ✅ Nate Knutson, ✅ Eric Hennen, ✅ John Quist, ✅ Lt David Potter, ✅ Lisa Stenseth, ✅ Guy Bosch 
Minnesota,   October 30, 2019
Case 0:2019cv02810/183326
In case 0:2019cv02810/183326, Jared Mobin and Javed Mobin initiates legal action against County Hennepin Public Safty Faci at the US District Court for the District of Minnesota. The case was filed on October 30, 2019 and involves matters related to Civil Detainee: Conditions of Confinement under 42 U.S.C. § 1983. Hildy Bowbeer presides over the case, and Referring Judge Steven E Rau is also involved. There has been no request for a jury trial.
More Information about >>> ✅ Jared Mobin, ✅ Javed Mobin 
Petitioner   versus   Respondent
Justo Perez Martinez
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Matthew Albence, Joel Brott, Kevin McAleenan, Peter Berg and William Barr
[Case # 2019cv03001/183837], [Filed: November 27, 2019]
[ Habeas Corpus - Alien Detainee§28 U.S.C. § 2241 ⚖ ]
[Judge: Hildy Bowbeer] , [John R Tunheim]
✅ Matthew Albence, ✅ Joel Brott, ✅ Kevin McAleenan, ✅ Peter Berg, ✅ William Barr >>> More Information
Minnesota,   December 12, 2019
Case 0:2019cv03080/184072
Initiated as Case Number case 0:2019cv03080/184072, Joseph Anthony Favors files a lawsuit against Discover Bank at the US District Court for the District of Minnesota. Filed on December 12, 2019, this case revolves around Consumer Credit under 15 U.S.C. § 1691. Judge Leo I Brisbois presides over the case, and Referring Judge Tony N Leung is also part of the proceedings. It's essential to note that Plaintiff has demanded a jury for this case.
More Information about >>> ✅ Joseph Anthony Favors 
Plaintiff   versus   Defendant
Jesse Bevins
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Aearo Technologies LLC and 3M Company
[Case # 2020cv00026/184383], [Filed: January 03, 2020]
[ Personal Injury Product Liability§ ⚖ ]
[Judge: Katherine M Menendez] , [Susan Richard Nelson] [jury demanded by Plaintiff]
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Plaintiff   versus   Defendant
Justin Callaham
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Aero Technologies, LLC and 3M Company
[Case # 2020cv00022/184376], [Filed: January 03, 2020]
[ Personal Injury Product Liability§ ⚖ ]
[Judge: Katherine M Menendez] , [Patrick J Schiltz] [jury demanded by Plaintiff]
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Plaintiff   versus   Defendant
Jason Armstrong
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Aearo Technologies LLC and 3M Company
[Case # 2020cv00020/184370], [Filed: January 03, 2020]
[ Personal Injury Product Liability§ ⚖ ]
[Judge: Katherine M Menendez] , [John R Tunheim] [jury demanded by Plaintiff]
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Plaintiff   versus   Defendant
Jeremy Witherspoon
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Aearo Technologies LLC and 3M Company
[Case # 2020cv00030/184390], [Filed: January 03, 2020]
[ Personal Injury Product Liability§ ⚖ ]
[Judge: Katherine M Menendez] , [Becky R Thorson] [jury demanded by Plaintiff]
>>> More Information
Minnesota,   March 20, 2019
Case 0:2019cv00784/179196
At the US District Court for the District of Minnesota, case 0:2019cv00784/179196 features Joshua Ethan Jordan, Travis S. Painter, Jose Jaime Ibarra, III, Guy F. Gould, Terry Nelson Irvin, Jr., Ismail Miliik Scott, Brandie Johnson, William Devia Jackson and Adrian Lumun Hutchison suing 3M Company. Filed on March 20, 2019, this case revolves around Personal Injury Product Liability based on 28 U.S.C. § 1446. Judge Michael J Davis presides over the case, with Referring Judge Tony N Leung involved. Notably, Plaintiff has demanded a jury for this case.
More Information about >>> ✅ Joshua Ethan Jordan, ✅ Travis S. Painter, ✅ Jose Jaime Ibarra, ✅ Guy F. Gould, ✅ Terry Nelson Irvin, ✅ Ismail Miliik Scott, ✅ Brandie Johnson, ✅ William Devia Jackson, ✅ Adrian Lumun Hutchison 
Minnesota,   January 03, 2020
Case 0:2020cv00035/184400
At the US District Court for the District of Minnesota, case 0:2020cv00035/184400 involves James Smith suing Aearo Technologies LLC and 3M Company. Filed on January 03, 2020, this case addresses issues related to Personal Injury Product Liability based on 28 U.S.C. § 1442. The case is presided over by Judge Hildy Bowbeer, with Referring Judge Katherine M Menendez also involved. Remarkably, Plaintiff has demanded a jury to hear this case.
More Information about >>> ✅ James Smith 
Plaintiff   versus   Defendant
Joshua Thomas
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Aearo Technologies, LLC and 3M Company
[Case # 2019cv00783/179195], [Filed: March 20, 2019]
[ Personal Injury Product Liability§ ⚖ ]
[Judge: Hildy Bowbeer] , [Katherine M Menendez] [jury demanded by Plaintiff]
>>> More Information
Minnesota,   October 19, 2018
Case 0:2018cv02973/176671
In case 0:2018cv02973/176671, Jaime Romero Munoz initiates legal action against M D Construction, Mesud Didovic, Mervat Fouad, MRANS on Seventh, LLC and M & D Management Company at the US District Court for the District of Minnesota. Filed on October 19, 2018, this case pertains to matters regarding Civil Rights: Accomodations under 42 U.S.C. § 405. Presiding Judge Hildy Bowbeer oversees the case, with Referring Judge Joan N Ericksen involved. Plaintiff has explicitly requested a jury for this litigation.
More Information about >>> ✅ Jaime Romero Munoz, ✅ Mesud Didovic, ✅ Mervat Fouad 
Plaintiff   versus   Defendant
Joshua Magee
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Aearo Technologies LLC, 3M Company and Aearo Technologies, LLC
[Case # 2020cv00083/184451], [Filed: January 07, 2020]
[ Personal Injury Product Liability§ ⚖ ]
[Judge: Nancy E Brasel] , [Katherine M Menendez] [jury demanded by Plaintiff]
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Plaintiff   versus   Defendant
John Johnson
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Aearo Technologies LLC and 3M Company
[Case # 2020cv00067/184435], [Filed: January 07, 2020]
[ Personal Injury Product Liability§ ⚖ ]
[Judge: David S Doty] , [Katherine M Menendez] [jury demanded by Plaintiff]
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Plaintiff   versus   Defendant
Jesse Owen
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Aearo Technologies LLC and 3M Company
[Case # 2020cv00078/184446], [Filed: January 07, 2020]
[ Personal Injury Product Liability§ ⚖ ]
[Judge: Katherine M Menendez] , [Becky R Thorson] [jury demanded by Plaintiff]
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Plaintiff   versus   Defendant
Joseph Johnston
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Aearo Technologies LLC and 3M Company
[Case # 2020cv00070/184439], [Filed: January 07, 2020]
[ Personal Injury Product Liability§ ⚖ ]
[Judge: Katherine M Menendez] , [David T Schultz] [jury demanded by Plaintiff]
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Plaintiff   versus   Defendant
John Karrantza
More Information
Aearo Technologies LLC and 3M Company
[Case # 2020cv00071/184440], [Filed: January 07, 2020]
[ Personal Injury Product Liability§ ⚖ ]
[Judge: Hildy Bowbeer] , [David S Doty] [jury demanded by Plaintiff]
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Plaintiff   versus   Defendant
James Wimmer
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3M Occupational Safety LLC, Aearo Intermediate LLC, Aearo Technologies LLC, Aearo Holding LLC, Aearo LLC and 3M Company
[Case # 2020cv00109/184484], [Filed: January 08, 2020]
[ Personal Injury Product Liability§ ⚖ ]
[Judge: Katherine M Menendez] , [Eric C Tostrud] [jury demanded by Plaintiff]
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Plaintiff   versus   Defendant
Joshuo Yueng
More Information
Aearo Holding LLC, Aearo Intermediate LLC, Aearo Technologies LLC, 3M Occupational Safety LLC, Aearo LLC and 3M Company
[Case # 2020cv00095/184468], [Filed: January 08, 2020]
[ Personal Injury Product Liability§ ⚖ ]
[Judge: Paul A Magnuson] , [Katherine M Menendez] [jury demanded by Plaintiff]
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Plaintiff   versus   Defendant
Justin Rohde
More Information
Aearo Holding LLC, Aearo Intermediate LLC, Aearo Technologies LLC, 3M Occupational Safety LLC, Aearo LLC and 3M Company
[Case # 2020cv00098/184471], [Filed: January 08, 2020]
[ Personal Injury Product Liability§ ⚖ ]
[Judge: Hildy Bowbeer] , [Paul A Magnuson] [jury demanded by Plaintiff]
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Plaintiff   versus   Defendant
Jason Victory
More Information
Aearo Technologies LLC and 3M Company
[Case # 2020cv00043/184410], [Filed: January 06, 2020]
[ Personal Injury Product Liability§ ⚖ ]
[Judge: Katherine M Menendez] , [David T Schultz] [jury demanded by Plaintiff]
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Plaintiff   versus   Defendant
Jeremy Medeiros
More Information
Aearo Technologies LLC and 3M Company
[Case # 2020cv00059/184427], [Filed: January 06, 2020]
[ Personal Injury Product Liability§ ⚖ ]
[Judge: Nancy E Brasel] , [Katherine M Menendez] [jury demanded by Plaintiff]
>>> More Information
Minnesota,   February 21, 2020
Case 0:2020cv00577/185370
At the US District Court for the District of Minnesota, case 0:2020cv00577/185370 involves J.M.O. suing U.S. Citizenship & Immigration Services, Michael Paul and United States of America. Filed on February 21, 2020, this case addresses issues related to Other Immigration Actions based on 05 U.S.C. § 702. The case is presided over by Judge Hildy Bowbeer, with Referring Judge Nancy E Brasel also involved. No jury trial has been requested.
More Information about >>> ✅ Michael Paul 
Minnesota,   April 23, 2020
Case 0:2020cv01002/187172
Initiated as Case Number case 0:2020cv01002/187172, Joseph Anthony Favors files a lawsuit against Bryan Lake, Nancy Johnston, (John Doe) "Donnay", Jody Harpstead and (John Doe) "Ujifusa" at the US District Court for the District of Minnesota. Filed on April 23, 2020, this case revolves around Civil Detainee: Conditions of Confinement under 42 U.S.C. § 1983. Judge Nancy E Brasel presides over the case, and Referring Judge Tony N Leung is also part of the proceedings. No jury trial has been requested.
More Information about >>> ✅ Joseph Anthony Favors, ✅ Bryan Lake, ✅ Nancy Johnston, ✅ Jody Harpstead 
Plaintiff   versus   Defendant
Jeanne Schulzetenberg
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Wright Medical Technology, Inc., Wright Medical Group, Inc. and Microport Orthopedics, Inc.
[Case # 2020cv01310/188041], [Filed: June 04, 2020]
[ Personal Injury: Health Care/Pharmaceutical Personal Injury Product Liability§ ⚖ ]
[Judge: Hildy Bowbeer] , [Nancy E Brasel] [jury demanded by Plaintiff]
✅ Microport Orthopedics >>> More Information
Minnesota,   July 31, 2020
Case 0:2020cv01675/189113
In case 0:2020cv01675/189113, Jeremy Michael Bilder initiates legal proceedings against Jane Doe and Nicole Hawkins at the US District Court for the District of Minnesota. Filed on July 31, 2020, this case involves matters related to Civil Detainee: Conditions of Confinement under 42 U.S.C. § 1983. Presiding Judge Paul A Magnuson oversees the case, with involvement from Referring Judge Katherine M Menendez. It's important to mention that Plaintiff has requested a jury for this case.
More Information about >>> ✅ Jeremy Michael Bilder, ✅ Nicole Hawkins 
Minnesota,   July 13, 2020
Case 0:2020cv01559/188700
Initiated as Case Number case 0:2020cv01559/188700, Jeffrey Johnson files a lawsuit against Affinity Plus Federal Credit Union and Experian Information Solutions, Inc. at the US District Court for the District of Minnesota. Filed on July 13, 2020, this case revolves around Consumer Credit under 15 U.S.C. § 1681. Judge David T Schultz presides over the case, and Referring Judge Eric C Tostrud is also part of the proceedings. It's essential to note that Plaintiff has demanded a jury for this case.
More Information about >>> ✅ Jeffrey Johnson 
Minnesota,   August 06, 2020
Case 0:2020cv01715/189273
Initiated as Case Number case 0:2020cv01715/189273, Jonathan Mason, Andy Delany, Bonnie Brown, Mary Grace, Lauren Coleman, Jamal Samaha and Jordan Meyer files a lawsuit against Medaria Arradondo, Jacob Frey, John Does 1-100 and City of Minneapolis, The at the US District Court for the District of Minnesota. Filed on August 06, 2020, this case revolves around Civil Rights: Other under 28 U.S.C. § 1331. Judge Susan Richard Nelson presides over the case, and Referring Judge David T Schultz is also part of the proceedings. It's essential to note that Plaintiff has demanded a jury for this case.
More Information about >>> ✅ Jonathan Mason, ✅ Andy Delany, ✅ Bonnie Brown, ✅ Mary Grace, ✅ Lauren Coleman, ✅ Jamal Samaha, ✅ Jordan Meyer, ✅ Medaria Arradondo, ✅ Jacob Frey 
Minnesota,   September 03, 2020
Case 0:2020cv01893/189731
At the US District Court for the District of Minnesota, case 0:2020cv01893/189731 involves Joseph Anthony Favors suing Aspire Bank. Filed on September 03, 2020, this case addresses issues related to Civil Rights: Other based on 42 U.S.C. § 1983. The case is presided over by Judge Hildy Bowbeer, with Referring Judge Nancy E Brasel also involved. Remarkably, Plaintiff has demanded a jury to hear this case.
More Information about >>> ✅ Joseph Anthony Favors 
Plaintiff   versus   Defendant
Joshua Anderson
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Jonathan Ikner
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Brandon McElwee
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Jesus Herrera
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Gregory Neighbarger
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Brent Hazelwood
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Wayne Woodman
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Macalister Thomas
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Robert Akin
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Joseph Goellner
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Travis Woods
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Jeremy Spence
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Garbriel Smith
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Michael Smith
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Tommy Fuller
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Terry Williams
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3M Company and Aearo Technologies LLC
[Case # 2020cv02125/190242], [Filed: October 07, 2020]
[ Personal Injury Product Liability§ ⚖ ]
[Judge: Michael J Davis] , [Katherine M Menendez] [jury demanded by Plaintiff]
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Minnesota,   October 19, 2020
Case 0:2020cv02189/190403
In case 0:2020cv02189/190403, Joel Westvig, Nadine Little, Virginia Roy, Henrietta Brown, Dennis Barrow, Patrick Berry, Emmett Williams, ZACAH, Daniel Huiting and Gina Mallek initiates legal action against Medaria Arradondo, Jacob Frey, Al Bangoura, Jane Does, David Hutchinson, Jason Ohotto, Hennepin County, City of Minneapolis and John Does at the US District Court for the District of Minnesota. Filed on October 19, 2020, this case pertains to matters regarding Civil Rights: Other under 42 U.S.C. § 1983. Presiding Judge Leo I Brisbois oversees the case, with Referring Judge Katherine M Menendez involved. Plaintiff has explicitly requested a jury for this litigation.
More Information about >>> ✅ Joel Westvig, ✅ Nadine Little, ✅ Virginia Roy, ✅ Henrietta Brown, ✅ Dennis Barrow, ✅ Patrick Berry, ✅ Emmett Williams, ✅ Daniel Huiting, ✅ Gina Mallek, ✅ Medaria Arradondo, ✅ Jacob Frey, ✅ Al Bangoura, ✅ David Hutchinson, ✅ Jason Ohotto 
Minnesota,   November 16, 2020
Case 0:2020cv02333/190882
At the US District Court for the District of Minnesota, case 0:2020cv02333/190882 involves Jennifer Miles bringing a case against Kyle D. Killian and Simmons University. Filed on November 16, 2020, this case addresses issues related to Personal Injury: Other based on 28 U.S.C. § 1441. The case is presided over by Judge Katherine M Menendez, with Referring Judge David T Schultz also involved. It's essential to note that Plaintiff has demanded a jury for this case.
More Information about >>> ✅ Jennifer Miles, ✅ Kyle D. Killian, ✅ Simmons University 
Minnesota,   November 24, 2020
Case 0:2020cv02381/191020
At the US District Court for the District of Minnesota, case 0:2020cv02381/191020 features Joseph J. Walsh and County of Mille Lacs, Minnesota suing United States Department of Interior. Filed on November 24, 2020, this case revolves around Freedom of Information Act based on 05 U.S.C. § 552. Judge Leo I Brisbois presides over the case, with Referring Judge Susan Richard Nelson involved, and no jury demand has been made.
More Information about >>> ✅ Joseph J. Walsh 
Minnesota,   December 23, 2020
Case 0:2020cv02648/191537
At the US District Court for the District of Minnesota, case 0:2020cv02648/191537 involves Jeffrey Weisen suing U.S. Bancorp doing business as U.S. Bank. Filed on December 23, 2020, this case addresses issues related to Civil Rights: Americans with Disabilities - Other based on 42 U.S.C. § 12101. The case is presided over by Judge Hildy Bowbeer, with Referring Judge Tony N Leung also involved. Remarkably, Defendant has demanded a jury to hear this case.
More Information about >>> ✅ Jeffrey Weisen 
Minnesota,   December 10, 2020
Case 0:2020cv02505/191284
In case 0:2020cv02505/191284, Jane Doe, Let Them Play MN and John Roe initiates legal proceedings against Minnesota Department of Health, Governor Tim Walz, Commissioner Alice Roberts-Davis, Commissioner Jan Malcolm, Keith Ellison and Minnesota Department of Administration at the US District Court for the District of Minnesota. Filed on December 10, 2020, this case involves matters related to Civil Rights: Other under 28 U.S.C. § 1343. Presiding Judge Hildy Bowbeer oversees the case, with involvement from Referring Judge Nancy E Brasel, and no jury demand has been made.
More Information about >>> ✅ John Roe, ✅ Governor Tim Walz, ✅ Commissioner Alice Roberts-Davis, ✅ Commissioner Jan Malcolm, ✅ Keith Ellison 
Minnesota,   January 25, 2021
Case 0:2021cv00180/192179
In case 0:2021cv00180/192179, Javed Mookhtar Mobin initiates legal action against Hennepin County Jail at the US District Court for the District of Minnesota. The case was filed on January 25, 2021 and involves matters related to Civil Detainee: Conditions of Confinement under 42 U.S.C. § 1983. Paul A Magnuson presides over the case, and Referring Judge Katherine M Menendez is also involved. There has been no request for a jury trial.
More Information about >>> ✅ Javed Mookhtar Mobin 
Minnesota,   February 03, 2021
Case 0:2021cv00315/192462
In case 0:2021cv00315/192462, Jeffrey Colin Purdy initiates legal proceedings against Chris Baukol, Patrick M. Rielly, Jesse Gilbertson, Stephanie Wilkins and Justin Neumann at the US District Court for the District of Minnesota. Filed on February 03, 2021, this case involves matters related to Prisoner: Civil Rights under 42 U.S.C. § 1983. Presiding Judge Hildy Bowbeer oversees the case, with involvement from Referring Judge Paul A Magnuson, and no jury demand has been made.
More Information about >>> ✅ Jeffrey Colin Purdy, ✅ Chris Baukol, ✅ Patrick M. Rielly, ✅ Jesse Gilbertson, ✅ Stephanie Wilkins, ✅ Justin Neumann 
Minnesota,   February 05, 2021
Case 0:2021cv00359/192483
In case 0:2021cv00359/192483, Joseph Anthony Favors initiates legal action against Internal Revenue Service at the US District Court for the District of Minnesota. The case was filed on February 05, 2021 and involves matters related to Civil Detainee: Conditions of Confinement under 42 U.S.C. § 1983. Tony N Leung presides over the case, and Referring Judge Patrick J Schiltz is also involved. Interestingly, Plaintiff has demanded a jury to hear this case.
More Information about >>> ✅ Joseph Anthony Favors 
Minnesota,   February 18, 2021
Case 0:2021cv00439/192878
At the US District Court for the District of Minnesota, case 0:2021cv00439/192878 involves Joseph Anthony Favors suing Nicollet County District Court. Filed on February 18, 2021, this case addresses issues related to Civil Detainee: Conditions of Confinement based on 42 U.S.C. § 1983. The case is presided over by Judge Becky R Thorson, with Referring Judge Eric C Tostrud also involved. Remarkably, Plaintiff has demanded a jury to hear this case.
More Information about >>> ✅ Joseph Anthony Favors 
Minnesota,   March 03, 2021
Case 0:2021cv00625/193167
Initiated in case 0:2021cv00625/193167, Joseph Anthony Favors brings forth legal action against Comenity Capital Bank at the US District Court for the District of Minnesota. Filed on March 03, 2021, this case pertains to Civil Detainee: Conditions of Confinement grounded in 42 U.S.C. § 1983. Presiding Judge Becky R Thorson oversees the proceedings, with Referring Judge Eric C Tostrud involved. It's notable that Plaintiff has demanded a jury for this case.
More Information about >>> ✅ Joseph Anthony Favors 
Minnesota,   February 25, 2021
Case 0:2021cv00571/193059
At the US District Court for the District of Minnesota, case 0:2021cv00571/193059 involves John Zarling suing Abbott Laboratories. Filed on February 25, 2021, this case addresses issues related to Civil Rights: Jobs based on 28 U.S.C. § 1441. The case is presided over by Judge Michael J Davis, with Referring Judge Patrick J Schiltz also involved. No jury trial has been requested.
More Information about >>> ✅ John Zarling 
Minnesota,   February 19, 2021
Case 0:2021cv00460/192916
Initiated as Case Number case 0:2021cv00460/192916, Joseph Anthony Favors files a lawsuit against Experian at the US District Court for the District of Minnesota. Filed on February 19, 2021, this case revolves around Consumer Credit under 15 U.S.C. § 1681. Judge Donovan W Frank presides over the case, and Referring Judge Tony N Leung is also part of the proceedings. It's essential to note that Plaintiff has demanded a jury for this case.
More Information about >>> ✅ Joseph Anthony Favors 
Minnesota,   March 17, 2021
Case 0:2021cv00726/193462
Initiated as Case Number case 0:2021cv00726/193462, Joseph Anthony Favors files a lawsuit against Hon. Paul A. Magnuson at the US District Court for the District of Minnesota. Filed on March 17, 2021, this case revolves around Civil Detainee: Conditions of Confinement under 42 U.S.C. § 1983. Judge David S Doty presides over the case, and Referring Judge Tony N Leung is also part of the proceedings. It's essential to note that Plaintiff has demanded a jury for this case.
More Information about >>> ✅ Joseph Anthony Favors, ✅ Hon. Paul A. Magnuson 
Minnesota,   April 12, 2021
Case 0:2021cv00972/193933
Initiated as Case Number case 0:2021cv00972/193933, Juan V Anderson files a lawsuit against James Casson, Kevin McNamara, Randi Yednak, D.O.E. and Alex Butts at the US District Court for the District of Minnesota. Filed on April 12, 2021, this case revolves around Civil Rights: Other under 42 U.S.C. § 1983. Judge Katherine M Menendez presides over the case, and Referring Judge Susan Richard Nelson is also part of the proceedings. It's essential to note that Plaintiff has demanded a jury for this case.
More Information about >>> ✅ Juan V Anderson, ✅ James Casson, ✅ Kevin McNamara, ✅ Randi Yednak, ✅ Alex Butts 
Minnesota,   April 12, 2021
Case 0:2021cv00971/193930
At the US District Court for the District of Minnesota, case 0:2021cv00971/193930 features Juan V Anderson suing Morris Police Department and D.O.E. Filed on April 12, 2021, this case revolves around Civil Rights: Other based on 42 U.S.C. § 1983. Judge Hildy Bowbeer presides over the case, with Referring Judge Nancy E Brasel involved. Notably, Plaintiff has demanded a jury for this case.
More Information about >>> ✅ Juan V Anderson 
Petitioner   versus   Respondent
Javece L. Wilson
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DOJ and Bureau of Prisons
[Case # 2021cv00849/193674], [Filed: March 26, 2021]
[ Habeas Corpus (General)§28 U.S.C. § 2241 ⚖ ]
[Judge: Nancy E Brasel] , [Katherine M Menendez]
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Minnesota,   March 26, 2021
Case 0:2021cv00848/193673
In case 0:2021cv00848/193673, Joseph Anthony Favors initiates legal action against Pro Se Project, The and Tiffany Sanders at the US District Court for the District of Minnesota. The case was filed on March 26, 2021 and involves matters related to Civil Detainee: Conditions of Confinement under 42 U.S.C. § 1983. Hildy Bowbeer presides over the case, and Referring Judge Paul A Magnuson is also involved. Interestingly, Plaintiff has demanded a jury to hear this case.
More Information about >>> ✅ Joseph Anthony Favors, ✅ Pro Se Project, ✅ Tiffany Sanders 
Minnesota,   April 19, 2021
Case 0:2021cv01023/194053
Initiated as Case Number case 0:2021cv01023/194053, Juan V Anderson files a lawsuit against Alex Butts, B Krewer and D.O.E. at the US District Court for the District of Minnesota. Filed on April 19, 2021, this case revolves around Civil Rights: Other under 42 U.S.C. § 1983. Judge Nancy E Brasel presides over the case, and Referring Judge Susan Richard Nelson is also part of the proceedings. It's essential to note that Plaintiff has demanded a jury for this case.
More Information about >>> ✅ Juan V Anderson, ✅ Alex Butts, ✅ B Krewer 
Minnesota,   April 19, 2021
Case 0:2021cv01022/194052
In case 0:2021cv01022/194052, Juan V Anderson initiates legal action against Tim Henson and D.O.E. at the US District Court for the District of Minnesota. Filed on April 19, 2021, this case pertains to matters regarding Civil Rights: Other under 42 U.S.C. § 1983. Presiding Judge Donovan W Frank oversees the case, with Referring Judge Susan Richard Nelson involved. Plaintiff has explicitly requested a jury for this litigation.
More Information about >>> ✅ Juan V Anderson, ✅ Tim Henson 
Minnesota,   April 30, 2021
Case 0:2021cv01127/194246
At the US District Court for the District of Minnesota, case 0:2021cv01127/194246 features Juan V Anderson suing Randy Yedinak, Michael Regnier and D.O.E. Filed on April 30, 2021, this case revolves around Civil Rights: Other based on 42 U.S.C. § 1983. Judge Michael J Davis presides over the case, with Referring Judge Tony N Leung involved, and no jury demand has been made.
More Information about >>> ✅ Juan V Anderson, ✅ Randy Yedinak, ✅ Michael Regnier 
Minnesota,   April 30, 2021
Case 0:2021cv01128/194249
In case 0:2021cv01128/194249, Juan V Anderson initiates legal action against Bill Comet, D.O.E. and Erick Mund at the US District Court for the District of Minnesota. The case was filed on April 30, 2021 and involves matters related to Civil Rights: Other under 42 U.S.C. § 1983. Hildy Bowbeer presides over the case, and Referring Judge Donovan W Frank is also involved. There has been no request for a jury trial.
More Information about >>> ✅ Juan V Anderson, ✅ Bill Comet, ✅ Erick Mund 
Minnesota,   May 04, 2021
Case 0:2021cv01152/194333
At the US District Court for the District of Minnesota, case 0:2021cv01152/194333 features Juan Anderson and Juan V Anderson suing D.O.E, Village of Dwight and Tim Henson. Filed on May 04, 2021, this case revolves around Civil Rights: Other based on 42 U.S.C. § 1983. Judge David S Doty presides over the case, with Referring Judge Tony N Leung involved, and no jury demand has been made.
More Information about >>> ✅ Juan Anderson, ✅ Juan V Anderson, ✅ Tim Henson 
Minnesota,   May 04, 2021
Case 0:2021cv01150/194331
In case 0:2021cv01150/194331, Juan V Anderson initiates legal action against Randy Yedinak, D.O.E and Michael Regnier at the US District Court for the District of Minnesota. Filed on May 04, 2021, this case pertains to matters regarding Civil Rights: Other under 42 U.S.C. § 1983. Presiding Judge Katherine M Menendez oversees the case, with Referring Judge Susan Richard Nelson involved. There is no jury demand specified.
More Information about >>> ✅ Juan V Anderson, ✅ Randy Yedinak, ✅ Michael Regnier 
Minnesota,   May 04, 2021
Case 0:2021cv01151/194332
In case 0:2021cv01151/194332, Juan V Anderson initiates legal action against Randy Yedinak, D.O.E, Bill Betram and Michael Regnier at the US District Court for the District of Minnesota. The case was filed on May 04, 2021 and involves matters related to Civil Rights: Other under 42 U.S.C. § 1983. Hildy Bowbeer presides over the case, and Referring Judge Susan Richard Nelson is also involved. There has been no request for a jury trial.
More Information about >>> ✅ Juan V Anderson, ✅ Randy Yedinak, ✅ Bill Betram, ✅ Michael Regnier 
Minnesota,   May 13, 2021
Case 0:2021cv01210/194579
At the US District Court for the District of Minnesota, case 0:2021cv01210/194579 involves Jane Doe and Misty Meier suing Netgain Technology, LLC. Filed on May 13, 2021, this case addresses issues related to Personal Injury: Other based on 28 U.S.C. § 1332. The case is presided over by Judge Leo I Brisbois, with Referring Judge Susan Richard Nelson also involved. Remarkably, Plaintiff has demanded a jury to hear this case.
More Information about >>> ✅ Misty Meier 
Minnesota,   June 09, 2021
Case 0:2021cv01366/195005
In case 0:2021cv01366/195005, Joseph Anthony Favors initiates legal action against Paul A. Magnuson at the US District Court for the District of Minnesota. The case was filed on June 09, 2021 and involves matters related to Civil Detainee: Conditions of Confinement under 42 U.S.C. § 1983. Lee P Rudofsky presides over the case, and Referring Judge David T Schultz is also involved. Interestingly, Plaintiff has demanded a jury to hear this case.
More Information about >>> ✅ Joseph Anthony Favors, ✅ Paul A. Magnuson 
Minnesota,   June 24, 2021
Case 0:2021cv01485/195234
At the US District Court for the District of Minnesota, case 0:2021cv01485/195234 involves John Gary Lindman bringing a case against Wells Fargo Bank, N.A. and Equifax Information Services LLC. Filed on June 24, 2021, this case addresses issues related to Consumer Credit based on 15 U.S.C. § 1681. The case is presided over by Judge Nancy E Brasel, with Referring Judge Paul A Magnuson also involved. It's essential to note that Plaintiff has demanded a jury for this case.
More Information about >>> ✅ John Gary Lindman 
Petitioner   versus   Respondent
Jude Anioke Okafor
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Merrick B. Garland, Alejandro Mayorkas, Tae D. Johnson, Marcos Charles and Joel Brott
[Case # 2021cv01731/195757], [Filed: July 29, 2021]
[ Habeas Corpus - Alien Detainee§28 U.S.C. § 2241 ⚖ ]
[Judge: John F Docherty] , [Becky R Thorson]
✅ Merrick B. Garland, ✅ Alejandro Mayorkas, ✅ Tae D. Johnson, ✅ Marcos Charles, ✅ Joel Brott >>> More Information
PlaintiffPetitioner   versus   Defendant
Jawad A. Ayaz and Daniel Sanclemente
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Michael G. Nefkens, Joseph D. Ragan III, Niccolo De Masi, Paul Deninger, Roger Fradin, Jack Lazar, Nina Richardson, Andrew Teich, Sharon Wienbar and Resideo Technologies, Inc.
[Case # 2021cv02097/196681], [Filed: September 23, 2021]
[ Securities/Commodities§ ⚖ ]
[Judge: Nancy E Brasel] , [Katherine M Menendez] [jury demanded by Plaintiff]
✅ Michael G. Nefkens, ✅ Joseph D. Ragan, ✅ Niccolo De Masi, ✅ Paul Deninger, ✅ Roger Fradin, ✅ Jack Lazar, ✅ Nina Richardson, ✅ Andrew Teich, ✅ Sharon Wienbar >>> More Information
Plaintiff   versus   Defendant
Jacob Pishney
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3M Company, 3M Occupational Safety, LLC, Aearo Holding, LLC, Aearo Intermediate, LLC and Aearo Technologies, LLC
[Case # 2021cv02368/197258], [Filed: October 25, 2021]
[ Personal Injury Product Liability§ ⚖ ]
[Judge: Katherine M Menendez] , [Katherine M Menendez] [jury demanded by Plaintiff]
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Plaintiff   versus   Defendant
Jaleel Kevin Stallings
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Andrew Bittell, Michael Osbeck, Jr., Christopher Cushenbery, Justin Stetson, Kristopher Dauble, Nathan Sundberg, Matthew Severance, Christopher Lokke, Ronald Stenerson, James Jensen, Michael Heyer, Johnny Mercil, Bruce Folkens, Robert Kroll, John Does and
[Case # 2021cv02395/197322], [Filed: October 28, 2021]
[ Civil Rights: Other§42 U.S.C. § 1983 Civil Rights Act ⚖ ]
[Judge: Tony N Leung] , [Paul A Magnuson] [jury demanded by Both]
✅ Andrew Bittell, ✅ Michael Osbeck, ✅ Christopher Cushenbery, ✅ Justin Stetson, ✅ Kristopher Dauble, ✅ Nathan Sundberg, ✅ Matthew Severance, ✅ Christopher Lokke, ✅ Ronald Stenerson, ✅ James Jensen, ✅ Michael Heyer, ✅ Johnny Mercil, ✅ Bruce Folkens, ✅ Robert Kroll >>> More Information
Minnesota,   November 03, 2021
Case 0:2021cv02424/197396
At the US District Court for the District of Minnesota, case 0:2021cv02424/197396 involves Jeremiah Ybarra bringing a case against Chaplain Besile. Filed on November 03, 2021, this case addresses issues related to Prisoner: Civil Rights based on 42 U.S.C. § 1983. The case is presided over by Judge Hildy Bowbeer, with Referring Judge Paul A Magnuson also involved. There is no specific request for a jury trial.
More Information about >>> ✅ Jeremiah Ybarra, ✅ Chaplain Besile 
Plaintiff   versus   Defendant
Joshua Vanderheyden
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3M Company and Aearo Technologies LLC
[Case # 2021cv02442/197440], [Filed: November 05, 2021]
[ Personal Injury Product Liability§ ⚖ ]
[Judge: Katherine M Menendez (mj)] , [Katherine M Menendez] [jury demanded by Plaintiff]
>>> More Information
Minnesota,   October 21, 2021
Case 0:2021cv02353/197233
Initiated in case 0:2021cv02353/197233, Jessica A Schmidt and Jessica A. Schmidt brings forth legal action against DePuy Synthes Sales, Inc., Johnson & Johnson Orthopaedics, Inc. and Johnson & Johnson at the US District Court for the District of Minnesota. Filed on October 21, 2021, this case pertains to Civil Rights: Jobs grounded in 42 U.S.C. § 1983 Civil Rights (Employment Discrimination). Presiding Judge Nancy E Brasel oversees the proceedings, with Referring Judge John F Docherty involved. It's notable that Plaintiff has demanded a jury for this case.
More Information about >>> ✅ Jessica A Schmidt, ✅ Jessica A. Schmidt 
Plaintiff   versus   Defendant
Jason Hetland
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3M Company and Aearo Technologies LLC
[Case # 2021cv02445/197443], [Filed: November 05, 2021]
[ Personal Injury Product Liability§ ⚖ ]
[Judge: Katherine M Menendez (mj)] , [Katherine M Menendez] [jury demanded by Plaintiff]
>>> More Information
Plaintiff   versus   Defendant
Jeremy Brandenburg
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3M Company, 3M Occupational Safety, LLC, Aearo Holding, LLC, Aearo Intermediate, LLC and Aearo Technologies, LLC
[Case # 2021cv02491/197548], [Filed: November 12, 2021]
[ Personal Injury Product Liability§ ⚖ ]
[Judge: Katherine M Menendez (mj)] , [Katherine M Menendez] [jury demanded by Plaintiff]
>>> More Information
Plaintiff   versus   Defendant
Jeremy Kaping
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3M Company and Aearo Technologies LLC
[Case # 2021cv02429/197427], [Filed: November 04, 2021]
[ Personal Injury Product Liability§ ⚖ ]
[Judge: Katherine M Menendez (mj)] , [Katherine M Menendez] [jury demanded by Plaintiff]
>>> More Information
Minnesota,   November 04, 2021
Case 0:2021cv02433/197430
Initiated as Case Number case 0:2021cv02433/197430, Jason George, Timothy Gillen, Michael Crabtree and Jeffrey Carlson files a lawsuit against JHE Enterprises, Inc. and Mark Dalberg at the US District Court for the District of Minnesota. Filed on November 04, 2021, this case revolves around Labor: E.R.I.S.A. under 29 U.S.C. § 1132. Judge Katherine M Menendez presides over the case, and Referring Judge Susan Richard Nelson is also part of the proceedings. No jury trial has been requested.
More Information about >>> ✅ Jason George, ✅ Timothy Gillen, ✅ Michael Crabtree, ✅ Jeffrey Carlson, ✅ Mark Dalberg 
Plaintiff   versus   Defendant
Justin Bullock-Hines
More Information
3M Company and Aearo Technologies LLC
[Case # 2021cv02426/197420], [Filed: November 04, 2021]
[ Personal Injury Product Liability§ ⚖ ]
[Judge: Katherine M Menendez (mj)] , [Katherine M Menendez] [jury demanded by Plaintiff]
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Plaintiff   versus   Defendant
Jeffery A. Jones
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City of Minneapolis and Officer Kyle Mader
[Case # 2021cv02580/197749], [Filed: November 30, 2021]
[ Civil Rights: Other§42 U.S.C. § 1983 ⚖ ]
[Judge: Hildy Bowbeer] , [Nancy E Brasel] [jury demanded by Both]
✅ Officer Kyle Mader >>> More Information
Minnesota,   December 07, 2021
Case 0:2021cv02621/197911
Initiated in case 0:2021cv02621/197911, Jacquelyn Johnson brings forth legal action against Discover Bank at the US District Court for the District of Minnesota. Filed on December 07, 2021, this case pertains to Truth in Lending grounded in 15 U.S.C. § 1601. Presiding Judge Katherine M Menendez oversees the proceedings, with Referring Judge Eric C Tostrud involved. It's notable that Plaintiff has demanded a jury for this case.
More Information about >>> ✅ Jacquelyn Johnson 
Minnesota,   December 08, 2021
Case 0:2021cv02641/197971
At the US District Court for the District of Minnesota, case 0:2021cv02641/197971 features Jason Lavet Bethune suing Matthew Schidmt. Filed on December 08, 2021, this case revolves around Civil Rights: Other based on 42 U.S.C. § 1983. Judge David S Doty presides over the case, with Referring Judge Katherine M Menendez involved, and no jury demand has been made.
More Information about >>> ✅ Jason Lavet Bethune, ✅ Matthew Schidmt 
Minnesota,   December 14, 2021
Case 0:2021cv02674/198032
In case 0:2021cv02674/198032, Jason Lavet Bethune initiates legal proceedings against David Knutson, Matthew Schmidt, Scott Baker, Ted Knutson, Dakota County Court and Dakota District Court at the US District Court for the District of Minnesota. Filed on December 14, 2021, this case involves matters related to Civil Rights: Other under 42 U.S.C. § 1983. Presiding Judge David S Doty oversees the case, with involvement from Referring Judge Tony N Leung, and no jury demand has been made.
More Information about >>> ✅ Jason Lavet Bethune, ✅ David Knutson, ✅ Matthew Schmidt, ✅ Scott Baker, ✅ Ted Knutson 
Minnesota,   December 17, 2021
Case 0:2021cv02689/198049
At the US District Court for the District of Minnesota, case 0:2021cv02689/198049 involves Jeremy James Allen suing Paul Schnell, Dr. James Amsterdam, Dr. Edward Shaman, Alyas Mashih, Gene Kliber, John and Jane Does A-F and Centurion of Minnesota, LLC. Filed on December 17, 2021, this case addresses issues related to Prisoner: Civil Rights based on 42 U.S.C. § 1983. The case is presided over by Judge Leo I Brisbois, with Referring Judge Susan Richard Nelson also involved. Remarkably, Defendant has demanded a jury to hear this case.
More Information about >>> ✅ Jeremy James Allen, ✅ Paul Schnell, ✅ James Amsterdam, ✅ Edward Shaman, ✅ Alyas Mashih, ✅ Gene Kliber 
Minnesota,   December 13, 2021
Case 0:2021cv02661/198012
In case 0:2021cv02661/198012, Jeffrey A. Olson initiates legal proceedings against Hennepin County at the US District Court for the District of Minnesota. Filed on December 13, 2021, this case involves matters related to Civil Rights: Other under 42 U.S.C. § 1983. Presiding Judge Hildy Bowbeer oversees the case, with involvement from Referring Judge Katherine M Menendez, and no jury demand has been made.
More Information about >>> ✅ Jeffrey A. Olson 
Minnesota,   January 11, 2022
Case 0:2022cv00059/198322
In case 0:2022cv00059/198322, Jesse Sherman initiates legal action against Trans Union LLC at the US District Court for the District of Minnesota. Filed on January 11, 2022, this case pertains to matters regarding Consumer Credit under 15 U.S.C. § 1681 Fair Credit Reporting Act. Presiding Judge Leo I Brisbois oversees the case, with Referring Judge John R Tunheim involved. Plaintiff has explicitly requested a jury for this litigation.
More Information about >>> ✅ Jesse Sherman 
Minnesota,   February 14, 2022
Case 0:2022cv00415/199059
In case 0:2022cv00415/199059, Jason C. Fritton, Marea Gibson, Brian W. Motzenbeeker, Dawn Duff and Christopher Shearman initiates legal proceedings against Taylor Corp., the Board of Directors of Taylor Corp., the Fiduciary Investment Committee, John Does 1-30, Taylor Corporation, Board of Directors of Taylor Corporation, the and Fiduciary Investment Committee, the at the US District Court for the District of Minnesota. Filed on February 14, 2022, this case involves matters related to Labor: E.R.I.S.A. under 28 U.S.C. § 1001 E.R.I.S.A. Presiding Judge Hildy Bowbeer oversees the case, with involvement from Referring Judge Tony N Leung. It's important to mention that Plaintiff has requested a jury for this case.
More Information about >>> ✅ Jason C. Fritton, ✅ Marea Gibson, ✅ Brian W. Motzenbeeker, ✅ Dawn Duff, ✅ Christopher Shearman 
Minnesota,   February 15, 2022
Case 0:2022cv00423/199070
In case 0:2022cv00423/199070, Joe Hand Promotions, Inc. initiates legal action against RLWRHC Inc. doing business as O'Leary's Pub and Barrett Prody at the US District Court for the District of Minnesota. The case was filed on February 15, 2022 and involves matters related to Copyright under 47 U.S.C. § 0605 Unauthorized Reception of Satellite Signals. Leo I Brisbois presides over the case, and Referring Judge Katherine M Menendez is also involved. There has been no request for a jury trial.
More Information about >>> ✅ Barrett Prody 
Minnesota,   April 15, 2022
Case 0:2022cv00969/200118
At the US District Court for the District of Minnesota, case 0:2022cv00969/200118 involves James Futrell, April Brown and Chris Rogers bringing a case against Cargill, Incorporated. Filed on April 15, 2022, this case addresses issues related to Labor: Fair Standards based on 29 U.S.C. § 201 Fair Labor Standards Act. The case is presided over by Judge Dulce J Foster, with Referring Judge Tony N Leung also involved. It's essential to note that Plaintiff has demanded a jury for this case.
More Information about >>> ✅ James Futrell, ✅ April Brown, ✅ Chris Rogers 
Minnesota,   June 15, 2022
Case 0:2022cv01576/201444
Initiated in case 0:2022cv01576/201444, Jennifer Stephens, James Bruno and Krystal Lopez brings forth legal action against Target Corporation at the US District Court for the District of Minnesota. Filed on June 15, 2022, this case pertains to Fraud grounded in 28 U.S.C. § 1332 Diversity-Product Liability. Presiding Judge Douglas L Micko oversees the proceedings, with Referring Judge Patrick J Schiltz involved. It's notable that Plaintiff has demanded a jury for this case.
More Information about >>> ✅ Jennifer Stephens, ✅ James Bruno, ✅ Krystal Lopez 
Minnesota,   June 16, 2022
Case 0:2022cv01586/201475
Initiated in case 0:2022cv01586/201475, Jake Tyshow brings forth legal action against Nancy Zalusky Berg, Laura Sahr Schmit, Walling, Berg & Debele, P.A., Wright S. Walling and Gary A. Debele at the US District Court for the District of Minnesota. Filed on June 16, 2022, this case pertains to Personal Injury: Other grounded in 28 U.S.C. § 1332 Diversity-Personal Injury. Presiding Judge John F Docherty oversees the proceedings, with Referring Judge Becky R Thorson involved. It's notable that Plaintiff has demanded a jury for this case.
More Information about >>> ✅ Jake Tyshow, ✅ Nancy Zalusky Berg, ✅ Laura Sahr Schmit, ✅ Wright S. Walling, ✅ Gary A. Debele 
Plaintiff   versus   Defendant
Jasper Engineering & Equipment Company Patrick Harlan and Expro Controls, LLC
[Case # 2022cv01740/201778], [Filed: July 08, 2022]
[ Contract: Other§28 U.S.C. § 1332 Diversity-Breach of Contract ⚖ ]
[Judge: Patrick J Schiltz] , [David T Schultz] [jury demanded by Both]
✅ Patrick Harlan >>> More Information
Plaintiff   versus   Defendant
Jessica Brakken
More Information
J.L. and M.B.
Walmart, Inc.
[Case # 2022cv01802/201938], [Filed: July 18, 2022]
[ Personal Injury: Health Care/Pharmaceutical Personal Injury Product Liability§ ⚖ ]
[Judge: John F Docherty] , [Katherine M Menendez] [jury demanded by Plaintiff]
>>> More Information
Minnesota,   April 26, 2021
Case 0:2021cv01076/194159
In case 0:2021cv01076/194159, Juan V Anderson initiates legal action against DOE, Catherine Hart and Mike Rigner at the US District Court for the District of Minnesota. Filed on April 26, 2021, this case pertains to matters regarding Civil Rights: Other under 42 U.S.C. § 1983. Presiding Judge Nancy E Brasel oversees the case, with Referring Judge Susan Richard Nelson involved. There is no jury demand specified.
More Information about >>> ✅ Juan V Anderson, ✅ Catherine Hart, ✅ Mike Rigner 
Minnesota,   August 18, 2022
Case 0:2022cv02040/202579
In case 0:2022cv02040/202579, Jacob Douglas initiates legal action against Experian Information Solutions, Inc., Trans Union, LLC and Equifax Information Services, LLC at the US District Court for the District of Minnesota. The case was filed on August 18, 2022 and involves matters related to Consumer Credit under 15 U.S.C. § 1681 Fair Credit Reporting Act. Nancy E Brasel presides over the case, and Referring Judge Dulce J Foster is also involved. Interestingly, Plaintiff has demanded a jury to hear this case.
More Information about >>> ✅ Jacob Douglas 
Minnesota,   August 17, 2022
Case 0:2022cv02024/202518
In case 0:2022cv02024/202518, Jay S. Cantwell initiates legal proceedings against 3M Company and 3M Innovative Properties Company at the US District Court for the District of Minnesota. Filed on August 17, 2022, this case involves matters related to Patent under 15 U.S.C. § 1126 Patent Infringement. Presiding Judge Nancy E Brasel oversees the case, with involvement from Referring Judge David T Schultz. It's important to mention that Plaintiff has requested a jury for this case.
More Information about >>> ✅ Jay S. Cantwell 
Minnesota,   September 09, 2022
Case 0:2022cv02208/202949
Initiated in case 0:2022cv02208/202949, Justin J. Dekker and Michelle K. Dekker brings forth legal action against Cenlar FSB and CitiMortgage, Inc. at the US District Court for the District of Minnesota. Filed on September 09, 2022, this case pertains to Consumer Credit grounded in 15 U.S.C. § 1692 Fair Debt Collection Act. Presiding Judge Leo I Brisbois oversees the proceedings, with Referring Judge Michael J Davis involved. It's notable that Plaintiff has demanded a jury for this case.
More Information about >>> ✅ Justin J. Dekker, ✅ Michelle K. Dekker 

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