Case Search Georgia (GA)

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All the info in our public court records come from everywhere in the state of georgiaAll the info in our public court records come from everywhere in the state of Georgia. We’ve compiled a complete criminal records, family court records, bankruptcy records and more. You’ll absolutely find just the information you are looking for. Best of all, we make it so you get what you want fast, easy and affordable. Whether it’s a Georgia arrest search, warrant search or Georgia arrest lookup you are performing, we got the information you want. We haven’t stopped at any measures in our effort to bring you the most comprehensive and up-to-date court records from.

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Participant Index
A -> Adams...(click to open)   Adams, Karen
  Adams, Ted
  Anderson, Lynn
  Andrews, Brian
  Angle, Clifford
  Astrue, Michael
  Atlanta, Marriott
B -> Baker...(click to open)   Baker, Thurbert
  Bark, Brown
  Bates, Keith
  Beaver, Bradley
  Bello, Bala
  Bennett, Benjamin
  Bradley, Sunya
  Brown, Antonio
  Burnette, Bobby
  Burnette, Fred
C -> Calhoun...(click to open)   Calhoun, Jason
  Carraway, William
  Carter, Betty
  Colwell, Richard
  Containers, Two
  Corbin, Barbara
  Crook-Petite-El, Brenda
  Cross, Blue
D -> Danzig...(click to open)   Danzig, Steven
  Davis, Amanda
  Davis, Belinda
  Davis, Brian
  Davison, Billy
  Davison, Heidi
  Deshnad, Bardia
  Dickerson, Bobby
  Dinkens, Bertha
  Dollar, Beulah
  Donald, Darrell
  Donald, Jack
  Donald, James
  Dowdell, Barbara
E -> Edwards...(click to open)   Edwards, Benjamin
  Edwards, Ira
  Ellis, Barney
  Environmental, Green
  Evans, Brent
  Evans, Rodney
F -> Fauntleroy...(click to open)   Fauntleroy, Barry
  Foods, Conagra
  Foster, Bernard
  Francis, Joseph
  Franklin, Bobby
G -> Gates...(click to open)   Gates, Rich
  Gentry, Blanche
  Georgiev, George
  Gibson, Randy
  Goodrich, B.
  Gordon, Bradley
  Griffin, Brenda
H -> Hampton...(click to open)   Hampton, Barbara
  Harper, Briggite
  Harper, Briggitte
  Harris, Antonio
  Hill, Christine
  Holcombe, Beth
  Howell, Amy
  Hulsey, Betty
I -> International...(click to open)   International, Best
  International, Kam
J -> Jackson...(click to open)   Jackson, Barbara
  Jackson, Brandon
  Jackson, Clovis
  Jawback, Barbara
  Jefferson, Bridgette
  Jones, Bettye
  Jones, Brian
  Jones, Bruce
K -> Kazaran...(click to open)   Kazaran, Samuel
  Keeton, Bill
L -> Lanier...(click to open)   Lanier, Debbie
  Lauter, Jonathan
  Linder, Bequita
  Lovett, Bobby
  Lowenhielm, Bjorn
M -> Matter...(click to open)   Matter, Deputies
  McBrayer, Michael
  McClendon, Brian
  Means, Garry
  Mebel, Berta
  Millard, B.
  Miller, Alfred
  Miller, Bernard
  Miller, Shirley
  Mills, Bari
  Mills, Yunus
  Morgan, Bobby
  Moss, Eric
  Murray, Albert
N -> Natoli...(click to open)   Natoli, Barbara
  Neilson, Steve
  Nunez, Jose
O -> Oluku...(click to open)   Oluku, Ani
  Oluku, Ben
  Omosun, Benjamin
P -> Perdue...(click to open)   Perdue, Sonny
  Phipps, Barry
  Pitts, Brittany
  Polite, Bettie
  Posner, Deronda
  Posner, Myles
  Powers, Bryson
  Pvt, Dalal
  Pvt., Afroze
  Pvt., Sajid
R -> Rachels...(click to open)   Rachels, Bonnie
  Radfort, Bobby
  Reed, Martin
  Roberts, Steve
  Robinson, Brenda
  Rosenbloom, Rob
  Rykard, Billy
S -> Scott...(click to open)   Scott, Mr.
  Slagel, Michael
  Smith, Brandon
  Smith, Teresa
  Stevens, Michael
  Stone, Debra
T -> Textile...(click to open)   Textile, International
  Textiles, Liberty
V -> Vachon...(click to open)   Vachon, Reginald
W -> WILSON...(click to open)   WILSON, Bobby
  Ware, Bantu
  Weitzenhoffer, Mark
  Whitfield, Brenda
  Wilhelm, Beverly
  Wilhelm, Madison
  Williamson, Jim
  Wimberly, Bobby
C -> contents...(click to open)   contents, Their

Georgia,   March 17, 2008
Case 4:2008cv00055/43368
US District Court for the Southern District of Georgia case 4:2008cv00055/43368 comprises Bruce Timothy Jones and Fred Burnette. Filed on March 17, 2008, this case concerns Habeas Corpus (General) based on 28 U.S.C. § 2254 Petition for Writ of Habeas Corpus (State). Judge John F. Nangle, G. R. Smith is overseeing the case, and there is no demand for a jury trial.
More Information about >>> ✅ Bruce Timothy Jones, ✅ Fred Burnette 
Petitioner   versus   Respondent
Bruce Timothy Jones
More Information
Fred Burnette and Thurbert Baker
[Case # 2008cv00025/43370], [Filed: March 17, 2008]
[ Habeas Corpus (General)§28 U.S.C. § 2254 Petition for Writ of Habeas Corpus (State) ⚖ ]
[Judge: G. R. Smith, B. Avant Edenfield]
✅ Fred Burnette, ✅ Thurbert Baker >>> More Information
Georgia,   March 17, 2008
Case 4:2008cv00059/43372
At the US District Court for the Southern District of Georgia, the legal case 4:2008cv00059/43372 entails Bruce Timothy Jones and Fred Burnette. The filing date is March 17, 2008, and this case deals with Habeas Corpus (General) as per 28 U.S.C. § 2254 Petition for Writ of Habeas Corpus (State). Judge William T. Moore, G. R. Smith is presiding over this matter, and no jury trial is demanded.
More Information about >>> ✅ Bruce Timothy Jones, ✅ Fred Burnette 
Georgia,   March 17, 2008
Case 4:2008cv00060/43373
At the US District Court for the Southern District of Georgia, the legal case 4:2008cv00060/43373 entails Bruce Timothy Jones and Fred Burnette. The filing date is March 17, 2008, and this case deals with Habeas Corpus (General) as per 28 U.S.C. § 2254 Petition for Writ of Habeas Corpus (State). Judge B. Avant Edenfield, G. R. Smith is presiding over this matter, and no jury trial is demanded.
More Information about >>> ✅ Bruce Timothy Jones, ✅ Fred Burnette 
Georgia,   March 17, 2008
Case 4:2008cv00056/43369
US District Court for the Southern District of Georgia case 4:2008cv00056/43369 comprises Bruce Timothy Jones and Fred Burnette. Filed on March 17, 2008, this case concerns Habeas Corpus (General) based on 28 U.S.C. § 2254 Petition for Writ of Habeas Corpus (State). Judge B. Avant Edenfield, G. R. Smith is overseeing the case, and there is no demand for a jury trial.
More Information about >>> ✅ Bruce Timothy Jones, ✅ Fred Burnette 
Georgia,   March 17, 2008
Case 6:2008cv00019/43376
At the US District Court for the Southern District of Georgia, the legal case 6:2008cv00019/43376 entails Brian McClendon and Debbie Lanier. The filing date is March 17, 2008, and this case deals with Prisoner: Civil Rights as per 42 U.S.C. § 1983 Prisoner Civil Rights. Judge B. Avant Edenfield, James E. Graham is presiding over this matter, and no jury trial is demanded.
More Information about >>> ✅ Brian McClendon, ✅ Debbie Lanier 
Georgia,   March 17, 2008
Case 4:2008cv00061/43374
US District Court for the Southern District of Georgia case 4:2008cv00061/43374 comprises Bruce Timothy Jones and Fred Burnette. Filed on March 17, 2008, this case concerns Habeas Corpus (General) based on 28 U.S.C. § 2254 Petition for Writ of Habeas Corpus (State). Judge William T. Moore, G. R. Smith is overseeing the case, and there is no demand for a jury trial.
More Information about >>> ✅ Bruce Timothy Jones, ✅ Fred Burnette 
Georgia,   April 03, 2008
Case 1:2008cv01303/150392
The legal proceedings in case 1:2008cv01303/150392 at US District Court for the Northern District of Georgia involve Brown Bark II, L.P. and El Dorado Paper Bag Manufacturing Co., Inc., Richard Wayne Colwell, Dixie Mills, LLC, Ted A. Adams, Adams Foods, Inc., National Foods, Inc., Jack L. Donald, Adams Milling, Inc. and Darrell L. Donald. Filed on April 03, 2008, this case focuses on Trademark based on 15 U.S.C. § 1116 Inj to prevent violation rights of trademark owner. Judge Thrash is presiding, and it's notable that the Plaintiff has requested a jury trial.
More Information about >>> ✅ Brown Bark, ✅ Richard Wayne Colwell, ✅ Ted A. Adams, ✅ Jack L. Donald, ✅ Darrell L. Donald 
Georgia,   April 09, 2008
Case 1:2008cv00042/43645
In case 1:2008cv00042/43645 within US District Court for the Southern District of Georgia, Blanche Gentry brings a case against Beverly Enterprises - Georgia, Inc. Filed on April 09, 2008, this legal matter relates to Plaintiff as per Diversity. The presiding judge is W. Leon Barfield, Lisa G. Wood, and the 28:1332 Diversity-Medical Malpractice has made a request for a jury trial.
More Information about >>> ✅ Blanche Gentry 
Georgia,   April 15, 2008
Case 1:2008cv01424/150647
In the US District Court for the Northern District of Georgia, Barbara J. Dowdell and Educational Credit Management Corporation are involved in case 1:2008cv01424/150647. Filed on April 15, 2008, this legal matter focuses on Consumer Credit under 15 U.S.C. § 1692 Fair Debt Collection Act. Judge Duffey, Hagy is presiding, and no jury trial is requested.
More Information about >>> ✅ Barbara J. Dowdell 
Georgia,   April 15, 2008
Case 1:2008cv01423/150641
In the US District Court for the Northern District of Georgia case 1:2008cv01423/150641, Barry D. Phipps files a suit against Insituform Technologies, Inc. The filing date was April 15, 2008, and this case concerns Civil Rights: Americans with Disabilities - Employment under 42 U.S.C. § 12101 et seq. Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990. Presiding over the case is Judge Vining. The Plaintiff has requested a jury trial.
More Information about >>> ✅ Barry D. Phipps 
Georgia,   April 16, 2008
Case 1:2008cv01432/150663
In case 1:2008cv01432/150663 within US District Court for the Northern District of Georgia, Baltimore Air Transport, Inc., Arizona Express, Inc., Midline Air Freight, Inc., RC Leasing, LLC and CE Leasing, Inc. brings a case against John Doe's 1 through 10, Clovis Jackson, Keith Bates, Randy Gibson, Karen Adams, Mark Weitzenhoffer and Steve Neilson. Filed on April 16, 2008, this legal matter relates to Personal Property: Other as per 28 U.S.C. § 2201 Declaratory Judgement. The presiding judge is Ward, and the Plaintiff has made a request for a jury trial.
More Information about >>> ✅ Clovis Jackson, ✅ Keith Bates, ✅ Randy Gibson, ✅ Karen Adams, ✅ Mark Weitzenhoffer, ✅ Steve Neilson 
Plaintiff   versus   Defendant
Bertha Dinkens
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ConAgra Foods, Inc.
[Case # 2008cv01501/150759], [Filed: April 22, 2008]
[ Personal Injury Product Liability§ ⚖ ]
[Judge: Thrash] [jury demanded by Defendant]
✅ ConAgra Foods >>> More Information
Georgia,   April 22, 2008
Case 1:2008cv01498/150802
In the US District Court for the Northern District of Georgia case 1:2008cv01498/150802, Blastec, Inc. files a suit against Blastec, Inc. and Steven Danzig. The filing date was April 22, 2008, and this case concerns Trademark under 15 U.S.C. § 1114 Trademark Infringement. Presiding over the case is Judge Ward. The Plaintiff has requested a jury trial.
More Information about >>> ✅ Steven Danzig 
Georgia,   April 21, 2008
Case 1:2008cv01487/150803
In the US District Court for the Northern District of Georgia case 1:2008cv01487/150803, Bari Mills, Towellers, Ltd., Liberty Textiles, Afroze Textile Industries Pvt., Ltd., International Textile, Ltd., Sajid Taxtile Industries Pvt., Ltd., Dalal Industries Pvt, Ltd., Yunus Textile Mills, Ltd. and Kam International files a suit against H.W. Baker Linen Co., Inc., Dan River, Inc., Best Textiles International, Ltd., GHCL, Ltd. and H.W. Baker Linen Co., LLC. The filing date was April 21, 2008, and this case concerns Contract: Other under 28 U.S.C. § 1332 Diversity-Breach of Contract. Presiding over the case is Judge Pannell. The Plaintiff has requested a jury trial.
More Information about >>> ✅ Bari Mills, ✅ Liberty Textiles, ✅ Afroze Textile Industries Pvt., ✅ International Textile, ✅ Sajid Taxtile Industries Pvt., ✅ Dalal Industries Pvt, ✅ Yunus Textile Mills, ✅ Kam International, ✅ Best Textiles International 
Plaintiff   versus   Defendant
Beulah Dollar
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Jim Williamson and Sonny Perdue
[Case # 2008cv00039/43711], [Filed: April 17, 2008]
[ §Federal Question ⚖ ]
[Judge: W. Leon Barfield, Dudley H. Bowen] [jury demanded by 42:1983 Civil Rights Act]
✅ Jim Williamson, ✅ Sonny Perdue >>> More Information
Georgia,   April 17, 2008
Case 4:2008cv00049/73780
At the US District Court for the Middle District of Georgia, the legal case 4:2008cv00049/73780 involves Barbara L Jackson and Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Georgia, Inc. Filed on April 17, 2008, this case deals with Plaintiff based on Federal Question. Judge Clay D. Land is overseeing the proceedings, and it's worth noting that the 42:1981 Civil Rights has requested a jury trial.
More Information about >>> ✅ Barbara L Jackson, ✅ Blue Cross 
Plaintiff   versus   Defendant
Barbara C. Hampton
More Information
Michael J Astrue
[Case # 2008cv00146/73837], [Filed: April 28, 2008]
[ §U.S. Government Defendant ⚖ ]
[Judge: Richard L. Hodge, C. Ashley Royal] [jury demanded by 42:405 Review of HHS Decision (DIWC)]
✅ Michael J Astrue >>> More Information
Georgia,   April 29, 2008
Case 1:2008cv01593/150938
In the US District Court for the Northern District of Georgia, the case 1:2008cv01593/150938 involves Bank of New York and Eric J. Moss. Filed on April 29, 2008, this case pertains to Real Property: Foreclosure under 28 U.S.C. § 1444 Petition for Removal- Foreclosure. Presiding over this matter is Judge Vining. There is no demand for a jury trial.
More Information about >>> ✅ Eric J. Moss 
Petitioner   versus   Respondent
Barney Frank Ellis
More Information
Steve Roberts
[Case # 2008cv00055/43763], [Filed: April 29, 2008]
[ §Federal Question ⚖ ]
[Judge: W. Leon Barfield, Lisa G Wood] [jury demanded by 28:2254 Petition for Writ of Habeas Corpus (State)]
✅ Steve Roberts >>> More Information
Georgia,   April 23, 2008
Case 7:2008cv00051/73823
In the US District Court for the Middle District of Georgia case 7:2008cv00051/73823, Betty Carter files a suit against Wal-Mart Stores Inc. The filing date was April 23, 2008, and this case concerns Plaintiff under Diversity. Presiding over the case is Judge W. Louis Sands. The 28:1332 Diversity-Personal Injury has requested a jury trial.
More Information about >>> ✅ Betty Carter 
Georgia,   April 25, 2008
Case 7:2008cv00054/73836
The legal proceedings in case 7:2008cv00054/73836 at US District Court for the Middle District of Georgia involve Brenda Griffin and Archbold Medical Center, Inc. Filed on April 25, 2008, this case focuses on Plaintiff based on Federal Question. Judge Hugh Lawson is presiding, and it's notable that the 42:2000e Job Discrimination (Employment) has requested a jury trial.
More Information about >>> ✅ Brenda Griffin 
Petitioner   versus   Respondent
Barney Frank Ellis
More Information
Steve Roberts
[Case # 2008cv00142/73827], [Filed: April 24, 2008]
[ §Federal Question ⚖ ]
[Judge: Claude W. Hicks, Jr., C. Ashley Royal] [jury demanded by 28:2254 Petition for Writ of Habeas Corpus (State)]
✅ Steve Roberts >>> More Information
Georgia,   April 30, 2008
Case 4:2008cv00084/43785
The legal proceedings in case 4:2008cv00084/43785 at US District Court for the Southern District of Georgia involve Bobby Wayne Lovett, Jr. and Marinex Construction Company, Inc. Filed on April 30, 2008, this case focuses on Plaintiff based on Federal Question. Judge B. Avant Edenfield, G. R. Smith is presiding, and it's notable that the 46:688 Jones Act has requested a jury trial.
More Information about >>> ✅ Bobby Wayne Lovett 
Petitioner   versus   Respondent
Ben Oluku and Ani Oluku
More Information
Corrections Corporation of America
[Case # 2008cv00043/43793], [Filed: May 02, 2008]
[ Defendant§Federal Question ⚖ ]
[Judge: W. Leon Barfield, Dudley H. Bowen] [jury demanded by 42:1983 Prisoner Civil Rights]
>>> More Information
Georgia,   April 30, 2008
Case 1:2008mi00160/151022
US District Court for the Northern District of Georgia case 1:2008mi00160/151022 comprises Board of Commissioners of the Port of New Orleans and Lexington Insurance Company and Factory Mutual Insurance Company. Filed on April 30, 2008, this case concerns Other Statutory Actions based on FRCP 45(b) Motion to quash or modify subpoena. Judge Cole, Duffey is overseeing the case, and there is no demand for a jury trial.
Georgia,   May 02, 2008
Case 6:2008mc00001/43792
So, we got a legal thing—Barbara D Corbin versus Martin Reed. Case number case 6:2008mc00001/43792, started on May 02, 2008. It's about Other, and it's in front of Judge B. Avant Edenfield.
More Information about >>> ✅ Barbara D Corbin, ✅ Martin Reed 
Georgia,   April 24, 2008
Case 4:2008cv00065/150811
At the US District Court for the Northern District of Georgia, the legal case 4:2008cv00065/150811 entails BBC Distribution, LLC and Diversified Polymer Industries, Inc. The filing date is April 24, 2008, and this case deals with Tort Product Liability as per 28 U.S.C. § 1332 Diversity-Product Liability. Judge Murphy is presiding over this matter, and no jury trial is demanded.
Georgia,   May 19, 2008
Case 2:2008cv00096/151371
In the US District Court for the Northern District of Georgia case 2:2008cv00096/151371, Barry Fauntleroy files a suit against Forsyth County, Georgia, Bill Keeton and B. Millard. The filing date was May 19, 2008, and this case concerns Civil Rights: Other under 42 U.S.C. § 1983 Civil Rights Act. Presiding over the case is Judge Story. The Plaintiff has requested a jury trial.
More Information about >>> ✅ Barry Fauntleroy, ✅ Bill Keeton, ✅ B. Millard 
Georgia,   May 12, 2008
Case 1:2008cv01708/151249
In the US District Court for the Northern District of Georgia, Brenda E. Crook-Petite-El and Commissioner of Social Security are involved in case 1:2008cv01708/151249. Filed on May 12, 2008, this legal matter focuses on Social Security: SSID Tit. XVI under 42 U.S.C. § 405 Review of HHS Decision (SSID). Judge Moye, Vineyard is presiding, and no jury trial is requested.
More Information about >>> ✅ Brenda E. Crook-Petite-El 
Georgia,   May 12, 2008
Case 1:2008cv01707/151237
At the US District Court for the Northern District of Georgia, the legal case 1:2008cv01707/151237 involves Beverly Wilhelm and Madison Wilhelm and Jonathan Benjamin Lauter. Filed on May 12, 2008, this case deals with Personal Injury Medical Malpractice based on 28 U.S.C. § 1441 Petition for Removal- Medical Malpractice. Judge Batten is overseeing the proceedings, and it's worth noting that the Defendant has requested a jury trial.
More Information about >>> ✅ Beverly Wilhelm, ✅ Madison Wilhelm, ✅ Jonathan Benjamin Lauter 
Petitioner   versus   Respondent
Brandon Jackson
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Antonio Harris and Antonio Brown
[Case # 2008cv01868/151590], [Filed: May 27, 2008]
[ Habeas Corpus (General)§28 U.S.C. § 2241 Petition for Writ of Habeas Corpus (State) ⚖ ]
[Judge: Batten, Scofield]
✅ Antonio Harris, ✅ Antonio Brown >>> More Information
Georgia,   May 16, 2008
Case 1:2008cv01766/151318
In case 1:2008cv01766/151318 within US District Court for the Northern District of Georgia, Bobby Radfort brings a case against Conagra Foods Inc. Filed on May 16, 2008, this legal matter relates to Personal Injury Product Liability as per 28 U.S.C. § 1441 Petition for Removal. The presiding judge is Thrash, and the Defendant has made a request for a jury trial.
More Information about >>> ✅ Bobby Radfort 
Petitioner   versus   Respondent
Bobby Franklin
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Department of Corrections and Georgia Board of Pardons and Paroles
[Case # 2008cv00045/73716], [Filed: April 10, 2008]
[ §Federal Question ⚖ ]
[Judge: G. Mallon Faircloth, Clay D. Land] [jury demanded by 28:2254 Petition for Writ of Habeas Corpus (State)]
>>> More Information
Plaintiff   versus   Defendant
Barbara A. Jawback
More Information
Transamerica Occidental Life Insurance Company
[Case # 2008cv00101/43982], [Filed: May 27, 2008]
[ §Diversity ⚖ ]
[Judge: William T. Moore, G. R. Smith] [jury demanded by 28:1332 Diversity of citizenship]
>>> More Information
Georgia,   May 27, 2008
Case 1:2008cv01857/151537
In the US District Court for the Northern District of Georgia, the case 1:2008cv01857/151537 involves Bettye Parker Jones and People's Choice Home Loan and HSBC Bank USA National Association. Filed on May 27, 2008, this case pertains to Real Property: Foreclosure under 15 U.S.C. § 1692 Fair Debt Collection Act. Presiding over this matter is Judge Baverman, Vining. There is no demand for a jury trial.
More Information about >>> ✅ Bettye Parker Jones 
Georgia,   June 02, 2008
Case 4:2008cv00093/151640
At the US District Court for the Northern District of Georgia, the legal case 4:2008cv00093/151640 involves Bio-Medical Applications of Georgia, Inc. and Alliant Health Plans, Inc. and Georgia Rug Mills, Inc. Filed on June 02, 2008, this case deals with Labor: E.R.I.S.A. based on 29 U.S.C. § 1132 E.R.I.S.A.-Employee Benefits. Judge Murphy is overseeing the proceedings, and it's worth noting that the Plaintiff has requested a jury trial.
Georgia,   June 04, 2008
Case 3:2008cv00065/151726
In case 3:2008cv00065/151726 within US District Court for the Northern District of Georgia, Brenda Robinson brings a case against Venus Thread, Inc. Filed on June 04, 2008, this legal matter relates to Civil Rights: Jobs as per 42 U.S.C. § 2000 e Job Discrimination (other). The presiding judge is Camp, Scofield, and the Plaintiff has made a request for a jury trial.
More Information about >>> ✅ Brenda Robinson 
Plaintiff   versus   Defendant
Billy B Rykard
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Fedex Ground Package System, Inc.
[Case # 2008cv00074/74137], [Filed: June 05, 2008]
[ §28 U.S.C. § 1441 Petition for Removal- Property Damage ⚖ ]
[Judge: Clay D. Land]
>>> More Information
Plaintiff   versus   Defendant
Brandon Lee Smith
More Information
[Case # 2008cv00067/73982], [Filed: June 05, 2008]
[ §Federal Question ⚖ ]
[Judge: Richard L. Hodge, W. Louis Sands] [jury demanded by 42:1983 Prisoner Civil Rights]
>>> More Information
Georgia,   May 14, 2008
Case 4:2008cv00092/43928
The legal proceedings in case 4:2008cv00092/43928 at US District Court for the Southern District of Georgia involve Bituminous Casualty Corporation and Eady Construction Co., Inc., Alfred K. Miller and Shirley S. Miller. Filed on May 14, 2008, this case focuses on Plaintiff based on Diversity. Judge William T. Moore, G. R. Smith is presiding, and it's notable that the 28:1332 Diversity-Insurance Contract has requested a jury trial.
More Information about >>> ✅ Alfred K. Miller, ✅ Shirley S. Miller 
Georgia,   May 14, 2008
Case 7:2008cv00060/73931
The legal proceedings in case 7:2008cv00060/73931 at US District Court for the Middle District of Georgia involve Brandon Lee Smith and Dr. Brown and Sunya Bradley. Filed on May 14, 2008, this case focuses on Defendant based on Federal Question. Judge Richard L. Hodge, Hugh Lawson is presiding, and it's notable that the 42:1983 Prisoner Civil Rights has requested a jury trial.
More Information about >>> ✅ Brandon Lee Smith, ✅ Sunya Bradley 
Georgia,   May 20, 2008
Case 1:2008cv01806/151417
The legal proceedings in case 1:2008cv01806/151417 at US District Court for the Northern District of Georgia involve Burlen Corporation and Lane Bryant, Inc. Filed on May 20, 2008, this case focuses on Copyright based on 17 U.S.C. § 501 Copyright Infringement. Judge Forrester is presiding, and it's notable that the Plaintiff has requested a jury trial.
Georgia,   May 20, 2008
Case 1:2008cv01817/151418
At the US District Court for the Northern District of Georgia, the legal case 1:2008cv01817/151418 involves Bequita Linder and Wal-Mart Stores, Inc. Filed on May 20, 2008, this case deals with Personal Injury: Other based on 28 U.S.C. § 1441 Petition for Removal- Personal Injury. Judge Cooper is overseeing the proceedings, and it's worth noting that Both have requested a jury trial.
More Information about >>> ✅ Bequita Linder 
Petitioner   versus   Respondent
Benjamin Bernard Bennett
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[Case # 2008cv90019/74155], [Filed: June 11, 2008]
[ §U.S. Government Defendant ⚖ ]
[Judge: G. Mallon Faircloth, W. Louis Sands] [jury demanded by 28:2255 Motion to Vacate / Correct Illegal Sentenc]
>>> More Information
Georgia,   May 29, 2008
Case 1:2008cv01887/151637
At the US District Court for the Northern District of Georgia, the legal case 1:2008cv01887/151637 entails Brenda Whitfield and Michael Astrue. The filing date is May 29, 2008, and this case deals with Social Security: SSID Tit. XVI as per 42 U.S.C. § 405 Review of HHS Decision (SSID). Judge Pannell, Scofield is presiding over this matter, and no jury trial is demanded.
More Information about >>> ✅ Brenda Whitfield, ✅ Michael Astrue 
Plaintiff   versus   Defendant
Benjamin Edwards
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LVNV Funding, LLC
[Case # 2008cv00117/44172], [Filed: June 20, 2008]
[ §Diversity ⚖ ]
[Judge: B. Avant Edenfield, G. R. Smith] [jury demanded by 28:1332 Diversity-Notice of Removal]
>>> More Information
Georgia,   June 20, 2008
Case 1:2008cv02071/152057
At the US District Court for the Northern District of Georgia, the legal case 1:2008cv02071/152057 entails Bala Bello and Two Containers and their contents and Atlantic Container Line AB. The filing date is June 20, 2008, and this case deals with Contract: Marine as per 28 U.S.C. § 1333 Admiralty. Judge Vining is presiding over this matter, and no jury trial is demanded.
More Information about >>> ✅ Bala Bello, ✅ Two Containers, ✅ their contents 
Petitioner   versus   Respondent
Bruce Jones
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Fred Burnette
[Case # 2008cv00111/44135], [Filed: June 18, 2008]
[ §Federal Question ⚖ ]
[Judge: William T. Moore, G. R. Smith] [jury demanded by 28:2254 Petition for Writ of Habeas Corpus (State)]
✅ Fred Burnette >>> More Information
Petitioner   versus   Respondent
Bruce T. Jones
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Fred Burnette
[Case # 2008cv00112/44160], [Filed: June 18, 2008]
[ §Federal Question ⚖ ]
[Judge: John F. Nangle, G. R. Smith] [jury demanded by 28:2241 Petition for Writ of Habeas Corpus (Federal)]
✅ Fred Burnette >>> More Information
Georgia,   May 15, 2008
Case 2:2008cv00058/43935
In the US District Court for the Southern District of Georgia case 2:2008cv00058/43935, Beth Holcombe files a suit against Scottsdale Collection Services, LLC. The filing date was May 15, 2008, and this case concerns Defendant under Federal Question. Presiding over the case is Judge James E. Graham, Lisa G Wood. The 15:1692 Fair Debt Collection Act has requested a jury trial.
More Information about >>> ✅ Beth Holcombe 
Georgia,   June 06, 2008
Case 2:2008cv00107/151754
In the US District Court for the Northern District of Georgia, the case 2:2008cv00107/151754 involves Betty S Hulsey and Michael J Astrue. Filed on June 06, 2008, this case pertains to Social Security: DIWC/DIWW under 42 U.S.C. § 405 Review of HHS Decision (DIWC). Presiding over this matter is Judge Cole, OKelley. There is no demand for a jury trial.
More Information about >>> ✅ Betty S Hulsey, ✅ Michael J Astrue 
Georgia,   June 06, 2008
Case 4:2008mc00005/74126
Alright, check it—Brittany Pitts is up against Joseph R. Francis. Case number case 4:2008mc00005/74126, kicked off on June 06, 2008. It's about Other and it's in front of Judge Clay D. Land.
More Information about >>> ✅ Brittany Pitts, ✅ Joseph R. Francis 
Georgia,   June 23, 2008
Case 1:2008cv02093/152117
In the US District Court for the Northern District of Georgia case 1:2008cv02093/152117, Brian Davis and Amanda Davis files a suit against Wasau Underwriter's Insurance Co., Michael Stevens, International Wire Group, Inc., Ryder Truck Rental, Inc. and The Continental Insurance Co. The filing date was June 23, 2008, and this case concerns Motor Vehicle under 28 U.S.C. § 1441 Petition for Removal- Motor Vehicle. Presiding over the case is Judge Cooper. The Plaintiff has requested a jury trial.
More Information about >>> ✅ Brian Davis, ✅ Amanda Davis, ✅ Michael Stevens 
Georgia,   June 23, 2008
Case 2:2008cv00122/152065
At the US District Court for the Northern District of Georgia, the legal case 2:2008cv00122/152065 involves Brent Evans and Cool Temp, Inc. Filed on June 23, 2008, this case deals with Labor: Fair Standards based on 29 U.S.C. § 201 Fair Labor Standards Act. Judge OKelley is overseeing the proceedings, and it's worth noting that the Plaintiff has requested a jury trial.
More Information about >>> ✅ Brent Evans 
Georgia,   June 25, 2008
Case 1:2008cv02115/152177
At the US District Court for the Northern District of Georgia, the legal case 1:2008cv02115/152177 entails Bobby Burnette and Riverside Asphalt Paving, Inc. The filing date is June 25, 2008, and this case deals with Labor: Fair Standards as per 29 U.S.C. § 216 (b) Labor - Minimum wage or overtime compensation. Judge Tidwell is presiding over this matter, and no jury trial is demanded.
More Information about >>> ✅ Bobby Burnette 
Georgia,   June 25, 2008
Case 1:2008cv02113/152101
In the US District Court for the Northern District of Georgia case 1:2008cv02113/152101, BOBBY W. WILSON files a suit against Equifax Information Services LLC. The filing date was June 25, 2008, and this case concerns Other Statutory Actions under 15 U.S.C. § 1681 Fair Credit Reporting Act. Presiding over the case is Judge Martin, Walker. The Plaintiff has requested a jury trial.
More Information about >>> ✅ BOBBY W. WILSON 
Plaintiff   versus   Defendant
Billy Davison
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Michael J. Astrue
[Case # 2008mi00225/152074], [Filed: June 23, 2008]
[ Social Security: SSID Tit. XVI§42 U.S.C. § 405 Review of HHS Decision (SSID) ⚖ ]

✅ Michael J. Astrue >>> More Information
Plaintiff   versus   Defendant
Bank of America N.A Ply-Marts, Inc
[Case # 2008mc00006/74324], [Filed: June 30, 2008]
[ Other§ ⚖ ]

>>> More Information
Petitioner   versus   Respondent
Brandon Jackson
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James E. Donald and B. Goodrich
[Case # 2008cv02167/152293], [Filed: June 30, 2008]
[ Habeas Corpus (General)§28 U.S.C. § 2254 Petition for Writ of Habeas Corpus (State) ⚖ ]
[Judge: Batten, Scofield]
✅ James E. Donald, ✅ B. Goodrich >>> More Information
Georgia,   June 30, 2008
Case 4:2008mc00034/44318
So, we got a legal thing—Bank of America, N.A. versus Ply-marts, Inc. Case number case 4:2008mc00034/44318, started on June 30, 2008. It's about Other, and it's in front of Judge William T. Moore.
Georgia,   June 12, 2008
Case 1:2008cv02005/151868
At the US District Court for the Northern District of Georgia, the legal case 1:2008cv02005/151868 entails Brian Jones and Metropolitan Life Insurance Company. The filing date is June 12, 2008, and this case deals with Labor: E.R.I.S.A. as per 29 U.S.C. § 1132 E.R.I.S.A.-Employee Benefits. Judge Cooper is presiding over this matter, and no jury trial is demanded.
More Information about >>> ✅ Brian Jones 
Georgia,   November 08, 2007
Case 1:2007cv02782/146993
In case 1:2007cv02782/146993 within US District Court for the Northern District of Georgia, Bardia Deshnad brings a case against Harrah's Entertainment Inc., BL Development Corp. and Grand Casinos, Inc. Filed on November 08, 2007, this legal matter relates to Civil Rights: Jobs as per 42 U.S.C. § 2000 Job Discrimination (Race). The presiding judge is Evans, Walker, and the Plaintiff has made a request for a jury trial.
More Information about >>> ✅ Bardia Deshnad 
Georgia,   June 24, 2008
Case 4:2008mc00033/44179
We got a case, Balallan Limited against Green Oasis Environmental, Inc., G.O.E. Enterprises, Inc. and William D. Carraway, you know? Case number case 4:2008mc00033/44179, started on June 24, 2008. It's about Other, being heard by Judge B. Avant Edenfield.
More Information about >>> ✅ William D. Carraway 
Georgia,   July 02, 2008
Case 1:2008cv02184/152330
In the US District Court for the Northern District of Georgia, the case 1:2008cv02184/152330 involves Bernard Foster and Premier Dodge, Inc., Michael Slagel and Samuel Kazaran. Filed on July 02, 2008, this case pertains to Civil Rights: Jobs under 42 U.S.C. § 2000 Job Discrimination (Sex). Presiding over this matter is Judge Baverman, Shoob. There is no demand for a jury trial.
More Information about >>> ✅ Bernard Foster, ✅ Michael Slagel, ✅ Samuel Kazaran 
Petitioner   versus   Respondent
Bruce Timothy Jones
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United States of America
[Case # 2008cv00119/44176], [Filed: June 24, 2008]
[ §U.S. Government Defendant ⚖ ]
[Judge: John F. Nangle, G. R. Smith] [jury demanded by 28:2255 Motion to Vacate Sentence]
>>> More Information
Georgia,   July 03, 2008
Case 3:2008cv00076/152345
In the US District Court for the Northern District of Georgia, Blue Ribbon LaGrange Pipeline, LLC and Michael S. McBrayer, McBrayer Construction Company, LLC, McBrayer Company, LLC, Diversified Maintenance Contractors, LLC and Reginald I. Vachon, Jr. are involved in case 3:2008cv00076/152345. Filed on July 03, 2008, this legal matter focuses on Contract: Other under 28 U.S.C. § 1332 Diversity-Breach of Contract. Judge Camp is presiding, and no jury trial is requested.
More Information about >>> ✅ Michael S. McBrayer, ✅ Reginald I. Vachon 
Georgia,   July 15, 2008
Case 1:2008cv02309/152616
In the US District Court for the Northern District of Georgia, the case 1:2008cv02309/152616 involves Belmont Commons, LLC and Axis Surplus Insurance Company, CRC Insurance Services, Inc. and Brower Insurance Agency, LLC. Filed on July 15, 2008, this case pertains to Other Statutory Actions under FRCP 37(a) Motion to compel deposition testimony. Presiding over this matter is Judge Johnson, Pannell. There is no demand for a jury trial.
Georgia,   July 08, 2008
Case 3:2008mi00005/152402
In case 3:2008mi00005/152402, Briggite Harper takes legal action against Human Resource Services, Inc., Specialty Fabrics & Covering, Inc., DSI Enterprises, Inc., Jason Calhoun and Industrial Specialty Fabrics, Inc. at the US District Court for the Northern District of Georgia. Filed on July 08, 2008, this case revolves around a Civil Rights: Jobs issue under 42 U.S.C. § 2000 Job Discrimination (Sex). It's notable that Plaintiff has demanded a jury for this case.
More Information about >>> ✅ Briggite Harper, ✅ Jason Calhoun 
Georgia,   July 08, 2008
Case 2:2008cv00087/44337
The legal proceedings in case 2:2008cv00087/44337 at US District Court for the Southern District of Georgia involve Brunswick Cellulose, Inc. and Rogers Cartage Company and Continental Casualty Company. Filed on July 08, 2008, this case focuses on Both based on Diversity. Judge Anthony A. Alaimo, James E. Graham is presiding, and it's notable that the 28:1332 Diversity-Breach of Contract has requested a jury trial.
Georgia,   July 09, 2008
Case 2:2008cv00131/152447
At the US District Court for the Northern District of Georgia, the legal case 2:2008cv00131/152447 entails Bradley Marion Beaver and City of Gainesville, GA, Hall County Sheriff's Department, Hall County and Orme. The filing date is July 09, 2008, and this case deals with Civil Rights: Other as per 42 U.S.C. § 1983 Civil Rights Act. Judge OKelley is presiding over this matter, and no jury trial is demanded.
More Information about >>> ✅ Bradley Marion Beaver 
Plaintiff   versus   Defendant
Balallan Limited
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Green Oasis Environmental, Inc., G.O.E. Enterprises, Inc. and William D. Carraway
[Case # 2008mc00009/74309], [Filed: June 26, 2008]
[ Other§ ⚖ ]

✅ Green Oasis Environmental, ✅ William D. Carraway >>> More Information
Plaintiff   versus   Defendant
Bjorn Lowenhielm
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Kiosks & Carts International, Inc. and Garry Robb Means
[Case # 2008mi00220/151966], [Filed: June 16, 2008]
[ Other Statutory Actions§28 U.S.C. § 1963 Registration of judgment from another district ⚖ ]

✅ Garry Robb Means >>> More Information
Georgia,   July 29, 2008
Case 1:2008cv02435/152858
In the US District Court for the Northern District of Georgia case 1:2008cv02435/152858, Black & Decker (U.S.) Inc. and Black & Decker Inc. files a suit against King Group Canada, King Group USA and Zhejiang YongKang Haomai Tool Co., Ltd. The filing date was July 29, 2008, and this case concerns Patent under 28 U.S.C. § 1338 Patent Infringement. Presiding over the case is Judge Martin. The Plaintiff has requested a jury trial.
Georgia,   August 04, 2008
Case 1:2008cv02509/153028
At the US District Court for the Northern District of Georgia, the legal case 1:2008cv02509/153028 entails Brandon Smith and Scott. The filing date is August 04, 2008, and this case deals with Prisoner: Civil Rights as per 42 U.S.C. § 1983 Prisoner Civil Rights. Judge Story is presiding over this matter, and no jury trial is demanded.
More Information about >>> ✅ Brandon Smith 
Georgia,   August 04, 2008
Case 1:2008cv02499/153006
US District Court for the Northern District of Georgia case 1:2008cv02499/153006 comprises Billy Davison and Michael J. Astrue. Filed on August 04, 2008, this case concerns Social Security: SSID Tit. XVI based on 42 U.S.C. § 405 Review of HHS Decision (SSID). Judge Baverman, Tidwell is overseeing the case, and there is no demand for a jury trial.
More Information about >>> ✅ Billy Davison, ✅ Michael J. Astrue 
Georgia,   August 04, 2008
Case 1:2008cv02498/152997
In the US District Court for the Northern District of Georgia, the case 1:2008cv02498/152997 involves Berta L. Mebel and UNUM Life Insurance Company of America, UNUM Group and Newcomb & Boyd Long Term Disability Plan. Filed on August 04, 2008, this case pertains to Labor: E.R.I.S.A. under 29 U.S.C. § 1132 E.R.I.S.A.-Employee Benefits. Presiding over this matter is Judge Vining. There is no demand for a jury trial.
More Information about >>> ✅ Berta L. Mebel 
Georgia,   July 28, 2008
Case 1:2008cv02419/152782
In case 1:2008cv02419/152782 within US District Court for the Northern District of Georgia, B. L. E. brings a case against Albert Murray, Amy Howell, The State of Georgia, Sonny Perdue, Georgia Board of Juvenile Justice, Georgia Department of Juvenile Justice and Rob Rosenbloom. Filed on July 28, 2008, this legal matter relates to Civil Rights: Other as per 42 U.S.C. § 1983 Civil Rights Act. The presiding judge is Vining, and the Plaintiff has made a request for a jury trial.
More Information about >>> ✅ Albert Murray, ✅ Amy Howell, ✅ Sonny Perdue, ✅ Rob Rosenbloom 
Georgia,   July 29, 2008
Case 3:2008cv00085/152843
The legal proceedings in case 3:2008cv00085/152843 at US District Court for the Northern District of Georgia involve Briggitte Harper and Industrial Specialty Fabrics, Inc., DSI Enterprises, Inc., Jason Calhoun, Human Resource Services, Inc. and Specialty Fabrics & Covering, Inc. Filed on July 29, 2008, this case focuses on Civil Rights: Jobs based on 42 U.S.C. § 2000 Job Discrimination (Sex). Judge Camp, Vineyard is presiding, and it's notable that the Plaintiff has requested a jury trial.
More Information about >>> ✅ Briggitte Harper, ✅ Jason Calhoun 
Plaintiff   versus   Defendant
Bryson C. Powers
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Ira Edwards, Jr., Heidi Davison and Clarke County Commissioners
[Case # 2008cv00065/74566], [Filed: August 05, 2008]
[ §Federal Question ⚖ ]
[Judge: Claude W. Hicks, Jr., Clay D. Land] [jury demanded by 42:1983 Prisoner Civil Rights]
✅ Ira Edwards, ✅ Heidi Davison >>> More Information
Georgia,   July 21, 2008
Case 1:2008cv02363/152717
At the US District Court for the Northern District of Georgia, the legal case 1:2008cv02363/152717 entails Bobby R. Wimberly and Piedmont Bank of Georgia Long Term Disability Benefits Insurance Plan, Assurant, Inc., Union Security Insurance Company and The Privatebank. The filing date is July 21, 2008, and this case deals with Labor: E.R.I.S.A. as per 29 U.S.C. § 1132 E.R.I.S.A.-Employee Benefits. Judge Duffey is presiding over this matter, and no jury trial is demanded.
More Information about >>> ✅ Bobby R. Wimberly 
Georgia,   July 21, 2008
Case 4:2008cv00119/152655
In case 4:2008cv00119/152655 within US District Court for the Northern District of Georgia, Bostik, Inc. brings a case against Rogers Finishing, LLC. Filed on July 21, 2008, this legal matter relates to Contract: Other as per 28 U.S.C. § 1332 Diversity-Breach of Contract. The presiding judge is Murphy, and the Plaintiff has made a request for a jury trial.
Georgia,   July 23, 2008
Case 1:2008cv00106/44485
The legal proceedings in case 1:2008cv00106/44485 at US District Court for the Southern District of Georgia involve Bonnie Rachels and Coca Cola Bottling Company, United-East, LLC and Target Stores, Inc. Filed on July 23, 2008, this case focuses on Plaintiff based on Diversity. Judge W. Leon Barfield, J. Randal Hall is presiding, and it's notable that the 28:1332 Diversity-Personal Injury has requested a jury trial.
More Information about >>> ✅ Bonnie Rachels 
Georgia,   August 19, 2008
Case 1:2008cv02650/153291
US District Court for the Northern District of Georgia case 1:2008cv02650/153291 comprises Bridgette Jefferson and ConAgra Foods, Inc. Filed on August 19, 2008, this case concerns Tort Product Liability based on 28 U.S.C. § 1332 Diversity-Product Liability. Judge Thrash is overseeing the case, and there is no demand for a jury trial.
More Information about >>> ✅ Bridgette Jefferson 
Georgia,   May 22, 2008
Case 1:2008cv01833/151491
At the US District Court for the Northern District of Georgia, the legal case 1:2008cv01833/151491 involves Bradley Gordon and Baxter Healthcare Corporation and Baxter International, Inc. Filed on May 22, 2008, this case deals with Personal Injury Product Liability based on 28 U.S.C. § 1332 Diversity-Product Liability. Judge Evans is overseeing the proceedings, and it's worth noting that the Plaintiff has requested a jury trial.
More Information about >>> ✅ Bradley Gordon 
Plaintiff   versus   Defendant
Brandon Lee Smith
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Mr. Scott
[Case # 2008cv00113/74700], [Filed: August 19, 2008]
[ §Federal Question ⚖ ]
[Judge: Richard L. Hodge, Hugh Lawson] [jury demanded by 42:1983 Prisoner Civil Rights]
✅ Mr. Scott >>> More Information
Georgia,   August 20, 2008
Case 1:2008cv02661/153337
In the US District Court for the Northern District of Georgia, Bantu Ware and Marriott Marquis Atlanta, George Georgiev and Christine Hill are involved in case 1:2008cv02661/153337. Filed on August 20, 2008, this legal matter focuses on Civil Rights: Jobs under 42 U.S.C. § 2000 Job Discrimination (Race). Judge Carnes, Walker is presiding, and no jury trial is requested.
More Information about >>> ✅ Bantu Ware, ✅ Marriott Marquis Atlanta, ✅ George Georgiev, ✅ Christine Hill 
Georgia,   August 18, 2008
Case 4:2008cv00134/153275
At the US District Court for the Northern District of Georgia, the legal case 4:2008cv00134/153275 entails Bio-Medical Applications of Georgia, Inc. and City of Dalton Georgia Employee Health Benefit Plan. The filing date is August 18, 2008, and this case deals with Labor: E.R.I.S.A. as per 29 U.S.C. § 1002 E.R.I.S.A.: Employee Retirement. Judge Murphy is presiding over this matter, and no jury trial is demanded.
Petitioner   versus   Respondent
Bobby D. Morgan
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U. S. Parole Commission
[Case # 2008cv01839/151490], [Filed: May 22, 2008]
[ Habeas Corpus (General)§28 U.S.C. § 2241 Petition for Writ of Habeas Corpus (State) ⚖ ]
[Judge: Carnes, Vineyard]
>>> More Information
Georgia,   August 20, 2008
Case 1:2008cv02670/153399
In the US District Court for the Northern District of Georgia case 1:2008cv02670/153399, Bennett Truck Transport, LLC files a suit against Axis Surplus Insurance Company. The filing date was August 20, 2008, and this case concerns Insurance under 28 U.S.C. § 1441 Petition for Removal- Insurance Contract. Presiding over the case is Judge Duffey. The Plaintiff has requested a jury trial.
Georgia,   August 11, 2008
Case 1:2008cv02576/153169
At the US District Court for the Northern District of Georgia, the legal case 1:2008cv02576/153169 involves Barbara J. Natoli and CBS Radio Inc. Filed on August 11, 2008, this case deals with Civil Rights: Americans with Disabilities - Employment based on 42 U.S.C. § 12101 et seq. Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990. Judge Tidwell is overseeing the proceedings, and it's worth noting that the Plaintiff has requested a jury trial.
More Information about >>> ✅ Barbara J. Natoli 
Plaintiff   versus   Defendant
Block Corporation
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Jose Anibal Gomez Nunez
[Case # 2008mi00285/153209], [Filed: August 11, 2008]
[ Other Statutory Actions§28 U.S.C. § 1963 Registration of judgment from another district ⚖ ]

✅ Jose Anibal Gomez Nunez >>> More Information
Georgia,   August 15, 2008
Case 7:2008cv00112/74682
The legal proceedings in case 7:2008cv00112/74682 at US District Court for the Middle District of Georgia involve B.S.S.B., Inc. and Owners Insurance Company. Filed on August 15, 2008, this case focuses on Both based on Diversity. Judge Hugh Lawson is presiding, and it's notable that the 28:1332 Diversity-Insurance Contract has requested a jury trial.
Georgia,   January 04, 2007
Case 1:2007cv00013/141008
In the US District Court for the Northern District of Georgia, Buffalo's Franchise Concepts, Inc. and MDP Management, Inc., Myles Posner and Deronda Posner are involved in case 1:2007cv00013/141008. Filed on January 04, 2007, this legal matter focuses on Trademark under 15 U.S.C. § 1125 Trademark Infringement (Lanham Act). Judge Julie E. Carnes is presiding, and no jury trial is requested.
More Information about >>> ✅ Myles Posner, ✅ Deronda Posner 
Plaintiff   versus   Defendant
Bobby Dickerson
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Lynn M. Anderson and Deputies Involved With This Matter
[Case # 2008cv00074/44859], [Filed: September 05, 2008]
[ §Federal Question ⚖ ]
[Judge: B. Avant Edenfield, G. R. Smith] [jury demanded by 42:1983 Prisoner Civil Rights]
✅ Lynn M. Anderson, ✅ Deputies Involved With This Matter >>> More Information
Plaintiff   versus   Defendant
Bernard Miller
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Rodney Evans
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Clifford Allen Angle and Brian Andrews
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Debra Stone, Teresa L. Smith and Bacon County Health Department
[Case # 2008cv00067/44874], [Filed: September 05, 2008]
[ §Federal Question ⚖ ]
[Judge: James E. Graham, Lisa G. Wood] [jury demanded by 42:1983 Prisoner Civil Rights]
✅ Debra Stone, ✅ Teresa L. Smith >>> More Information
Georgia,   September 03, 2008
Case 4:2008cv00175/44867
In case 4:2008cv00175/44867 within US District Court for the Southern District of Georgia, Bettie Polite brings a case against Georgia Heritage Federal Credit Union. Filed on September 03, 2008, this legal matter relates to Plaintiff as per Federal Question. The presiding judge is William T. Moore, G. R. Smith, and the 29:621 Job Discrimination (Age) has made a request for a jury trial.
More Information about >>> ✅ Bettie Polite 
Georgia,   September 03, 2008
Case 1:2008cv02778/153641
At the US District Court for the Northern District of Georgia, the legal case 1:2008cv02778/153641 entails Benjamin Omosun and James Donald, Georgia Department of Correction and Belinda Davis. The filing date is September 03, 2008, and this case deals with Prisoner: Civil Rights as per 42 U.S.C. § 1983 Prisoner Civil Rights. Judge Martin is presiding over this matter, and no jury trial is demanded.
More Information about >>> ✅ Benjamin Omosun, ✅ James Donald, ✅ Belinda Davis 
Georgia,   July 18, 2007
Case 4:2007cv00104/41393
At the US District Court for the Southern District of Georgia, the legal case 4:2007cv00104/41393 entails Brasseler USA, Inc. and Rich Gates and Komet USA, LLC. The filing date is July 18, 2007, and this case deals with Contract: Other as per 28 U.S.C. § 1332 Diversity-Other Contract. Judge John F. Nangle is presiding over this matter, and no jury trial is demanded.
More Information about >>> ✅ Rich Gates 
Georgia,   August 22, 2008
Case 4:2008cv00168/44820
At the US District Court for the Southern District of Georgia, the legal case 4:2008cv00168/44820 involves Barber and Company of Odum, Inc. and Choice Cap, Inc. Filed on August 22, 2008, this case deals with Plaintiff based on Federal Question. Judge William T. Moore, G. R. Smith is overseeing the proceedings, and it's worth noting that the 15:1114 Trademark Infringement has requested a jury trial.

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